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in the past

Played this game at launch and haven't felt like playing it through again since, but Fallout 4 is a lot of fun when you're shooting and exploring but the story and questing segments in-between are painfully mediocre to bad.

The gunplay is fine and I enjoyed exploring the Commonwealth but the RPG elements are toned down so much that they might as well not be here. In particular, I take huge issue with the voiced protagonist (not the acting, it was fine), it had such a negative impact on the whole dialogue system that not even mods can really fix due to the, at max, four responses an NPC can give you when you are given a choice. The story is uninteresting with pretty poor writing and very few likeable characters. Also, the way they did the whole "choose a side just to get this ending" thing was done so poorly (in part due to the lack of a real Reputation system), it felt pretty rushed in the end.

It's pretty disappointing to me as a Fallout game but I had a good time with it, overall. Most of the DLC was pretty shit but I highly recommend checking out the Far Harbor expansion if you enjoyed the synth related and Nick Valentine quest lines. It still has many issues that the base game does but with a more interesting setting and much improved writing.

I saw this game when it came out and thought it looked real fun. Played it for a couple hours, then dropped and sold it. Haven't had the urge to give it another try.

First fallout game I've played, heard its not the best but it's very fun so far

so much content, NPCs are hilarious to mess around with, quick to beat if you want

What more could you want?!

Edit: If you hate this game, FUCK YOU

Such an underrated game, second best Fallout game.

Been on my replay of this one the last few weeks and just a little thought so far but ... it's the little things in Fallout, you know?

This is a really fun, really great game in so many ways that also manages to drive me nuts sometimes. I came here to write this because of one particular 'little moment' where attention to detail was lost:

While speaking to Jack Cabot upon arriving at his home, he asks the player character if they believe in other intelligent life in the universe. An hour before I began this quest, I killed a 'little green man' extraterrestrial and then took its little Alien Blaster in which I had it equipped at the moment of chatting with Mr. Cabot. None of that reflected a dialogue choice with him that not only do I believe in them, I straight-up shredded one into the ground.

Had this been a moment in Fallout 1 / 2 / New Vegas, there's a really good chance you'd have been able to go "Well shit yeah I do, his green goo-blood is under my fucking boot!" or something of the sort haha.


Fallout 4 is a game I've put an embarrassing amount of hours into. Yet, it's my second least favorite Fallout game, and I also think it's a fantastic game at the same time! It doesn't have a great story, but it does a good job with just being a blast to play, and being highly moddable at that. While it's not as much of an RPG as previous entries and more of a looter shooter disguised as an RPG, Fallout 4 still stands as Bethesda's last great game. The fantastic Far Harbor DLC also bumps it up as well.

Score: 86

it is so confusing to me that this is the direction the fallout series went in. base building looter shooter- none of these words are in the bible (FNV is the bible). the classic Bethesda problem of a game bloated with so many completely different mechanics and none of them particularly unique, creative, or boundary pushing. for what it's worth, I'm mostly glad this game exists, and I absolutely got my money's worth out of it. I had a really good time. it is just frustrating that this game's success actively precludes the development of a new fallout in the vein of the classics.

Otimo jogo, evoluiu muito o combate comparado aos outros games, mas de longe tem a pior missao principal, e é muito confusa tbm

Apesar de limitar grandemente o impacto das escolhas do jogador no mundo e limitar grandemente o decorrer de diálogos, Fallout 4 possui o melhor gameplay da franquia, com um mapa rico e interessante de observar e explorar.

Fallout 4 é um ERRO!

Os problemas de Fallout 4 começam quando você chega em Boston pela primeira vez. Os gráficos, são decepcionantes para um jogo lançado em 2015, com modelos de personagens e animações faciais que parecem ter sido retirados da era do Xbox 360. A jogabilidade, embora sendo aceitável em alguns aspectos, é repetitiva e não necessita da profundidade e inovação que os fãs da série esperavam. Além disso, as opções de diálogo, que são bem importantes para a franquia Fallout, foram simplificadas ao extremo, reduzindo a (sim, talvez, não e sarcasmo) e ambos as respostas são sim. A falta de variedade e profundidade nas interações com os NPCs tira muito da imersão que os jogadores esperam encontrar em um mundo aberto como Fallout. E, é claro, não podemos ignorar os vários bugs e glitches que acontecem direto na gameplay (Bethesda né). Desde problemas de colisão até NPCs que simplesmente desaparecem do mapa, e aliás, tem os crashamentos que ocorrem muito nessa nova atualização, isso é inaceitável pelo orçamento GIGANTE que esse jogo teve na época.

Fallout 4 é uma decepção para os fãs da série. Com gráficos ultrapassados até para sua época, jogabilidade sonolenta, opções de diálogo PODRES e um monte de problemas técnicos, o jogo simplesmente não consegue oferecer a experiência interessante e imersiva que prometia (Joguem Fallout New Vegas).

Wow. I really enjoyed this game, the characters, the weapons, the story. Idunno why this one clicked with me so hard, but definitely glad i sat my ass down and give it a try.

Revisiting this game due to the next-gen update and overall I still really enjoyed myself. The world is easily my favourite to explore and get immersed in, combined with fun gunplay and a strong gameplay loop. Sadly it doesn't change the fact that the quests/dialogue and presentation of the lore of this game is overall poor. I made the effort to do the majority of the companion quests this time and there's some decent stuff there but it's a drop in the bucket. We genuinely need the gameplay of this game, combined with the writing quality and quest design of Fallout 1, 2 and NV.

El mejor fallout, lo siento mucho pero es así, en cuento a graficos historia personajes etc no se queda atrás en nada, ademas de tener los mejores dlcs

I will never understand how many people don't like this game. It has to be a loud minority, right?

best gun play in the series, but shitty dialogue system, shitty quests/main sorry, and shitty companions I dont care about AND THE ANNOYING BITCH ASS MINUTE MEN

Amazing game, main story was a bit short but other than that the expansive open world and numerous side quests can keep you occupied for ages

Such a stupid game in every way possible. I don't know if I'll ever gather enough willpower to finish it.

First played a couple of years ago and wasn't into it and didn't finish it. Retried this time with a max intelligence build focusing on modding weapons and upgrading my power armor so that i could actually wear the power armor full time. I think picking an actual build and idea of what I should be doing made me enjoy it much more. While the world was super cool to explore the story wasn't my favorite. It felt like I could never ask the important questions to characters, and every faction had unclear intents.

Playing rn and there is so much to do in this game, so many side quests and so much to explore. Takes place in Mass and I know these places. Buildings can be repetitive but I still like the game. Might shelve for now

HATED ON FOR NO REASON, it’s amazing i loved it and idc what anyone else says cause it’s MY thoughts but NV and 3 are def better.

I could complain about the goofy perk system, the removal of skills, the voiced and limited player dialogue, the stinky factions and more, but honestly, none of that really matters. Fallout 4 was really fun to play, I enjoyed almost every minute of it, and that's what counts. It wasn't the sequel I wanted but it's just more Fallout and I love Fallout so what's there to complain about. I sunk 50 hours into it in two weeks and still could play more.

I had to put the game down in 2016 because the original console release game me horrible motion sickness, but I'm really glad I went back to it. Already want to play again with a new build and a new faction.

BEST GAMEPLAY OF ANY FALLOUT GAME. I don't like how dialogue got nerfed, but the gameplay (which trumps all) is sooooo good. Gotta finish this game

Had a decent time trying out the current-gen update and being able to finally play the game at an adult framerate/resolution but I cannot commit myself to another 100+ hour run of the most boring game I've already finished multiple times over

Fallout 4, Review,
Spoiler Free,

I finished the main story for this game many years ago now and have just recently picked it up again and I pretty much still feel the same way about this game that I did all those years ago.

Fallout 4 is another ambitious western RPG from Bethesda who have always done a great job of immersing me in their worlds. This is my only real experience with any game in this series and I think it is a really fun RPG. The world is interesting, I like pretty much all the characters and the main story while a little corny at times can be a great way of engaging you with the many different factions. My first playthrough I was with the Railroad which lead me to quite the satisfying ending and I am excited to try playing as the Brotherhood of Steel in this current playthrough.

I also think the upgrade system is very addictive with every decision feeling meaningful in some way and can help tailor your play style. I believe that this is the first Fallout game to add base building and while it is a little janky I have had a lot of fun finding materials to build out my settlement to represent some kind of Wasteland empire. That mechanic in of itself has enough hours to sustain a whole game.

In terms of negatives, I do think the Bethesda jank can be a little annoying here. I have had plenty of crashes and the fact that the expansions almost break the game is very frustrating. The fact that a lot of this is also focused on action game play and Bethesda didn't do a good job with combat at all is also annoying. This would be my least favourite combat in any Bethesda game because its so unsatisfying.

Overall, Fallout 4 is a pretty great game that I do recommend to you, the game definitely has its quirks but I think it comes out the other end as another quality release from Bethesda.

This review contains spoilers

This game is great when fallout players aren't breathing down your next that the game isnt bad. Screw the railroad, screw the minutemen, Institute all the way, I love robots so much. This game was unfortunately also 100%

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