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in the past

Some say that the best things are those that take its time in the oven before fully baking, and let me tell ya…

Tour de Pizza fucking COOKED.

It's almost heartwarming to see this realized: I still remember those first Pizza Tower demos on Twitter and Youtube and the Noise always being in the forefront, either as a boss of major part or them or an outright playable character. As we all know, in the final game he’s World 3’s final boss, not even the main antagonist of the game, tho that didn’t stop this psychotic gremlin from being charming as hell… but nah, I really wanted the fucker to be playable, and more than a year later, he’s here, to the dismay of all Italians.

I would have still felt satisfied if Noise felt less interesting or exciting to play as than Peppino, ‘cause I mean, it’s goddam Peppinno, but no, they just HAD to go all out and make a banger move set. I still don’t really know which of the two is my favorite, but that’s just a testIment of how fucking fun Noise is and how it accomplished what it’s going for: to make you feel that you aren’t playing as an overstressed cook, but as a goddam ANIMAL.

If Pepinno was the ‘’fight or flight’’ concept personified, then Noise is just the FIGHT, he cheats the game’s puzzles how many times necessary, he super jumps whenever he wants, he doesn’t need of Gustavo and Brick to save him, he’s got himself! Literally! Like there’s another one of him just becauseWHAT THE HELL IS THIS CHARACTER. And I mean, they gave him the sausage gatling, so at this point I’m pretty confident saying the game is finally whole, this is it chief, happiness has been found.

It taps once again into that sheer adrenaline burst that the first playthrough perfect, but in a completely unhinged way. Once you learn how everything about this mad lad works, everything clicks, the levels break open and the amount of tricks you’ll be performing are second nature: skate wall jumps, tornado spins into dives into jumps into more tornado spins, pizza crushers that demolish everything without much of a sweat and using it is super easy, and that’s not even mentioning how ALL extra mechanics, like the ghost transformation or the rocket, are completely changed to fit this rat brain’s way of acting, and it’s exciting to learn and glorious to master. They somehow found a way to make WAR harder yet more fun. HOW.

One would think that, since it isn’t a boss anymore, part of Noise’s completely unhinched persona would be lost in translation to playability, yet that couldn’t be further from the truth. Some levels even change lay-outs to fit him better and be more fun, but at this point I think it was the Noise himself that changed the before entering to make his life easier. His animations, how all title cards just have different drawings of his face on top of the characters, his ‘’no thoughts’’ face each time he fights a boss and how he can DEMOLISH them with the bombs (whoever thought of that should get a raise, they are so fun to use), some new songs that I'm 99% sure are just the sounds that play inside of Noise's head, it’s INSANE, as it should and then some.

It's Pizza Tower, it obviously was gonna be insane and good, but this is next level from what I was expecting, and I’m so happy it’s here. Noise Mouse is real bois, just that justifies completely another playthrough of this game, having bomb combos and level variations is the cherry on top…

Still, huge missed opportunity to not have Noisette or any other bosses playable in the Gustavo and Brick sections, like yeah, more Noise is fun, but I just think that- Oh dear, no I didn’t mean to- OH GOD THERE ARE 100 NOISES SURROUNDING MY HOME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

It's Pizza Tower but with a much smoother, more overpowered character but with a higher skill ceiling. It's like playing with training wheels off oh and also the bike is a motorcyle now.

This review contains spoilers

This figurative side dish to Pizza Tower featuring everyone's favourite lunatic donning yellow could've arrived in the form of a humble reskin...but it is so much more than that.

As phrased by the devs as a pseudo new game+, going through the Tower is relatively the same; the levels are the same, the bosses are the same, the collectibles are still the same.

Instead, where the real grooves start to show is in the brand new playable character itself - the public menace, the Noise - and how he shapes the game's foundations around himself rather than the other way around.

In comparison to Peppino, he's a lot more slippery and frantic, but with an emphasis on vertical/aerial movement, which both suits his personality as a character while building upon the basic moveset you've been given in the base game and twisting it into something that feels fresh and fun to play.
You can chain together some truly insane movements to almost fly through some sections.

There is a good amount of levels that include small gameplay changes that, at times, make them feel like refreshed or alternative versions of those levels; But what is really cool is that all of these changes, in one way or another, always serve to emphasize and showcase the Noise's personality.

Behind the deceivingly goofy and clumsy facade, he's an absolute belligerent asshole with an inflated ego, a taste for mischief...and disregard for honour or dignity towards anyone that stands in his way.
He yawns whenever anyone tries to be intimidating, and disrespects everyone around him any chance he gets.
In boss fights, he throws bombs from a distance instead of fists. He cheats in Vigilante's duel, scares Fake Pep in the chase sequence, and literally nukes Pizzahead in the final brawl atop the Tower.
He is simply a selfish, crazed maniac that flips like a switch between silly, endearing frolicking and psychotic outbursts.

Even The Crumbling Tower of Pizza goes on to cement this in stone by relaying the crescendo of the finale into a dramatic, guns ablazing power fantasy trip down the tower.
Whereas originally you escape with all the characters you met along the way in a triumphant, upbeat stride that I can only describe as being ecstatically accented by the song 'Bye Bye There!', the Noise's escape is a callous breakbeat of a slipaway; Led by somber, beckoning guitar wails and 80s synths duets (capstoned with a delightful Pizza Mayhem leitmotif), you only escape with three of your pals (Noisette, Noisey and the bucket - YES, A BUCKET) while kicking everyone else off the track.

My one complaint about this DLC is something that could very well be a nitpick, but I was disappointed by the Doise bossfight since I genuinely thought they'd reverse the roles and we'd get to fight Peppino.
The story behind the Doise is neat, but, I just think Pep would've been a really cool bossfight with a new moveset that we as the players are familiar with, but in different perspective mirrored at us.

Despite my complaint, it's very obvious even from the outset that a huge amount of effort went into this DLC even though it's completely free, and once again speaks to the love and care that the devs have towards this game.
Frankly I have nothing but respect for the devs, my hat goes off to them.
Looking forward to seeing where they go next in their creative pursuits.

Might be one of the best free updates I've ever seen to a game. It goes all-in on the perspective shift of playing as the Noise and it's honestly hilarious. Of course the Noise doesn't play by the game's rules - he's the Noise!

The moveset will absolutely feel jarring at first but gradually becomes as second nature as Peppino's. I do think it would have been cool to see at least one level designed for it, but it honestly mixes up things enough to make all the levels feel completely different already. It's much faster too, which is really neat!

A fantastic New Game+ made for those who have mastered Peppino. With the new tracks, lots of goofy gags, and a playable Noise changing how you approach levels (especially with the tornado and wall bounce GOD those are so fun), this is a must-play if you have beaten the main game.

Not a review, just some personal highlights:

The new music is good and stands up to the insanely high quality of the original tracks. I'd be lying if I said I always preferred the new tracks but I'd rather it be this way than if there was no new music.
The way the Noise interacts with various stage gimmicks is incredible. Pizza Tower has always been masterful at conveying characters non-verbally and this update just continues doing that perfectly.
The Noise feels a bit more advanced in comparison to Peppino. It takes a bit to learn him but mastering him allows for things you couldn't have dreamt of before and it's just great. Perfect for being a reward for clearing the game as Peppino.

It's insane to think that this game has not one, but two of the best playing characters in its genre now. I couldn't kiss its ass enough even if I tried

Howdy howdy y'all, it's your bestest and most favoritest star in all of Steamywood, DA NOISE! Can you smell what the Noise ain't cookin'?! Cause I can sure smell what Peppino was cookin', yowie wowie what a stench. This game blew so much hot ass before I showed up didn't it?! Could ya believe it?! They left me as just the third boss. THE THIRD BOSS. Me?! The Noise?! Boise, Idaho's favorite boi with the most poise?! There's a new director in town baby, and the academy's gonna be unprepared for this greatness. They're gonna give me a gajillion Oscars, and the Dorito Pope will be giving me every game of the year award for every year going forward and every past year too, because everything else is gonna be trash in comparison. Why bother making anything else? The Noise is here.

Woag. lights giant cigar with fancy zippo lighter with his own face on it

You see, The Noise don't play by anyone's rules, no sir/ma'am/mx. When The Noise plays golf, golf is actually played by The Noise. Numbers are made up and points don't matter, so who cares? Every burg is a primo burg when The Noise cooks. If you're not trying, you're not cheating. What if The Noise doesn't feel like racing? What about that ya stupid rocking horse? How about I give you a nuclear wedgie instead and beat the prize out of ya?! I ain't deliverin' no pizza, ya damn gnomes can get it yourself. That shit is positively abhorrent I must say! (sips tea) I'll destroy every house that actively orders that garbage. Don't cry to me when you see your fancy gnome cottage go flying to the third moon of Jupiter. YOU DID THIS! Take it from me kid, you'll go a lot further in this business when you see it the noisy way.

Ya see, I ain't like that lousy pastry chef, I'm a handsome and incredibly tall man with a college degree and a very beautiful girlfriend. I taught that Tony Bird guy how to do the 900 McNuttly Twist so he could become a Pro Skater, and I always know to shoot first and ask questions later. The personification of chaos, a chaos that Jack Garland wants none of. However you gotta know kid, that since you're no longer playing a shit chef with shit expectations, there comes much bigger demands from someone as POWERFUL and GOOD LOOKING as I am. You see, The Noise ALWAYS S-Ranks at minimum, I don't care what my producers say about being nicer about the lower ranks. I took a massive paycut to say what I fuckin' said if you ever D-rank in my general vicinity. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE IN FOR IF THAT SCENARIO HAPPENS, CAPEESH?!? A-rank may be acceptable to you, but if it were up to me it'd stand for ASS! I take nothing else, ya hear?! Now if you excuse me, the GF is a-waitin' for me. Don't be having any skillet issues on me, or there's gonna be a bit of a crockpot conundrum.


With Love to his adoring fans,
Your boi the Noise

P.S. Woag.


Bring the noise!

So, The Noise update for Pizza Tower dropped, so I figured what better way to christen my new Steam Deck than doing a full playthrough of the update in one sitting?

When I first played Pizza Tower last year, I was shocked by the quality of it. The animation felt ripped straight out of a 90's cartoon we never got. The level design was astounding, offering plenty of ways to keep momentum to allow players to attempt to get "P" ranks. The music was flawless, with tunes being catchy and memorable (I may have bought the OST immediately after beating the game).

Pizza Tower was a gift, and it proves to be a gift that keeps on giving with this update. Here, we take the role of The Noise, an antagonist in the main game. While you're able to travel at mach speeds with him as easily as you did with Peppino, The Noise has a few tricks up his sleeves. His moveset varies slightly from Peppino's, with him not being able to run up walls and being able to super jump without building up speed, for example. The Noise also uses each gimmick ability differently from Peppino, making it feel like a fresh experience when you encounter them. This all does a good job of making this playthrough not feel like just a retread of the original game, as you now have to adapt to different styles of gameplay with each stage, as well as the slight level alterations made to accommodate The Noise's unique moveset.

While there technically aren't any new boss fights here, how you fight bosses has been changed. The Noise attacks bosses by throwing bombs at them, rather than tackling or shooting them like Peppino did. This adds an interesting twist to boss fights as you're now encouraged to keep your distance from bosses while taking advantage of their openings. You also have a small bit of windup to consider when throwing bombs to account for, making it feel like your throws need to count. There is some forgiving elements here, as the bombs will bounce along the floor a bit before exploding, allowing you to still earn a hit if a boss lands on the bouncing bomb while they're vulnerable.

The animations made for The Noise are nothing short of superb. He's highly expressive, and watching him interact with the world will leave you with a smile. There's also a ton of other additions of Noise-centered art to consume as you travel through the tower that are always nice to look at.

Last, but most certainly not least, are the new music tracks. Folks, I'm happy to say that they're all bangers! New tracks replace ones such as "It's Pizza Time!" and they all fit really well! ClascyJitto and Mr. Sauceman went crazy here, and players will be treated with some really strong tracks to keep them pumped during their revisit of the tower.

Overall, this is an excellent addition to the game. If you've played Pizza Tower and are hungry for a reason to jump back in, I highly recommend giving this update a shot!

Snotty approved, baybee!


When it was first announced that The Noise's playable form would not be appearing in the full release of Pizza Tower until sometime after the game had released, I was really interested in seeing what that would lead to. The idea that any of his old unique iterations would be revisited and polished seemed pretty unlikely. Especially with how the levels were designed specifically with Peppino's moveset in mind. And while they very easily could've just reverted him back to a Peppino clone with some tweaked variables as seen in the demos from 2019, it would've been incredibly underwhelming and probably not super fun either considering how slippery he was.

Thankfully neither of these scenarios came true and instead we kind of got the best of both worlds. While Noise keeps all the fundamentals established in Peppino’s moveset, he has multiple unique movement options that change how you approach levels. This leads to a much greater emphasis on aerial movement in comparison. Wall running is replaced with wall bouncing, which gives you an immediate boost in height at the cost of easy wall scaling. This might seem like an immense disadvantage… until you realize you’re allowed to super jump from a standstill, completely offsetting any disadvantages this may bring. You can also chain this wall bounce into any of Noise’s other midair actions such as the drill and Noise Crusher, which act in place of his dive and the bomb drop respectively.

Effective usage of these moves allows you to (quite literally) fly through levels in ways you never could as Peppino. It’s arguably overpowered, which is perfectly fitting for his character. The Noise is a fucking psychopath. He relishes in being the most unlikeable, egotistical, cheating piece of shit to ever walk the face of the earth. And his personality is applied to every single possible corner of his campaign, going as far to outright ignore certain game mechanics so he can have things go his way. He doesn’t even have any good explanation for fighting Pizzaface. He’s doing it simply because he felt like it. The Noise is all around just a horrible person (if he can even be called that), which makes his playthrough contrast Peppino’s in the best way possible.

oh fuck I should have initially checked to see if this was accounted for separately lol
copy pasting my review thing, with some additions:

I brought the noise. I did it.

a lot of fun. comparable to Plague Knight's campaign in Shovel Knight. a slight spinoff with all the things you remember and a bit of new thrown in. I wish there was a bit more new stuff, but I know that's just me feeling greedy haha
Distasteful Anchovi is fucking FIRE, I always looked forward to the escape just because that meant I got to hear it again.
I love how The Noise manages to at least FEEL like he goes even ridiculously faster. I like how, 3 different times, I managed to save myself from falling with some weird jump chain bullshit. I do genuinely enjoy Tiny Noise, so fun to have a Tiny Wario analogue in Pizza Tower. That's What I'm Talkin Bout Babeyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
I don't like The Noise, he's fucked up. and evil. and rude. but I won't deny that it's fun to play as him. like, super fun. a lil tricky, but real fun. so I guess I like him in one sense. eww.

(I copy+pasted my review of this update from a review I made on the base game)

I recently just played the Noise Update, and imma be honest, I don’t know if I prefer Peppino or Noise. On one hand, I prefer Peppino’s control scheme over Noise’s. However, Noise has so much personality compared to Peppino that it’s actually kinda insane how much energy they were able to put into him. With Cuphead for example, ever since the DLC released, Ms Chalice has always been my go-to character, but with this update, I seriously don’t know. But, at the end of the day, it’s still Pizza Tower.

McPig, if you’re reading this, add Pizzahead as a playable character, you underestimate how much I want to play as this Ronald McDonald looking MF.

(Psst, if you want to replay The Doise’s boss fight even after he’s killed, taunt 3 times before entering his boss door, you’re welcome)

An anticipated update to one of my favorite games ever that absolutely managed to deliver. The Noise Update is a great New Game Plus mode for Pizza Tower that makes you feel like you’re playing the game for the first time ever again. It features The Noise as a brand new character to play as with his own unique moveset and different takes on the transformations Peppino undergoes. His moveset and transformation differences are primarily what makes this mode feel fresh and exciting. They're not too drastically different from Peppino, but they're enough to rejuvenate the experience.

The Noise somehow manages to have even faster mobility than Peppino, with lots of ways to keep his momentum going. He can immediately go into a super jump without needing to build speed, his uppercut goes way higher than Peppino’s, and he has his own version of Gustavo and Brick’s Stomp ability. All of the levels in the game feel a bit different thanks to The Noise’s moveset. Going through those stretches in levels with long and wide halls gives you a chance to really relish in just how fast The Noise can go. Aside from hazards, pretty much the only thing that ever slows the Noise down is your own mishandling of his abilities. Controlling The Noise is a challenge in itself, as his speed and movement options require a tad more precision compared to Peppino. Even more so than Peppino, it feels really bad when you run into a hazard or you do something that causes your momentum to falter or come to a halt, simply because of how enjoyable it is moving at top speed. I don’t think I’ll ever set out to get a P-Rank in every level in this game as Peppino, but that goes doubly so for The Noise. I can’t imagine the skill and dexterity required to be able to achieve and maintain the score level necessary for it while also being able to do a Lap 2 during the escape sequences, especially since you’re given less time to complete them than the base game’s.

The boss fights are unchanged, with all the bosses still having the same attack patterns as before. However, the way The Noise fights bosses is different from Peppino. During these battles, The Noise will fight with bombs that he kicks at his opponent. There’s a bit of a wind-up before The Noise kicks the bomb, so you have to time your kicks for the bosses’ small vulnerability windows. There can also be obstacles out on the stage that can block your bombs as well, so you’ll have to manage those while also doing your best to steer clear of the bosses’ attacks. This new approach to fighting bosses is excellent, it’s a great way to make them challenging again, even if you’re already familiar with how they work.

Those are the primary additions to The Noise’s campaign. There’s also some new and hilarious gags, as well as a few great new songs for the soundtrack. The Noise Update is an excellent way to re-experience Pizza Tower. It’s a fresh spin on the core experience while maintaining a standard of quality equivalent to the base game. If you enjoyed the base game, then I consider this a must-play. It goes above and beyond what you’d expect for a New Game Plus mode, and is a substantial and highly enjoyable addition to the game.

I really enjoyed the doise rematch, it was truly one the most engaging boss fights ive seen in years.

The new music took a bit to grow on me but the controls are amazing. It's basically another reason to replay this amazing game. (I hope there's more dlc/characters)

This update FUCKS.
When Mc. Pig described it as a new game +, he wasn't lying.
This update changed a lot of little details overall for Noise's playthrough, and they're all kickass.
Lets start with the big one, ITS THE NOISE.
So Noise has a different focus than Peppino, instead of climbing walls, he bounces around instead, and the moment he touches ground, he can start at mach 2, making him far easier to get fast startups, but keeping it for him is harder, as he can't keep speed that well as he's unable to climb, and using ledges to propulse himself is incredibly hard as the only dive that he can use that does it, is the one when he's stationary, but that tradeoff is still worth it in the end, as he can pull tricks Peppino could never, specially with being able to super jump at any time.
Every level feels new because of Noise's different moveset.
It also helps that the powerups also change with noise.
Knight armor bounces when crashing instead of stopping, chilli wings fire is floatier, ghost can dash instead, etc, it all feels new and fresh, makes approaching the levels even more engaging.
And also they can have bullshit like being able to kill the horses of Fast Food Saloon, Noise cheating and always getting Primo Burg in Golf, most of the levels have new quirks, bossfights too, but no spoilers.
And the new tracks are awesome.
The new John Gutter theme, the Pizza Time and Lap 2 theme, a fucking Unexpectancy part 3 remix, and a new theme for The Crumbling Tower of Pizza called "I need a Noise", which is my new favorite PT theme.
In general this update added so much new content that makes this game even MORE replayable than it was before, and it elevates it even further, which, is insane for what was already one of the best 2D platformers ever.
But that's the power of The Noise
If you beat PT, try playing as The Noise, trust me, its incredible, and you won't regret it.
Top tier update.

ah ah ah i won't be sucked back into pizza tower that easily (he was sucked back into pizza tower that easily)

Serving as a New Game+, The Noise Update is like a whole new game. New movement techniques to master, new music, different levels & just an incredible amount of fun gags.

I think with this playthrough, I greatly appreciated the game more with having time to appreciate the level design, music and humour since my last playthrough. So, this was well worth it.

I do prefer Peppino still :-)

This review contains spoilers

I found the Doise easter egg on complete accident and I think its the hardest I've laughed in a long time

You don't save Mort when leaving the tower so what's the fucking point

How the hell does Mcpig keep making peak, the Noise is such a creature to control at first, but once you finally start getting the hang of him, it's so hard to go back to Peppino due to how fun this guy is to control. He doesn't excel at Peppino in all things but I think that he's different enough to warrant going through the best game of 2023 10x more.

If Peppino was a journey through an anxiety-induced fever dream from a man who's been driven to the very edge of his own helpless sanity, then the Noise is a journey through a man's own vanity, going through the same struggles as Peppino not because he wants to or needs to, but just because he can. Noise is much more akin to Wario than Peppino in this matter then, effortlessly blazing through the tribulations presented to them for the sake of their own greed and ego. With such a shift of character then, playing Pizza Tower as the Noise is not a lame excuse for replayability, however it is a whole new experience within the same game.

Just like Peppino, Noise can go really fast, if not more so. Unlike Peppino though, the Noise cant climb up the walls out of sheer desperation, instead opting for his skateboard to act as more of a wall jump that gets instantaneous speed when landing on the ground. The Noise can also do a tornado spin when using his skateboard that decimates enemies. To counteract this lack of verticality though, the Noise can super jump at any time and has access to an uppercut with much more force and range to it. Bosses are also different, with the Noise deciding to gleefully throw his own bombs around the arena, instead of grabbing the bosses out of abject rage. These new movement options and every transformation having new control methods create not only just a different game feel than Peppino, but one that beautifully balances on the line between a chaotic and smooth experience.

The movement isn't just the only thing that makes playing through Pizza Tower as the Noise feel so fresh, but rather the fact that the Noise is a god damn scumbag cheater. He often just ignores several mechanics in the game, such as changing the stroke limit in golf so that he always gets the primo ‘burg, or not delivering the pizzas in Gnome Forest and instead opts to destroy the customers' homes to get the toppins. Not even the bosses are safe from the Noise's wrath, as he just flat out shoots the Vigilante in the climactic duel and even scares off Fake Peppino in the final chase phase. He doesnt even have his own title cards for each level he just slaps stickers of himself over all the faces that were present in Peppino's adventure. And that's only tipping the iceberg when it comes to all of the delightfully cheesy flourishes that the Noise adds to make for a hilariously cheap playthrough.

The Noise reinforces the chaotic and insane energy of Pizza Tower that, in my opinion, makes it one of the best 2D platformers ever made, and is a more than welcome addition to this amazing game. The Noise even gets some great new music tracks that compliment an already fantastic soundtrack.

Now all we need is a playable Gerome update to make this game a complete masterpiece. Come on Tour de Pizza I know you can do it!!!!!!

The Noise is a fun character design wise because he's designed to be objectively better than Peppino in pretty much every way but to get to that point takes a lot of technical mastery of the character's moveset and it comes with a really engaging learning curve. At the beginning, Noise's limitations were just as apparent as his strengths over Peppino; but once you understand the scope of his moveset and start to do some of the wackier shit it enables that's when the fun really begins.

Ultimately, The Noise Update is just an excuse to play more Pizza Tower. The additional tweaks to the game when playing as Noise are a lot of fun, especially how the game handles the boss battles. The new music tracks where they pop up are fantastic and in line with the base game's OST quality, and the reward you unlock when beating the game is really neat. All in all, pizza tower a good game would put another 20 hours into P ranking all the levels again.

Normally I don't copy-paste, but other people who also played the update early copy-pasted here since this page didn't exist yet, so don't hate me thx :)

Tour De Pizza put so much love, care, and attention into the Noise update! It was a fantastic time and the Noise's new move set really shook up some of the level formulas! I will not be talking about anything other than his moves, as to not spoil the other special moments for what is a glorified new game plus.

Noise's biggest difference from Peppino is his ability to bounce off of walls (and obeys the law of gravity as he is unable to run up them). For levels with a lot of verticality like Bloodsauce Dungeon and Pizza Scare, this poses a challenge as you cannot bounce off of a wall indefinitely. However, Noise can do a super jump on the spot and his uppercut/ upwards grab goes much higher than Peppino's. It is unintuitive if you have muscle memory from the P-ranks, but is a welcome challenge and shakes up how you approach vertical movement.

Noise can also do a spinning tornado move that pulls him to the ground like a magnet. It can be held as long as you like, and it can also break blocks while you freely move left or right. When you exit the move, Noise does a little hop. The tornado has the same input as Peppino's dive, so the little hop at the end can mess with you when you aren't expecting it! The tornado is super versatile though and I found myself using it a lot.

Finally, boss fights have been remixed too. Noise doesn't have a grab attack in these fights, instead opting to throw explosives everywhere. Each boss is the same (with the exception of floor 3), so finding openings to toss bombs is tough but fun! The final boss has some small nuances too but that's worth experiencing for yourself.

Overall, I think I could safely say that Noise controls like Peppino and Gustavo combined, with the tornado as his most unique move. He can bounce off walls and ground pound like Gustavo, and he can grab enemies and super jump like Peppino.

There are so many smaller details that I didn't mention that make this a unique playthrough. The wait was worth it! If you're thinking of trying Noise out, try a bunch of stuff. Random stuff like replaying bosses, failing certain sections, going for secrets etc. I promise you'll be surprised.

Apologies for the 'lazy' copy paste, I wanted my logs to be accurate once I saw this page was up. Thanks for reading, you're the best <3

you ever wish you could forget a game to enjoy it again for the first time? this is a little like that.
also this is a free update to an already existing game lol, weird to have a separate listing idk

The only thing holding this back from 5 stars is the lack of unique level intros for The Noise, as much as the developers tried to make up for it with the randomized faces.
Besides that, my expectations were exceeded. Good shit.

I don't know how they made this game feel MORE unhinged, but by god they did it.

Noise is a blast to use, especially when you really get his Shmovement down. I just think one fatal flaw that's sadly going to mean I'm just sticking to Peppino when replaying this game is Noise's minigun is so unsatisfying to use and how much that ruins two of the best levels in the game.

It's still loads of fun though. I otherwise like how much The Noise's playstyle really feeds into how batshit the game felt even as Peppino. In particular I really like how quick his super jump redirect is. And there's a good few funny gags that are exclusive to his playthrough. A lesser game would have the level gimmicks he doesn't interact with simply not appear, as opposed to in this game where they're present, just The Noise fucking destroys them.

A fun slight remix of Pizza Tower!