Reviews from

in the past

a lot of good memories mostly because i played this one with friends and it was fun putting our heads together to figure this one out

I played this after Barlow's more recent game, Immortality, and in a lot of ways I think I prefer this. The general experience of going through the clips felt a lot nicer to me, and even though there are some awkward issues (like the user session sorting, and not being able to remove clips from it) ultimately I really enjoyed the story and the process of unlocking it. There is a great flow to where you feel stuck for the longest time and then suddenly reveal a critical clip that sends you down a whole new plot thread.

unlike Gone Home the mistery has a really satisfying revelation

Great concept, the story unveils in a very unique way

Her Story is an interesting format for an FMV. I really enjoyed this game. It's well focused and has enough little bits to keep you going. It isn't perfect though. The pacing can be strange if you aren't used to keyword searching and you can accidentally spoil the ending if you're really good at guessing the right keywords or are typing things at random. Overall however It's enjoyable and I think it earned the awards it's won. Especially since it did some things that were very new at the time and did them pretty well.

sure, it's innovative or whatever

I kept this game in my "to game" list for quite a while. Thought it's gonna be boring to be honest but quickly found out on a trip that it's an intriguing detective game which allows you to piece puzzles piece by piece together and discover an interesting story from an unique girl whose husband got murdered. 8.5/10

stumbling upon the ending quickly kind of ruined it I think

Interesting game. You have to search words to find videos in an archive of a woman declaration about the death of her husband.

Different approach that starts creating a feeling of being in an investigation and directing it to where we want. But at the end it ends feeling like a dictionary search for random words.

Nice touches and things like the relation with fairytales, her life and so, but also not one memorable story to stand on its own.

This was fascinating, you have to watch a bunch of police interrogations of this woman and they’re all live action. The vibe is insane but it kinda lacks direction and payoff, but a cool idea.

Best FMV I ever played by a landslide, I need to test Immortality tho.

Atypical video game that has you actually processing a lot in your head as you try to dabble through what happened with the story, piece together what kind of keywords you have to look for to find more answers, etc, as you go through video recordings of talks someone had with the police, a unique game in the medium of video games.

Não sei se considero Her Story um jogo de fato, pois apesar de ser uma obra interativa com finalidade de entreter, não há como vencer ou perder.

O título é ambientado nos anos 90 e permite você acessar o banco de dados da polícia por um computador, em busca de vídeos sobre uma mulher acusada de assassinato, sem nenhuma explicação prévia (dependendo apenas de arquivos de texto readme explicando a mecânica). São mais de 200 vídeos para buscar e assistir, se assemelhando à uma espécie de puzzle pois você deve organizá-los à seu favor para procurar as respostas que surgem como "Quem é esta moça? o que ela fez? por que ela fez? como ela fez e contra quem?"

É um jogo que te permite interpretar das mais diversas formas e você só o termina quando estiver satisfeito. Há uma forma correta de "terminar" o jogo mas você só descobre ao decorrer da gameplay.

Sam Barlow, desenvolvedor de Her Story, criou com este título, uma forma nova de contar histórias. Porém, nada seria tão bom se não fosse a bela atuação de Viva Seifert, atriz que interpreta a moça dos vídeos.

Recomendo jogar com um ou mais amigos, acompanhado de uma folha ou caderninho. Foi o que fiz e mudou completamente minha experiência. Bolar teorias e explicações junto com outras pessoas cria uma imersão que nunca vi em outros jogos.

Infelizmente é uma sensação que só se sente uma vez. Difícil ter outro jogo com o mesmo sentimento que Her Story trouxe.

Recomendo 100%

Interesting but doesn't quite stick the landing for me.

Es una experiencia muy diferente y muy bien planteada. Aun siendo complemente libre, es fácil tener siempre un hilo del que tirar para llegar a resolver el embrollo

If you are into murder mystery type games then you will have a great time!

Fonte: Lista - Indie of The Year Nominees

Very surprising plot. The game mechanic is very original. Short game, can be played in one sitting. The only bad thing is that there is the risk of unveiling the whole plot in seconds if you are lucky/unlucky depending on how you see it.

Super imersivo e intrigante. Foi incrível poder embarcar nessa experiência e desfrutar dessa forma diferente de interação proposta aqui. O final ficou na minha cabeça por algum tempo.

Since I'm on a bit of a thriller/mystery kick lately, I wanted to try Her Story, the award-winner by Sam Barlow, whose previous claim to fame was writing the Silent Hill Wii and PSP spin-offs.

I'd always heard good things about it, particularly the lead performance from Viva Seifert, with the keyword 'unconventional' often floating around the game's reputation online. It's an apt descriptor for Her Story for sure, but not always in the best ways.

Her Story's core gameplay takes the form of a simulated 90s Windows desktop that's home to a police database of short clips from the interrogation of Hannah Smith, recently convicted of murdering her husband Simon. Using only the database's search function, you must unearth the truth by taking note of words or phrases that Hannah uses as well as names and locations that are frequently mentioned.

It's all very impressive and intuitive to begin with. The presentation and feeling of scouring a mid-90s police database are certainly novel and work in the game's favor. However, the clips you are given in response to your query only show up 5 at a time, with the game encouraging you to use other words in tandem to get more results. While this can work, you'd be surprised at how many clips repeat the same information or don't give you enough new information to be able to find them.

For instance, about 10 of those clips are just Hannah answering yes and no to a lie detector, with no feasible way to access them other than brute forcing the search function in order to get them in rotation, something I had to do by the game's end in order to complete the database.

No disrespect to Viva herself, but her performance as Hannah is... spotty. There are certainly parts where she gives great delivery, but also other parts that feel a bit wooden? In fairness, though, due to the nature of the story as it unravels, one could argue that some of that woodenness is intentional, but that remains to be seen.

As for the 'mystery' as a whole, unlocking the various twists and turns by yourself, sometimes by accident, can be rewarding. However, when you look at the narrative in its entirety, it's safe to say that some of Sam's Silent Hill-isms carried over. It's hard to explain without spoilers but you'll know it when you hear it.

All in all, Her Story can be a fun and engaging exercise in presentation and investigation, but also a frustrating and messy one too.


good game to play late at night

This game surpassed my expectations before I even finished the entire thing. This might possibly be one of, if not, the most unique and creative games I've ever played, and its mechanics and fascinating story cement its status for me as an absolute favorite.

You play as an unknown user who’s currently investigating the case of a woman who has done something you are unsure of. Not even kidding that’s how the game starts. You traverse through the database looking up words that would appear potentially in the transcript of the video evidence files. Through your search you slowly uncover who the woman is and what they’ve done.

Ending was pretty predictable. The search history I left on that in game computer may come back to haunt me.

Never experienced anything like this. Get a friend and uncover the mystery.

Her Story is a crime fiction game with non-linear storytelling, it revolves around a police database full of live action video footage. You search the database and explore hundreds of clips to discover her story. It’s her story, but it’s also your story.

It's a fantastic story with a lot of mystery in it that you get to unravel with each clip you watch. The search functionality is almost addicting, helping you feel like you're a genius for following gut feelings and ideas instead of pushing you in a linear direction. At the end, there is a revelation, but the story itself through the clips remains vague and mysterious, driving you to your own conclusions.

It's a great game, worth playing if you enjoy these types of games. Though, in my opinion, it's better to get it at a sale, since many people might find the slow build up and the vague ending boring.

Really good FMV game, really fun looking at all the videos and being a detective.

A very unique, self-driven mystery game. Its use of FMV in the modern day is an interesting decision that makes the game what it is, and the simple mechanic (really the ONLY mechanic) drives the entire game. Worth playing.