Reviews from

in the past

Una historia convulsa que se retuerce al ritmo que uno mismo establece, repleta de momentos notablemente expresivos. Una obra maestra de la narrativa.

A unique puzzle adventure, really enjoyable!

this was a trip and a half and i loved it

It's like 2-3 hours long just play it loser

A unique experience that I feel transcends video games

It's one of the most unique games I've played, I can't recommend it enough. If you can play 100% blind do it.

Play it now and thank me later.

El juego hasta que saltan los créditos es magistral. Es diferente a todo lo demás y te cuenta de forma cautivadora una historia magnífica y que me sigue haciendo pensar y teorizar sobre ella. Eso es todo a lo que un juego de detectives debe aspirar.

Sin embargo, si deseas ver el puzle completo, debes ir al 100%, y eso es un proceso horroroso. Tres de mi cuatro horas de juego han sido buscando esas últimas y sueltas grabaciones. Algunas se me habían pasado por alto, sí, pero otras pedían hacer deducciones lógicas prácticamente a ciegas. Pero sobre todo, el interrogatorio del último día tiene diez grabaciones seguidas que necesitas descubrir escribiendo algo muy específico. Sabía perfectamente que se encontraba en ellas, pero siendo incapaz de hacer que aparecieran, tuve que buscarlo en Internet.

Y no sé cuál podría ser la solución sin cargarte su mecánica principal por completo, pero tal y como está, creo que hubiese sido una mejor experiencia si hubiese dejado el juego con el gran sabor de boca tras los créditos y haber buscado la historia completa en Youtube.

It took me a while to "get it", but now I think about it all the time. Such a singular idea executed so well, and in the years since we've seen lots of other detective games build on this foundation.

Very cool and interesting game that kinda gets worse the more you play but its something different and still benefits from being a game instead of a short film series. I think some of the acting and writing can be all over the place even if its intentional, it didn't have an emotional connection with me in that sense but this is mostly well done, pretty interesting and the beginning of the game is genuienly incredible.

Not really my idea of a good time.

I managed to discourage myself from engaging with Her Story for quite a while, because I'd seen many people relate that they'd stumbled upon the solution "early" after having a cunning insight or lucky guess. After playing it, I feel like this was totally intentional: that the game paces itself, so to speak, such that any order you attack it will produce a viable story structure and "aha!" moments. It's not stingy with its clues, instead trusting the player to self-pace. The more I think about it, that's a really impressive magic trick.

My wife and I played it together--probably the best way to play it, really, in a group tossing out keywords. We got all the key scenes and the prompt to finish having seen (iirc) just under half the clips, then watched them again in chronological order for full context. (Appreciate that this was not a requirement for basic completion.)

In a story like this, character work is make-or-break, and Viva Seifert's performance carried it. I really don't expect to come out of a mystery like this feeling strongly about the characters, but here I really did. The subgenre turn might not be for everyone, but it worked for me.

Výstižný název. Jakkoli je to orámováno lehce detektivní zápletkou, tak ta je na druhé koleji, jelikož "kdo, jak, proč a kdo jste sakra vlastně vy" je v obrysech jasné relativně záhy. To co je stěžejní je skutečně právě onen "její příběh". A tak si z těch jednotlivých střípků začnete postupně skládat osud dotyčné, začnete si ho dosazovat do pomyslné časové osy a postupně z tohoto puzzlu o desítkách neznámých začne vylézat propletenec ambicí, nenaplněných snů, dávných příkoří apod.

S ohledem na formu to celé stojí a padá na dvou aspektech; jejím hereckém výkonu a scénáři, který musí ustát i "detail" v podobě toho, že žádní dva hráči (či "hráči" chcete-li) nebudou vyhledávat shodné výrazy. Obojí se daří. Design je chytrý a ač nelineární, tak podvědomě vám stále podsouvá ty správné podněty "co hledat". A co se týká jí, tak ona je učiněné zlatíčko, které skrze dikci, momenty ticha, práci rukou apod. dokáže v oněch několika málo vteřinových klipech předvádět celou škálu emocí, civilnosti a příběhů. Jde vpravdě o herecký výkon (žádná toporná ochotnická šmíra, jak bývá u her zvykem), který snese ta nejpřísnější měřítka.

Ano, nesporně je to interaktivní zážitek více než hra v tradičním slova smyslu, ale jde o kromobyčejně silný zážitek s velmi chytrým designem. S ohledem na rozsah (cca čtyři hodiny se vším všudy včetně všech achievementů), to tedy za zkoušku stojí i pokud si myslíte, že prosté "googlování s příběhem" není váš šálek kávy.

So after seeing Sam Barlow's new games announced (and immortality being one of my favorite games of 2022, I figured it was high time I finally got back to this and finished it (I had started it a long time ago). I knew it was short, and it wouldn't take me too long.

What unfolded over the next three hours was just a wonderful, creepy, chilling, moving, and just all around great little story. I do wish there was a bit more meat on the bone here so to speak (something that Immortality definitely improves on), but this is still something worth checking out one rainy afternoon when you got nothing else going on.

Sam Barlow is a wonderful creative force in this industry, and I can't wait to see what they do next!!!

Very original game and interesting story. The plotwist is kinda crazy.

Very good. You can see a lot of Sam Barlows Style already but he realy knocked it out of the park with immortality.

Very unique gameplay and cool story beats to uncover, but I feel like the ending lets it down a bit.

This review contains spoilers

Fiquei bem empolgado de jogar esse jogo depois de uma recomendação de um amigo. O jogo é bem legal, fiquei muito curioso pra saber como que o assassinato aconteceu e como funcionava a singularidade das duas mentes dentro do mesmo corpo. Em geral foi uma experiência legal e instigante.

A very fun little game about going through videos of a case file and putting together all the pieces of the situation. The story is very interesting and it pulls you in like a detective case as you do get an option to leave, but you can stay and continue to try and put all the pieces together and understand what happened.

Gameplay is quite minimal by going through the search engine to find various videos that give you clues to the next few videos and you can continue to branch on and discover the truth. It was a very satisfying experience and some great acting too.

I think I might have been slightly over hyped for this game. As while I was able to go into the game 100% blind, as I believe most should, it didn't come away thinking this was the greatest detective game of all time like my friend's had told me. However, this is still a fantastic game, with a great story, and a fun and very interesting concept. I just have a few small gripes with it that I wont get into for spoiler reasons; but gripes that are diffidently in no way reasons to not play Her Story. I recommend this to all.

A quem quiser passar pela experiência de ser um detetive real sem tirar a bunda da cadeira, ‘Her Story’ é exatamente o que está procurando.

Nunca experienciei nada igual; o jogo simula um computador de tubo com mais de 250 clipes de uma interrogação policial, todos fora de contexto, mas envolvendo a mesma mulher, no mesmo caso. A única ferramenta a seu dispor é uma barra de pesquisas, que por meio de palavras-chave te dá acesso a até 5 videos em que estas foram mencionadas.

De forma intuitiva e orgânica, sem tutoriais, ‘Her Story’ convida o jogador (ou expectador?) a adentrar em um profundo buraco de minhoca, repleto de relevações, simbolismos e socos no estômago. A combinação do filtro de tela de tubo, com a interface retrô e a atuação maravilhosa de Viva Seifert (inclusive premiada no The Game Awards 2015), em meio a uma apresentação vaga que permite a interpretação e conexão dos fatos pelo próprio jogador, fez com que Her Story me fornecesse uma das experiência mais imersivas que já tive.

Sam Barlow's best game. A very interesting FMV story, but can be frustrating if you can't think of what to search.

Buena jugabilidad y buena trama

Cool concept, though I wish the whole point of the game wasn't just trying to find all of the videos, but rather trying to create a chain of events and put it all together. While the story was interesting, I found myself not really caring towards the end when I had to find like ten more videos and couldn't find what to enter to get them.

An absolutely buck wild story and a unique and fun way of telling it. 100% recommend going in blind

I went into this knowing nothing about the game other than that there were FMVs in it, I was pleasantly surprised to see what the actual gameplay entailed. It really feels like you're putting together your own investigation with the puzzle pieces given. Experiencing the twists and turns in this story also adds a whole new layer to my experience knowing no two people will experience these twists in the exact same way.

But with such open-ended gameplay like this always comes with the worry that one might breeze through meticulously crafted setpieces without even knowing. I feel like my enjoyment of this game came to a screeching halt when I just happen to stumble upon the scene that explains everything without any of the buildup that's important in the "confession" scene of any decent mystery. And when that scene is wrapped up I was given the prompt to finish the game and let the credits roll, even though I haven't discovered even half of the database.

I spent the rest of my time scrambling to find any entries I haven't found yet and left the game off only finding like 45% of the database. As of the time of writing this, it's been 3 weeks and I still haven't picked up the game ever since. This game has insanely high highs, but the lows of typing in any keyword that comes to mind and still not finding anything is as low as it gets.

Maybe the sour aftertaste that's left in my mouth from this game could be remedied from a replay in a couple years with a pen and notebook.

dnf (definitely did not exhaust all or even most of the clips within the hour i played). will probably go back for another session considering how short it is meant to be