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Fui esperando um shooter e encontrei um jogo de ação baseado em combos corpo a corpo, armas de tiro e poderes elétricos. O gameplay é delicioso e só melhora com uma árvore de melhorias e habilidades muito recompensadora. O visual é ótimo. Recomendo! Nota 8.5.

Had a great time with this one. Combat was superb, played a bit like God of War 2018 cranked up to Doom Eternal levels of intensity and variety. You're teleporting around the arena doing launchers and air juggles with an electric gauntlet, whipping out flamethrowers and gattling guns, throwing sticks of dynamite, tons of fun stuff.

The levels were structured like an Xbox 360 game, following a mostly linear path through combat arenas and light puzzle solving with secrets tucked away in the map's corners.

Story was really disjointed, to the point that it got kinda distracting. I wasn't expecting much, but I did find myself asking questions like "wait, what are they talking about? who? how did they get there?" more often than I figured.

Towards the end of the game, they start throwing you in to these really cramped arenas that are just PACKED with enemies, to the point that the execution animations can't play properly for all the enemies crowding around you. Lots of repeated deaths, but I never got so frustrated that I needed to stop playing to cool off. I imagine this might change on higher difficulties, seeing as I played on Normal.

I have my nitpicks, but Evil West was a hoot and I'm glad I got the chance to play with Game Pass. For people who love intense action games, this is a must. If they ever make Evil West 2, I'll be there for it.

This has been the most conflicting game I’ve played so far this year. There’s so many things that I can appreciate about the game but there’s also a lot of things that just didn’t stick with me. I will say though, I like how focused this game is on its purpose. It knows it’s supposed to be a fun game first and I can feel that even though theres plenty of flaws. I saw this game on Game Pass and tried it on a whim, expecting to play something sort of like a mix of Evil Dead or Van Helsing. That’s what I got and it’s decently enjoyable, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t struggle to finish the game a few times.

For starters, I fucking love the entire aesthetic of it. It’s like I said earlier about feeling like a mix of Evil Dead and Van Helsing, and I’d even say it sort of reminds me of Darkwatch in some areas. I wasn't super immersed in the world, but it feels like they actually put passion into making it all interesting to traverse through. Not to mention, Jesse and Edgar’s designs look badass too. I can’t remember much from the soundtrack but I thought it fit most of what was going on decently enough. The visual presentation alone is strong enough to probably draw some people to this game and rightfully so. In fact, I don’t think they ever dropped the ball on the environments this whole time.

Okay, so when playing the game I thought it would be a lot more focused on the gun play, but surprisingly the melee combat is what they introduce first. It’s simple as shit but I appreciate that they made Jesse capable all around instead of making him a sitting duck without ammo. Speaking of which, there is no ammo. It’s a choice I welcome because with this combat I feel like it would be a slog trying to scavenge for ammo on top of managing the enemies. Now you could do a decent amount of mix-ups with your abilities to juggle and lay heavy damage on foes, but it’s honestly not as DMC-ish as I heard. I don’t feel like the juggling ever really advances past how it’s introduced. Also I gotta talk about the leveling system because my god it’s fucking atrocious. This alone makes the middle game feel so awkward to get through because you earn perks at this weirdly slow, yet not slow, pace that feels unnatural. This is where I put down the controller for multiple days just because it was like playing through mud. It should feel like you’re gradually getting stronger overall but instead it feels more like you’re still Jesse from the start but with a new trick. Granted, when you have most of your abilities towards the end game, the combat starts to feel natural again. It’s really satisfying holding crowds of enemies back while laying into a larger enemy then immediately shifting back towards other threats to take care of. Although this also brings about another issue where some of these enemies are spongey as hell, and it’s worse when they make you fight multiple of these large enemies at once because you’re just chipping all of their health bars away until they die. It’s better when they give you enough changes to get energy charges so you can mitigate this issue. The combat just feels like it’s taking both a step backwards and forwards, but I personally enjoy it more than I don’t.

Now for the part where I have issue finding what to say. To be honest, I didn’t have an interest on the story. It felt like they did try, but it all just comes out feeling flat with the dialogue, the characters, and the pacing. The pacing is something I noticed the most because it’s also sort of awkward to me. I know the game is very focused on being a game, but it just felt weird being dropped straight into every level after one or two scenes of exploring a mostly empty location. I wanted to like the characters more too but I feel like some of them don’t get enough time that they need, or the others are just characters that have mostly been done before but better. I would’ve loved to see Jesse and Edgar go back and forth more often since they’re long time friends but Edgar is one character that I don’t think is in the story as often as he should be. Felicity just feels like she has the same flat note of being the creepy little girl and I honestly couldn’t have been bothered to pay too much attention to her.

Evil West is a decently enjoyable time but my god it had some places where it should have grown a bit. I wanted to like it more than I did but I still liked it enough that I wouldn’t mind seeing Evil West come back in some way. If they ever did a sequel for this game that fixes the issues and polishes everything, then I’d gladly pick it up and play it. As it is now though, give it a cautious attempt through Game Pass or borrowing it if you can. It’s an interesting game that I think warrants a try, if at least so you can form your opinion on it and see if it’s something you’re interested in.

Mannnn... like mannnnn, I want to like this game dude. Something about pushing together the cowboy versus supernatural really makes me hyped as hell, but this game is so so so unpolished, so amateurish, and so placeholder. For what the story is on paper, they really fumble it. The combat is also super uninteresting and feels so weightless. Not to mention how generic and lame all the enemies are, the game at times genuinely feels like a very finely crafted asset flip like all of these mechanics belonged in some other kind of game and they pasted store bought unity assets over the top. Definitely not an awful game, but had enough downsides that after stepping away for a few days, I had no desire to get back into it.

Quite good , Really fun western / zombie mod :)

Garlic? Crucifixes? Nah son, here ya go: a shotgun, some C4 and a big ass metal glove, go punch Dracula in the face.

Not for me. If you like DMC or something maybe but its not my thing and its so linear it might as well be an on-rails shooter

estoy harto del diseño de niveles omegalineal de pseudoAAA que tienen la mayoría de campañas singleplayer modernos que no son mundos abiertos. habitaciones de enemigos seguidas de secciones de "traversal" que son más cercanos a tocar botones en un cacharro de Fisher-Price que jugar a un videojuego real. tira de la palanca! dale a la A aqui específicamente aquí para saltar! realiza un ¿puzle? de disparar cosas random! eres un bebé muy capaz, serás el primero en las trincheras

haced algo más interesante! billones de dólares gastados en gráficos para que el 90% del nivel acabe siendo atrezzo. What a Waste!

Writing has never been Wild Hog's strong suit, and Evil West doesn't really change that.

At the very least the writing is more palatable than the Shadow Warrior series, exchanging its nerdy wannabe cool guy for a comparably toxic example of masculinity, but at least he isn't such an annoyingly nerdy incel smartass. Still, with a bit of #NoHomo the moment a man dares to show he cares about another and not enough actual feminism in the portrayal of its only positive female character to convince you that they know how to write female characters, it could be unbearable, and yet they manage to somehow keep it bearable enough to not skip the cutscenes, even if they do add little to the enjoyment of the game, just enough context to string the McGuffin-filled missions together.

It's a good thing the game is otherwise enjoyable - while it begins slow and promising little, it starts becoming increasingly complicated (but never too much) and hence more enjoyable with each new weapon you unlock and with its rather neat upgrade system where most of the upgrades actually feel like they add something new to the game, be it considerable damage or a fun effect (my favourite - grenades spawning electric tornadoes) as opposed to just rising some minor thing by 2% like half of these games that saw upgrade systems are all the rage but don't know how to make them actually interesting.

Playing it on Normal I also found the game to have an optimised sense of difficulty where it always feels like you might not make it, and yet usually do - it keeps the player on their toes, trying to use all the game’s systems to the best effect, without ever becoming frustrating, the few bosses I had to try again once or twice hardly a bother.

Which is good because the game has no problems throwing insane-seeming amounts and combinations of monsters at you, most of the bosses showing up as cannon fodder soon enough, what first seemed impossible soon what you eat for breakfast, even if you have to crunch extra hard to make it.

Which is good because it's so enjoyable to tackle them, and it covers up quite nicely that some of the places you're fighting in have very little to show for themselves, half the finale taking place in a huge empty room right out of a 00’s shooter.

But there are some really nice looking maps as well, and I captured more than a few screenshots of some especially gorgeous-looking moments, even telling my partner to look up from the Switch. The character's movement and action also feels nicely weighty, a far cry from Shadow Warrior, another thing I disliked about that game.

All in all, it's a solid 7 - a game safely skippable by those who have little interest in shooters, but a surprisingly fun time to everybody else thanks to its varied and meaty combat system and adequately challenging opponents. Enjoying westerns also helps. If the writing was any good, I might even love it, but as it is, I just enjoyed it, but hey - that's better than half these fuckers I try.

i really didn`t liked this game.

I can point two good things, art direction and combat.

Now i will develop things i didn't like about this game, the story is very poor, the characters same, soundtrack is not memorable and i particularly think that levels are too prolonged.

Combate e ambientação maravilhosos. Mas a historia é mt genérica e meio meh

Oyunun genel bölüm dizaynı ağırlıklı olarak arena savaşı üzerine tasarlanmış. Bölümde istenilen yere ulaşmak için arenaya girip düşmanlarla savaşıyorsunuz. Ulaşmanız gereken yere kadar da bu döngü çoğunlukla devam ediyor. Zaman zaman çeşitli platform bulmacalarıyla oyun temposu az biraz değişiyor. Oyun içerisinde hem yakın dövüşü hem de silahlı aksiyon sekanslarını barındırıyor ama ağırlıklı olarak yakın dövüş ile oyunu oynuyorsunuz. Yakın dövüş gerçekten çok zevkli attığınız her bir yumruğu rahatlıkla hissedebiliyorsunuz. God of War'ın yakın dövüşünü sanki düşük bütçeli şekilde yapmışlar gibi hissettiriyor. Karakter gelişimiyle de yakın dövüşte farklı farklı kombolar oluşturabiliyorsunuz. Silah kullanımları da gayet efektif. Ana 3 silahımızın her birinin kendine has bir özelliği bulunuyor. Ana 3 silahımızı yakın dövüş sırasında kullanabiliyor ve böylelikle ekstra daha farklı kombolar oluşturabiliyoruz. Ayrıca hem karakter gelişimi hem de silahların gelişimi oyun boyunca büyük oranda hissediliyor. Oyun başında ki karakterinizle oyun sonunda ki karakteriniz arasında hissedilir bir fark oluyor. Oyunun en temel problemi bölüm dizaynının çoğu zaman tekrar etmesi, düşman, mini boss ve boss'ların büyük oranda kendini tekrar etmesi ve hikayenin zayıf olması olabilir. Eğer ki aksiyon dolu bir oyun arıyorsanız oyununuz kesinlikle Evil West ama içerisinde iyi de bir hikaye anlatsın istiyorsanız Evil West çok da size göre bir oyun olmayabilir. İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın

esse jogo é tão conflitante que me dá dor de cabeça falar bem e/ou mal dele. é tão maneiro no combate quanto um jogo de Playstation 2, mas ainda assim tem uma história tão tenebrosa com uma ambientação bonita, porém sem grandes interações interessantes. o jogo é muito bom, mas possuí vários defeitos que não passam despercebidos e são gritantes. essa minha nota doeu pois amei jogar, e se tiver sequência eu com certeza vou estar lá.

Doesn't overstay it's welcome. It knows it's a ps2 game released for modern audiences and it's okay with that. Pretty fun.

Evil west é um jogo medíocre, o combate desse jogo seria bem melhor como hack n Slash sinceramente e suas Boss Fights não entregam nada grandioso que faz com que esse jogo seja uma decepção

Fun combat mechanics, the guns feel and handle well, and the game does a good job making players user all of the weapons and tools. Not much variety in the levels, they consists of walking down a hallway to an encounter, then going down another hallway to the next encounter. The story is ok, but is filled with overused tropes and cliches.

Evil West mixes wild west aesthetics with supernatural elements in an action-packed setting, but suffers from clunky mechanics and a predictable storyline, ultimately underdelivering on its promising concept.

This game feels like it wants to me DMC but forgets several key features, most importantly, a combo meter, and rewards for keeping said combo. The story is fine but still feels like a cheapish 2000s movie (which has its charm). But the gameplay is just an on-rails fighter without the things that make action games interesting.

Evil West pra mim, é um jogo clássico da era do Xbox 360. Personagens brutamontes com frases de efeito, paleta de cores desbotada, gameplay linear e movimentação bruta; E por essas e outras que fazem dele um jogo de ação e porradaria excelente, que puxa desde algo de God Hand até um Devil May Cry.

Meus maiores pontos de crítica aqui seriam a sua história que é enrolada demais, com capítulos bem desnecessários que não levam a história pra frente, o que acaba respingando nos personagens, que recebem pouco com o que trabalhar, não permitindo o jogador criar vinculos muito duradouros com eles. E também os puzzles que são bem aquém do esperado, e até realmente sem necessidade em um jogo como esse. Se a porradaria franca e o combate são o foco, pra quê perder tempo com puzzles bobos e cansativos?

Mas seus pontos negativos não abalam a ação ensandecida que é Evil West, com um combate absoluto e ágil, repleto de artimanhas e até mesmo uma Skill Tree, limitada mas bem funcional, que consegue te deixar animado em toda luta, mesmo com a pouca variedade de inimigos.

TLDR: Ótimo jogo, recomendo pra quem curte porradaria franca em vampiros arrombados.

Gráficos bons, história fraca e gameplay...ok. Bom pra passar o tempo e se irritar, apenas.

Pretty good. Kinda like a throwback to action games from the 360/PS3 era. Nothing mind-blowing but it's worth a play.

É tipo se god of war e red dead redemption tivessem um filho e esse filho fosse rebelde, esse foi o resultado

Eğer doom eternal ı sevdiyseniz ve tps kovboy temalı bir oyun oynamak isterseniz güzel bir alternatif. Boş zamanlarınızda gidin western temalı bu dünyada vampir yaratık neyin öldürün. Oynanışta güzel. Tabii bir kalaslık var tabii bir doom eternal değil. Özellikle finisherlarda bunu hissediyorsunuz ama yinede tatmin edici güzel bir oyun. Tam 2A kalitesinde bir oyun. Ara sahneleri falan var bazı quick time eventli olaylar neyin var. Meraklısına oyun içi bir sürü belge neyin koymuşlar. Onlar olmadan da hikayeyi anlarsınız bu arada. Plot twistli mwistli tatlı kafa dinlendirmelik bir oyundu benim için. Oynanışa düşman çeşitliliğine ve oturaklılığa biraz daha önem verilseymiş daha yüksek bir puanı da hakedebilirmiş ama bu haliyle bile oynaması hoş güzel bir oyun.

Evil west es raro. Me encontré con demasiados bugs (quedarme atascado con objetos invisibles, los enemigos dejaban de moverse, pantallas en negro), la historia es mala y siento que todo lo que no era combate fue aburrido. Es por eso que el combate le hace demasiado carry al juego. Terminé yendo por una build de spam de electricidad y usaba más los puños que las armas a distancia, esto hizo que el combate me pareciera aún mejor. Siendo sincero, es lo único que de verdad sentí que avanzó. Cada mecánica nueva cambiaba por completo el feeling del combate. De resto, mid.

I liked Trek to Yomi and SW3 made by Flying Wild Hog so I gave this game a chance and finished it on the highest difficulty.

The idea of combining western, demons and beat 'em up combat seemed perfect for me and I ended up conflicted about the game. I love how juicy is the combat. You can feel those heavy fists, meat and blood of demons on your hands. There are a lot of tools you get over time and everything is useful and fun. Really good skill tree. Big variety of enemies and cool bosses keeps game fresh.

Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that the combat kinda sucks. Sometimes you just use roll animation through the arena to not get hit. Using dodge and parry feels inconsistent. Once you meet new miniboss, be ready to fight against four of them at the same time later on. ITS NOT FUN. And dodging attacks that cannot be parried is still a mystery for me. One time projectile misses your protag, but still does damage. Other time you can just roll through the attack and be untouched. Also only cool combo you can make is to juggle weak enemy for max 4 seconds in the air by punching or shooting.

Level design is okay. Most locations looks good. But I hate when you forced to pull some shit to open that, there is too many of that. And some checkpoints are not placed in front of the entrance to the arena when you died, but you respawn before you solved the "puzzle" so you have to repeat that.

Story is just okay, the protag could be more badass and the world was better introduced in cutscenes.

If you are looking for fun and juicy combat, I still recommend it. Playing on other difficulties than "evil" should be more fun.

Game is fucking cool. Whole ass junk food of a game. Reminds me of Doom, but in 3rd person, it's insanely cool to combo and mish mash all of your attack together to create the most mayhem possible. Game's a blast, gameplay's fire. Everything else is just kind of not there, though. The story is not special at all, animations during cutscenes and when characters stand still are laughable at best and voice acting is actually pretty good. This game is a solid-ass experience. Really enjoyed it from beginning to end.

Um ótimo jogo de ação, mas com alguns problemas.

A história é boa, tem bons personagens, mas nada de mais. Os gráficos são bem bonitos, os cenários são bem únicos e a ambientação no geral é boa. Possui uma quantidade até que decente de inimigos, armas e habilidades.

O foco do jogo é sem dúvida o combate, não chega a ser um souls like, mas é necessário pegar o padrão dos inimigos e aprender o momento certo de atacar. Porém, os principais problemas do jogo estão no combate mesmo.

Não ter a opção de travar a mira nos inimigos atrapalha muito, visto que o jogo te coloca contra hordas e hordas de inimigos e você não consegue acompanhar o movimento de alguns monstros. Sem contar quando os eles te prendem na parede e não tem nada o que se possa fazer, a não ser aceitar a morte.

Outro aspecto que eu preciso elogiar são as lutas contra chefes. São poucas, mas são únicas e cada uma precisa usar uma estratégia diferente.

Evil West não se destaca em questão enredo, mas possui uma boa gameplay e um bom combate que, mesmo as vezes sendo frustrante, diverte.