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in the past

5.6/10 - Ruim

Exo One se encaixa na categoria de jogos "relaxantes" e em minha vista ele falha justamente em ser relaxante.
O Jogo tem uma mecanica estranha, no início dificil de se utilizar mas depois de aprendida e aperfeiçoada ela fica um pouco mais divertida.
Oque me atraiu nesse jogo foi a historia sobre uma expedição a Jupiter, mesmo que simples ela me intrigou a jogar ele. Porque se fosse só pela gameplay eu ja teria dropado ele no segundo planeta.
Exo One, como eu previamente ja falei, falha justamente em ser relaxante e se torna maçante e irritante durante certas partes, principalmente num planeta que retiram sua capacidade de andar para os lados eu sofri e passei muita raiva nisso.
Ao final, Exo One poderia ser muito superior ao que foi se suas mecânicas fossem simplificadas e adição de mais obstáculos do que simplesmente andar reto por 8 minutos.

Fun little journey with some satisfying gameplay

The cinematic reverence of '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'Interstellar' infused with the gravity hopping mechanic of 'Tiny Wings'. Visually impressive with a variety of different planetary terrains to keep the surface skimming and cloud gliding as fresh as possible.

Unfortunately it's just not particularly interesting after the first planet. Each planet seems longer than it should be with most recycling basic hilly terrain or liquid waves. The energy pick-ups do not make much of a difference to the squishy ball thing you control. And the one planet where you lose your abilities and rely on the surface wind to guide you was painfully tedious.

Not really any need to play it again after the first interplanetary playthrough.

sexy little space marble game that doesnt overstay its welcome

After a planet or two, you get what it’s going for. Your mileage will depend on how fun you find the navigation; in my case, it felt like I was fighting the controls. Great music though!

2-3 hours that pull you in with little more than a disc/ball spacecraft, harsh (and occasionally beautiful) alien environments, and some engaging - albeit frustrating at times - gameplay. Meditative and addictive.

Very Minimal but it feels excessevly good and Medetative. perfect length. story somewhat irrelevant.

Really cool but short indie game that has some very unique controls. The story isn't great but the environments and music more than make up for it to me

Very cool little game. The combination of unusual gameplay (manipulating gravity to fly a little ball spaceship over alien planets), otherworldly environments and a mysterious story that at least partially comes together in the end, makes for an engaging unique experience that does not overstay its welcome

Esse jogo me fez ter medo de um planeta, recomendo

A VR version would be insane, hope someone somewhere's working on that.

For being essentially "Flower"/“Journey” in space, it's pretty fun. Tho what made those games' experiences so memorable was their solid direction and this is just feels like a mostly empty sandbox with pretty colors. I think there's a lot that someone could do with this type of simple gravity-based gameplay; the speedruns for this are wild, can you imagine how much fun racing would be???

I would say a relaxing, atmospheric adventure game for Exo One. Although the controls look easy, they are actually not as easy as they seem. You must have enough energy to float, and you must gain momentum on the right surfaces to collect energy. As for the game, we are traveling with a strange spacecraft flying on different planets and different landscapes. There's also a story in Exo One, but it's a pretty clichéd story, and I didn't really care much when I was playing because my main goal was to relax and enjoy the scenery and atmosphere. As a result, if you want to have a short and enjoyable experience accompanied by a rich atmosphere, stunning landscapes and relaxing music, I recommend that you try Exo One (p.s: I also recommend that you play by listening to synthwave music while playing, and I recommend that you play the game from gamepass.)

A game with very unique movement. You play as a strange alien spaceship – created by humans after aliens sent the designs to them following a failed space expedition resulting in the loss of lives.

The “ship” is a ball with the unique ability of increasing gravity for itself, using this you can increase your momentum as you jump over hills to get to the next strange alien tower, which slingshots you to the next planet. Another ability is a temporary glide, as the ship squishes itself into a disk to allow for increasing your jumps. It feels really odd at first, but as you get used to it, you can get some amazing height and speed.

The game features a “found footage” look and is extremely stylish, with some vast levels that look phenomenal, and some really fun ideas for planets. It’s not a long game, but is a really unique and interesting experience.

Pretty short, 1h and a half to complete and it's near to not be considered a game, but still really fun. Curious story, cool ambience, it's a good experience overall.

Gioco in cui si slitta, plana, rotola sulla superficie di vari pianeti desolati e su cui è, al massimo, presente della tecnologia aliena. Sembra, frequentemente, voler spingere alla contemplazione di alcune delle strutture (naturali e artificiali) trovabili durante la personale esplorazione. Purtroppo, l'esplorazione stessa non mi è risultata essere un granché interessante al netto di quelle specifiche situazioni che, da progettazione, tentano di sublimare l'esperienza in un peto elettronico e l'avvistamento di titanici monoliti che spiccano tra le nuvole (e, in quei momenti, si può godere del punto di forza principale del gameloop, l'incredibile velocità raggiungibile dal suppostone). Mannaggia, perché sembra ogni tanto voler spingere a perdersi tra le lande brulle ma alla fin fine non c'è molto che valga la pena raggiungere nonostante di tanto in tanto capiti di notare qualche elemento sullo sfondo che faccia venire il prurito della curiosità (questa è probabilmente una pecca dovuta al fatto che la superficie esplorabile è generata proceduralmente, quindi frega un cazzo che in punto x ci sia una duna un po' più alta e in punto y quello che pare essere un cratere). Peccato anche che le ambientazioni con la lava siano esteticamente molto sgradevoli e poco convincenti (sia a causa delle texture stirate con la lingua di mucca, sia a causa di alcune eruzioni animate in un modo molto infantile a mo' di spruzzo di fontanella). Poi, per quanto capisca il voler realizzare una OST che accompagni l'esperienza di gioco, non posso fare altro che pensare che un gioco così mi risulterebbe assai migliore se solo ci si fosse concentrati di più sul sound design e sul rendere il suono stesso degli elementi atmosferici (e, più generalmente, naturali se non anche artificiali) parte più integrata e centrale del gioco.

Il mio problema principale, comunque, lo ho col fatto che, di nuovo, il fuoco di sto gioco è l'andare veloci e godere di questo tipo di esperienza il più possibile: ciò è reso molto bene sul primo pianeta e abbastanza bene su quello acquatico, mentre i restanti sono un po' la merda per via della presenza/non presenza di strutture ed elementi atmosferici che aiutino a mettersi in volo (fanculo pianeta vulcanico/montuoso, fanculo pianeta con le foreste di merda e fanculo asteroidi vicini al Sole)

interesting story telling and unique movement but it gets boring as there isnt much actual gameplay when you get bored of the movement

Juega con la inercia para pillar velocidades increíbles. El juego es muy bonito, pero si la cámara fuese mejor, y las fases durasen 1/3, sería bastante superior.

Eu até que comecei bastante investido na jornada, mas aos poucos foi batendo aquela vontade para que acabasse logo, o que me prendia mais era a possibilidade da história me surpreender na reta final, e até que foi interessante, mas não algo que superasse minhas expectativas.

Played this very short game over the course of like....several months which meant I had no idea what was going on with the story and probably spent more time on levels than I should have because I forgot the (incredibly simple) mechanics.

Anyways, some really breathtaking vistas in this. Love to be an alien ball/disc basking in the sublimity of beautiful and uncaring planets.

Exo One is a short, abstract, flying marble from outer space game. Sounds intriguing, right? It's nice that the game doesn't overstay it's welcome and it was fun at times to just glide around and enjoy the weird atmosphere, but at times the controls can be finicky and I had no idea what I was, what was going on or why I was doing what I was doing.

You play as a sphere, that I think is supposed to be a spacecraft, that can change it's shape into a disc to glide around. You use the games physics to gain speed and get to the exit (a beam of blue light) as quick as you can. You also collect little balls of orange light that are said to upgrade you, but I'm not entirely sure I noticed the difference?

You'll glide around all kinds of under-developed planets and environments while breaking the speed barrier and seeing random flashes of photos and hearing random talk over a radio. The best I can guess is you're supposed to be some kind of remnant of the past that is remembering things that happened in space? Or maybe you are an alien craft that is picking up frequencies? I have no idea.

While in some levels, it feels like you're in a dream state as you glide and roll through these landscapes, but there were times where the controls just felt off. The game some times will force you to go one way and your ship starts to get all wonky like it can't decide which way to go. It really broke the immersion of being there.

As I mentioned, the game is short so you won't be frustrated long and you won't have time to figure out what is going on. But if you just want to glide around for fun, what the hey.

(Game Pass) Atmospheric and mesmerizing. This is a game that you can play in a single setting and just enjoy the speed, sounds, and visuals of flying through planets. Great game and great replayability.

No idea what’s going on with the story but gameplay is just 3D tiny wings.

Two buttons is everything Exo One needs to create some of the most physically intuitive movement I've played in recent years. Following Miyamoto's famous empty room anecdote, our sheer existence as this shape-shifting ball is extremely fun and stimulating as long as we have a dune to surf.

I love it when progress in a game's curve is based on my understanding of its gamefeel alone, and I loved learning to break the sound barrier with my tiny avatar so badly... that I was a little underwhelmed when I reached the final level without that many opportunities to play around in even crazier grounds. From my point of view, it's a diamond in the rough, really recommendable as it stands, but with the potential of achieving excellency if the team implemented its fantastic kinestesia into some thought through level design that allowed for more complex ways of expression.

Exo One is a relaxing game with simple but fun movement in a very pretty set of environments. However it's very short and I have no urge to play it again.

Quase desenvolvi Talassofobia

As far as chill space games go, Exo One ranks among the top of them. Maybe not technically a space game (only one level is actually set in space) but alien landscapes run abundant in this short expedition where you play a shapeshifting vehicle trying to reach the next hyperjump beacon. There's honestly not much to say here besides it plays good and looks very pretty.

A serene, zen-style platformer with a loose, interpretive plotline. Beautiful art direction and audio, but may leave something to be desired.

Full Review:

Let me fucking go fast dude