Reviews from

in the past

Em pleno 2023, jogado num PS1 slim, numa TV de tubo, revezando o controle entre eu e meu amigo de fase em fase.
Algo me diz que esse foi o jeito certo de jogar.

Metal Slug 2 but bigger & better

2nd game doin good. I enjoy how the games tell a story through the stages. Not many run & guns do that.

primeiro jogo a gente nunca esquece

This one is my favorite Metal Slug. To me they kinda blend together since they're so short but I have a genuine soft spot for this series. Incredible arcade run n gun. The best of its kind

I replayed this game recently and beat it with my son. I originally played this game in a coffe shop on an arcade machine with my friends, when I was a kid. It was a lot of fun! (And a lot of coins wasted too =D)

If you're a metal slug fan, I'm sure this game is great. I think this game is really annoying however. I love being grenaded off the screen and getting fucked for a steam achievement.
The steam achievements are kinda broken as well for me. I played through the entire campaign with a friend online only for it to not trigger. I thought maybe it had to be local multiplayer to get it but it still didn't trigger :/ Had to cheat it in



Oh my god
i get it now
The reason why I wasnt having much fun with Metal Slug was because i was trying to play it solo!!!! co-op slaps with this shit!!!!! Aside from the menagerie of tasty ass spritework in this shit and how satisfying literally Everything feels, you get a pretty short and sweet romp through some hectic as FUCK levels and some pretty foreboding ass bosses
they even got vulcan raven in here i guess, for some reason

this Definitely made me more open to the thought of playing more of the series!! Just...hehe yea not solo.. ill definitely need to call up a friend to do this again with otherwise id probably start gnashing my teeth and clawing the screen again.

Damn, games did NOT fuck around during the 90s, and this game proves that. At least I used one less continue than Metal Slug 1.

com certeza o melhor da serie, muito legal

Harder than Metal Slug 3 by far, the final boss is crazy hard (1cc)

shooty arcade game with cool graphics :)

Played this not long after playing Metal Slug 2 to compare. To be honest, this is basically just the "definitive" version of Metal Slug 2. The only two differences I could spot were the much improved optimization (less slow downs and such) and maybe a few different enemy placements and entries that were slightly improved over 2.

That said, this is a great, classic run and gun game. Beautiful sprites and animations on some very impressive for the time hardware, and made by some of the most talented sprite artists ever.

Good run and gun, beautiful sprite art, quarter muncher.

Played it in 2018, the game was released in 2014 to steam.
Really great as well.

One of the most positively unhinged endings to a video game I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, and the game's still Metal Slug, so it looks great, plays great, and it's damn hard. But it's even harder to complain about anything barring a few moments of slowdown when the game gets hectic.

I met someone who said they could 1cc this. Unfortunately I never saw this in action because every time he tried to do it he died.

This is, by far, my favorite run n gun game.
I ran across it in an arcade about a decade ago and was impressed by how well it had stood the test of time.
Fun level designs that can be challenging. Annoying creatures like all run n guns have. The graphics are…well…beautiful.
Not as good as the later entries in the series, obviously, as this is a sort of Fatal Fury Special type deal, but for Metal Slug 2.

tfw u will never be able to make art as pretty as metal slug's

O primeiro jogo de Arcade que eu vi, provavelmente. Lembro muito bem das letras do título aparecendo uma por uma e no fim um X enorme caindo sobre elas, achava maravilhoso de mágico!
O jogo segue a mesma trama do primeiro, um exército de dois jogadores lutando contra soldados infinitos, só que dessa vez, ALIENS entraram no chat.
Há duas garotas novas jogáveis, e o jogo ao todo na verdade é o 2 refeito sem os problemas de lentidão, tornando o outro praticamente obsoleto (e raro por causa disso)
Nunca terminei na máquina porque sem dinheiro pra isso. Primeira vez que fiz isso foi bem inusitado, mas foi na escola que tinha uma área de jogos e um dia ganhamos 2 horas sem aula, então né kk

Dang I love those mummy dogs but that Egyptian level tower mech suit boss fight thing is a buzzkill

The definitive Version of Metal Slug 2