Reviews from

in the past

A game that provides so much more content over the original that there is no reason to ever go back to it. The Rocket cards have less health but make up for it with some pretty nasty additional effects and each duelist having their own specific rules kept me on my toes, constantly creating and recreating decks as the situation deemed necessary. I bought a fan translated copy off the internet and while the translation glitched a rare point, the entire thing functioned incredibly well. I can't believe this was never ported to the states, we missed out big time.

- Jugado con un parche al Ingles

Mucho mejor que el primer juego , doble de cartas , doble de modos para jugar, personajes , zonas nuevas y nuevas reglas para jugar los duelos.

Es como el Oro y Plata de su época. Pero teniendo todas las expansiones de la primera generación. ( no hay de la segunda cartas)

Una pena que nunca lo localizaran porque vale la pena.

Played a fan-made English patch.

Content-wise, this is pretty much the Gold and Silver equivalent to the original Pokemon TCG game. It's awesome until it isn't: whereas the first game really leaned into the gameplay loop of refining your perfect multi-purpose deck(s) through randomized booster pack drops, most battles in this game require you to handcraft a brand new deck each time to fulfill certain up front requirements unique to that encounter. That starts off fun, like decks that force you to use a single energy type, but the later requirements that require grinding to get 4 specific base Pokemon cards to build your entire deck around just suck - almost to the point of preventing me from finishing the game. Before the final series of battles, I spent 15+ minutes save scumming to reroll a booster pack drop in hopes of getting a Dragonair just so that the Dragonite I was being forced to use wouldn't be total dead weight in my deck. That's unfortunately just not my idea of fun!

All of that ends up making this game strangely less replayable too, since you'll probably end up abusing the same tactics for each weird deck requirement. You don't even get to pick your starter deck in this game, so the first game has more variety right out of the gate! I can't fully recommend it like I could with the original, but the "Dark" Pokemon cards are super fun to play with and can lead to some real bonkers synergies.

I will say though, the president of an evil company who decides to flood the market with obscenely imbalanced homebrew cards in an attempt to specifically screw over the collectors of Pokemon cards because they don't understand the concept of "fun" outside the context of card battling and generally look down on collectors as "hoarders" of powerful cards is a pretty funny storyline...

Favorite deck drivers: Wigglytuff x1, Dark Clefable x1, Dark Dragonair x3, Dark Dragonite x1, Mewtwo x1

16/16 Event Coins, 443/443 Cards via save scumming and AR codes.

'Pokémon TCG2' es básicamente el "Tears of the Kingdom" de estos spin-offs: el doble de grande, doble de cartas, doble de rivales a batir, y el doble de largo aproximadamente para completar.

Sin embargo, al hacer las dimensiones del juego más grandes no se ha olvidado de ir aportando nuevas mecánicas sobre la marcha, y de hacer la aventura más emocionante. Durante la primera fase, en vez de vencer a los 8 líderes de gimnasio, esta vez tenemos que ayudarles a echar al Team Great Rocket (que no es el Team Rocket en sí. No lo digo yo, lo dice Game Freak) de su terreno y recuperar las cartas que han robado. Los personajes que ya conoces del primer juego ganan un matiz de personalidad, tienen confianza en tus habilidades, te dan consejos para superar las triquiñuelas que emplean los esbirros del Team GR. Ronald, tu odioso rival en el primer juego, trabaja como espía para enviarte por correo los secretos del enemigo, qué cartas emblema utilizan para prepararte a conciencia y contrarrestarlas. La estructura abierta del primer juego se mantiene en esta primera parte, de modo que la progresión es definida por tu deck-building y tus habilidades (y suerte) en el tablero de juego. Tienes todo el tiempo del mundo para construir el mazo que quieras.

Una vez has despachado a los 4 esbirros del mapa, tendrá lugar la segunda fase del juego tras viajar a la isla del Team GR. Esta parte es mucho más lineal y desafiante, ya que habitualmente obliga a modificar el mazo para cumplir reglas especiales que cada Great Rocket exige para batirse en duelo. Y como resultado dan enfrentamientos más vibrantes y diferentes que todo lo que has visto hasta el momento; la gran variedad de cartas (y la introducción de cartas Dark con efectos especiales) contribuyen mucho a ello.

Junto con la aparición de un salón de juego, herramientas para elaborar mazos avanzados, y otros eventos secundarios, la aventura de TCG2 se sabe muy completa y exprime a la perfección las capacidades del juego de cartas que tan bien supo trasladar la primera entrega. Es un paso monumental hacia delante y una muestra de cómo pueden exprimirse las capacidades de GB Color. Es una lástima que Nintendo y The Pokémon Company abandonasen esta serie de spin-offs en pos de tener una plataforma online para duelos directos que nunca ha funcionado demasiado bien (ni sustituye una aventura single-player como tal). Tienen una gran deuda pendiente al respecto.

'Pokémon TCG2' lo tiene todo. Sería perfecto si no estuviese convencido de que la IA hace trampas cuando saca cara o cruz...

I'm still playing this, but it's currently a huge improvement over the last game. The story is only slightly better than its bare-bones predecessor, but the amount of cards and content has doubled. You start out without being able to choose your deck this time, but you can quickly change it up as the game will feed you a few decks of different types as you progress through the beginning.

This never made it over to the West because the Gameboy Advance was going to be in full swing by the time it could have been localized, but a dedicated fan has released a translation patch.

I can see why this wasn't published: It's more of the same. I'm shocked that it has barely 2nd gen Pokémon cards, if not almost not at all.

Enjoyable but not enough new content to justify its existence. I can see why it was never localized.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

From the little I've played of this game, it plays exactly like the first Pokemon Trading Card Game. I can only assume that this one has Pokemon from Gold and Silver, and that it wasn't released here because Pokemon isn't popular anymore, or something. And people say Pokemon's only popular in America!

Another jaunty little trading card game-meets mini RPG, which has become something of a joy for me lately. This one is so much broader, deeper, and more complex than the original that I would almost say that it obviates the need to play the earlier entry. I wouldn't quite go that far, however. Pokemon Card GB2 operates in the 'same-but-more' school of sequeldom, and I would wager during development it was assumed that the player had already completed the original. Because of that, the tutorialization is a bit blander, and the opening act is a bit messier and less straightforward than the original. Still, the deckbuilding restrictions and ruleset tweaks introduced in the game's second half, coupled with the larger card pool, make this game a ton of fun both for those who compleded the original and want more and for folks who are simply curious about this specific era of a now-venerable tcg.

Definitely much better than the first (which I dropped after a few hours), big part of it being the actual tcg being a lot more fun with some of the later sets being added, although that era still had some bs rng and annoying status effect. It also does a lot more with the deck building by constantly asking you to switch up your deck to play around changing rules from fight to fight, and just overall gives you a lot more cards.
Pretty solid game overall, but more recent adventure card game definitely did things better (mostly thinking about ygo stuff since pokemon tcg hasn't had anything since)