Reviews from

in the past

As one would expect from the old school arena shooter which started it all: Quake is exhilarating, visceral experience thanks to its fast-paced gameplay, imaginative level design and score by none other than Trent Reznor himself.

For now, only finished main campaign. Looking forward to getting back for map packs and campaigns both for the original release, and those exclusive for this superb remaster.

It sure is one of the first shooters of all time

Still feels great to play and the weapons are fun to use, even if there's not that many of them. Levels do vary in quality from fantastic to confusing to exciting to a bit dull. I really enjoyed the aesthetic and vibes of the game.

Great game with friends. The rating doesn't mean much since I was playing in multiplayer with infinite respawns, but I had a good time.

One of the most influential games of all time, it still holds up amazingly today, with fast and fluid movement and incredible level design. Compared to Doom and especially Doom 2 however, the enemy variety is somewhat lacking and the weapons don't feel as good.

finished the other damn log and then i realize that theres an entry exclusive to the 2021 remake. Might as well just talk about the expansions on here.

They are good.

Overall a pretty decent game with a simple goal, it was fun to play with friends.

the game is cool even if the bosses really suck anyway i recommend it

the streamlined multiplayer mode is really nice but i don't see myself playing this version of quake for anything else. vkquake better, i fear.

Review in progress:
Still holds up well. Feels like a natural evolution of Doom.

I love DOOM and this is even faster. The ambient soundtrack is really amazing, recommend everyone to play with headphones. Again, the speed is the thing here. Your weapons fire amazingly quickly and you fly through the levels.

A great FPS experience. The gameplay is similar to Doom you kill enemies while searching for an exit. The game's guns and enemies are designed well and pair perfectly with the fast movement. The dark medieval environments work great with eerie music. I recommend it to any fan of FPS games.

The most important video game ever made with rocketjumping

Fun enough, but after playing a bit of the first expansion I can see how much better that is and how much less I enjoyed this. I think one if the biggest problems is just that the enemies have so much health. I always enjoyed the first level in each episode because it has those 2 shot enemies.

Q1 when works as intended is as addicting and adrenaline pumping as DOOM Eternal but sometimes it just get lost in the maze of the level as much as the player. Despite some uneven design it is still an amazing piece of First Person Shooter with tremendous style and atmosphere amplified but Reznor's soundtrack. If playing original DOOM fells like returning home then playing Quake feels like you are young again and nothing can stop you. Even lovecraftian hoards from depths hell.

Well Quake, is one of the most influential shooters in a long line of influential shooters. Id's magnum opus was their final step as they brought the FPS into full 3D only to stagnate until Wolfenstein: The New Order came out. As for the game itself, it's pretty damn good. The level design (most of the time) is really good. The enemy balancing is just bad, however. It's at its worst when they throw ones in that both hit like a truck and can shoot the flea of a dog. Also, they like to drop melee goons right behind you which would incentivize checking your back occasionally but my brain likes to block out traumatic experiences. Also, the enemies seem a little too bullet-spongy maybe it's because ammo is so plentiful but I feel like the only two weapons in the game that dealt significant damage were the super nail gun and the electricity gun. Both of these are the quickest ammo drainers. I played on medium so I have no idea what hell awaits me on hard. Quake is a good experience just didn't exactly age well in the right places.

A teleportation experiment opens a way to a dimension of monstrous creatures who use it to invade our world. Doesn't that plot sound familiar? Not that it matters, Quake is all about fast gameplay, dark environments, lovecraftian beasts, and a haunting soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. It was one of the first fully 3D shooters (Descent and Terminator: Future Shock came first, but still relied on sprites for some objects), and it remains a joy to play. A very dark, brutal joy.

Very fun boomer shooter with an excellent aesthetic and a fantastic ost. The level design in Quake is very maze-like. It's well done for the first half of the game, but takes a decline in quality in the latter half where many of the levels become confusing to run through. There is a large variety of enemies and each of them feel unique. The final level is pretty bad and felt like it was slapped together.

El legado de Quake en los videojuegos fue traer a los shooters el verdadero 3d, además de popularizar el modo "Deathmatch" en su multijugador. Quedan trazas del ADN de quake en muchos de los shooters modernos que considero de mis juegos favoritos.

Dicho esto, jugar actualmente quake es una experiencia entretenida, pero sumamente olvidable. Todo cumple pero nada impresiona. Es una combinación entre el paso de los años; ya que cualquier shooter actual que se inspire en el lo mejora en todos los aspectos, y algunas decisiones de diseño que lo hacen poco interesante.

La premisa es simple, muévete rápido y dispara a los enemigos, utilizando las armas tu disposición. Armas que en general están bien, pero se echa en falta algo más de variedad, ya que se solapan varias entre si. La super escopeta vuelve inútil a la escopeta normal o el lanzacohetes hace que usar el lanzagranadas no tenga sentido. Mejora la experiencia con las armas lo bien que están integrados los boost a los propios niveles.

Los enemigos están bien diseñados, algunos de ellos con conceptos muy interesantes, que te fuerzan a tomar diferentes estrategias a la hora de enfrentarlos, aunque de nuevo falla un poco la variedad. No quiero mencionar los bosses siquiera por lo malos que son.

El diseño de los niveles es bueno; laberínticos, pero siempre encuentras la forma de avanzar sin perderte. Me hubiera gustado que los secretos trajesen cosas relevantes más que simplemente balas, vida o armadura.

Estéticamente está bien, y la banda sonora prioriza los temas mas centrados en la ambientación, por encima de los típicos con guitarras de metal que potencian la acción. El juego acaba teniendo un toque lúgubre a costa de perder la sensación de adrenalina de las batallas.

Ya he emitido mi juicio sobre este título al inicio, y me repito, es entretenido pero olvidable, posiblemente por culpa de los años que lleva a la espalda. Es la inspiración de algunos de mis títulos favoritos y estoy contento de haber jugado el que lo empezó todo.

You can fw boomer shooters while also disliking quake, don’t to the neckbeards

this game is like a mood swing for me, sometimes it's a fun old shooter and sometimes it makes me want to pick up one of it's predecessors and play them again instead

Played with the Flat Fallers for all of our first times. It was fun enough especially with friendly fire but also when you play with friends someone can just end a level and you don't feel accomplished. It was kind of fun to just turn my brain off and shoot and only sometimes think about puzzles. The port job is really good I will say.

Great remaster for a great game. Love the aesthetic, gameplay, level-design, weapons, etc.
Later levels tend to spam a bunch of spongey enemies and you'll eventually start to see no weak ones at all which I felt was a shame since the enemy variety just felt bleh in the later levels.
I can't stand the jumping blob enemy and they spam so many in the last few levels.
The music was great and atmospheric, Trent Reznor did a great job with it and I love it.
Now I played this immediately after playing Half-life cause I wanted more old-school 3D shooter and it just felt like more of that but with a doom-y arena shooter vibe to it rather than the slight survival horror styled arena shooter that half life was (which half-life was made with the quake engine). It was great and I enjoyed it.
As for my console of choice I really just wanted to play Quake portably but that doesn't mean I can't use keyboard and mouse on it if I wanted to. Nightdive made a great choice implementing K&M to the console versions, especially since they kept deathmatch in the game. Also crossplay between all the consoles and PC is super sweet. On top of all that having DLC of fan mods was a really sweet edition I wouldn't have expected from this on consoles. Lets me play more Quake if I really want to.
To wrap things up, this is a great way to play Quake on modern platforms and that's all it needed to be, and then some.

Really wish I cared more for it, but I found the visual style to be pretty boring, the weapon selection lacking and a good portion of the enemies pretty annoying to fight. It's fluid and fast, but the tight corridors don't make use of it all that much.

Also the bosses are just ... bad. Granted, there are just two of them in the main story but it didn't help that the game even ended on a pretty lackluster note.

Nightdive has created a fantastic package here. The game, reproduced in their Kex Engine, runs perfectly. And they've added a few visual tweaks to improve the experience. You get the base game, the original mission packs, and the short expansion released to mark Quake's 20th anniversary. On top of that, MachineGames has made a new expansion that's more of a mini-campaign that brings Quake into the modern era with a delightful set of new levels.

tried this one out for some video game history homework. its cool to see how id software progressed on doom. you can jump in this game, look up and down, swim, and some other quality of life stuff, i think i still prefer the shooting in doom though. i got to an area where i just died a ton of times and decided to call it quits.

A great remaster of an FPS masterpiece!

Growing up I never played the original Quake or much of the Doom games. However I did play Quake II on Nintendo 64 and If I had to choose between Doom and Quake I was always a bigger Quake fan.

The enemies and levels are just so creative dripping with atmosphere due to the amazing sound design for the weapons and environments. Just Ranger's grunting alone is an iconic sound effect in gaming. The score is also amazing.

The Lovecraftian and H.R. Giger style is so creative and puts anything we see in modern day gaming to shame. Even on the easy difficulty this is still challenging as all hell. I really miss when Games didn't hand hold and actually respected the player.

Only real flaw is some of the enemy spawn points are a load of BS and those little black blobs known as the Spawn are easily the worst enemy type in the game. Eat a dick you little shits!

You definitely get your money's worth with this game. So many levels and a lot of fun to be had. Just the level select alone is more creative than anything in modern gaming.

Please can we get a Quake reboot done in the style of Doom 2016?

I feel like this game is just "More Doom" at its core but at the same time its an interesting evolution that takes out all the fluff from the first two Doom games and is just pure unadulterated action

Lovely remaster, Nightdive Studios does it again.