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in the past

I wasn’t expecting to love this as much I did.

This is my first Pikmin game and it didn't disappoint. The game length is quite short, but each level requires multiple playthroughs. If you want to unlock everything in Pikmin 3 you're supposed to replay each mission with all of the new abilities you've unlocked throughout the game. It's essentially an RTS done the Nintendo way with its own mechanics and charm. The controls are a bit awkward at first and take some getting used to, but they work for what they are. The art style and graphics are really beautiful and at times soothing and tranquil. The characters are quirky and even made me chuckle a few times.Pikmin has that classic Nintendo approach where it's easy to learn but can take an enormous amount of time to master and has lots of subtleties in its mechanics for you to learn and get the hang of. I do have a couple of gripes with Pikmin 3 and that is the short length of the story and the final mission which comes quite suddenly and can be very frustrating. Overall I really enjoyed my time with this title and can't wait for the sequel.

I was actually really suprised how much I enjoyed this game since it was an impulse buy. I tried out the original a few years back and liked the gameplay, but I found finally finishing one of these games a fun and pleasant experience.


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Aside from the Wind Waker remake, this is the best looking game on the Wii U and I believe the best game on the console (BOTW does not count).

It's sound design is exceptionally dynamic and should be the golden standard for every Nintendo release. it ranges from simply effective techniques like instrumentation and tempo changes for every hour of the day and peculiarly polyrhythmic drum patterns during combat that accent attacks, to the constantly shifting boss patterns with their somehow functional time signatures. It's music like this that separates games from any other media as it can feel as if a live band is reacting to your every move and its sensational.
A first playthrough might appear linear but returning to previous areas with new varieties of sentient carrot opens up massive areas you never knew existed. Entirely optional but massively rewarding to 100% with some brilliant puzzles and secrets you could entirely miss if not paying attention.

It's short and the story is incredibly simple, if quite charming (all cutscenes are quickly skippable so not to worry on replay), but both of these work in its favour. If this game overstayed its welcome or was crammed with more collectibles than it needed to be, it'd feel stressful like any of the other real-time strategy games that inspired this series. I've never enjoyed that genre since they're often militaristically uninspired and drab, even advance wars fell a bit flat for me. This game is special as while its predecessors parodied this genre by being undeniably zany, the 3rd instalment is pure zen. A garden of Eden in which you are the gardener, with just enough time pressure to keep you out of boredom and constantly productive.

Which brings me to the final stage. What the fuck is this doing in my cute game about carrots? To be clear, I do mean this in the best possible way. This encounter is alien and off-putting, which in a game that's been mostly all rainbows and butterflies, feels absolutely terrifying. Challenging too. Other than the boss previous to this one, I never really struggled in this game, though difficulty does steadily progress. That is until what seems at first like a relatively small dungeon begins to take you several days and armies to complete, all while being endlessly pursued by an unknown entity. If it was a boss in another game it would make sense. But placed in this, it's almost traumatising.

While I can be left wanting a tiny bit more from this, that's only because it is so utterly perfect at everything it sets out to do.

This review is way too long for this game. I could've returned to its picturesque gardens again in this time instead... so I shall.

I'm very normal and beat this game 3 times over the span of a month. I think this is the best game in the series (so far, Pikmin 4 is out in 30 days and its lookin gooooood)

This was my first Pikmin game. I picked it up because 4 looks really promising, and I've been meaning to try it for a very long time. Pleased to report that it's such a tight experience I was mainly left wishing I could just play more.

Will absolutely go back to try for a more efficient story mode run-through, and I'm seriously considering doing all the side missions, those are all really fun. There's a very very good chance I pick up the 4th game as it releases in a few days, and in September they'll be releasing physical Switch versions of the first two. I'm there, baby. I'm pikmin-pilled now.

I've had this on my shelf for like, a year at this point, but never really gave it a shot. So fresh off of 1 and 2, and with 4 on the horizon, I thought it was finally time, and damn. I should've played this game back when I 1st got it.
In a pre-Pikmin 4 world, this is definitely the game you should play if you wanna get into Pikmin. My only real issue is the charge ability is kinda brain-dead.

Cleared this the same day I started. Pikmin games really just pull you in don’t they?

I first beat this when it came out in I think 2013. It was my first Pikmin game and I had a pretty good time, but didn’t think much more than that. Playing back now, I have come to understand that Pikmin 3 is like Pikmin 1 where at its core is a perfect game with no fat on it.

It looks so dang good, and has such a nice whimsical style to it that is cute but almost looks like retro sci fi? The music is perfect and the characters are cute and fun.

As a Pikmin game, I like that Pikmin 3 was a straight up, mostly linear (but not too linear) action adventure game. I liked Pikmin 1/2 a lot (especially 1), but I think doing things simpler was the right play for Pikmin 3. The boss fights are fun, and Deluxe has a bunch of extra content that is fun but secondary.

HOWEVER, my big problem with Pikmin 3 Deluxe is that it doesn’t label the fact that Hard mode is actually the closest difficulty to base Pikmin 3. I mistakenly chose normal and had a campaign that was maybe a little (or a lot) breezier than it should have been.

Can’t wait for Pikmin 4, but I played so much Pikmin the last few days my head is spinning. I feel like I ate a pound of immaculately 3D-modeled cupcake frosting.

It was 10 years ago when I played this game on the Wii U, and replayed it again on the Switch, it's feeling nostalgia vibes again to complete this game right before the Pikmin 4 demo launch today.

A wonderful experience. Pikmin 3 fixes the vast majority of the problems from the first 2, bringing Pikmin to the modern age. Unfortunately this also means the game is far easier, even on hard mode. The last 2 bosses do bring up the difficulty though, which was very welcome. This is the only game in the series where I never felt frustrated, it was fun all the way through (a nice change of pace after Pikmin 2).

Overall, I'd say this is the best the Pikmin franchise has to offer, and I can't wait for Pikmin 4.

This game continues to confirm that Pikmin need to unite regardless of typing to form the first official union of PNF-404. They need to seize back the means of production and take ownership of the spoils that both the Koppaites and Hocotatians unfairly claim.

I for one will be boycotting Hocotate Freight in solidarity to the Pikmin's cause and I hope you all will join me in this goal of providing fair standards across the Pikmin workforce.

Pikmin 3 was a very comfortable time. While I think I still prefer the original game, this is a nice direction for the series. The new QoL changes are welcome, and ordering pikmin around and getting stuff done is super convenient. The ending was a bit underwhelming, and it was a touch shorter than I expected. Regardless, I had fun the whole way through. It wasn't as memorable or interesting as the first game, nor was it as annoying as the second. It's a comfortable middle ground.

Genre: Soft Squishy RTS | Released: July 2013 | Platform: Wii U and Switch | Developer: Nintendo EAD | Publisher: Nintendo | Language: English | Length: 6-10 hours | Difficulty: Easy to Medium | Do I Need To Play Anything First: No, you can jump right in. A few things may be lost on you, but it’s totally fine. | Accessibility Options: A few controller options | Monetization: Single Purchase | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Mild sad cartoon violence | Parenting Guide: 10 +, although young kids may need help | How Did You Play It: I played the Deluxe edition on Switch, and I suggest the hardest difficulty setting for most people | Did you need a guide: No | Mods: None

Is It Good: Yuppers, I am sad I waited so long to play it. Just wonderful.

Back of the Box: I hear Pikmin screaming in my dreams and break into a cold sweat.

Pikman 3 is a 2013 RTS adventure game that is charming, delightful, and most importantly: fun. I really loved the small flourishes and attention to detail the game designers took, with blippy sound effects and gorgeous visual design. Every sound, plant, environment, and written word oozes environmental storytelling.

I liked it so much that I did all the bonus missions and DLC and am very tempted to try a speed run. A great addition to the Pikmin franchise, and a wonderful game to start with too.

Pikmin is so underrated and so much fun literally my only complaint is that there should have been more to do and the price for this remaster being $60 was outrageous when it was originally priced at $50 on wii u and later reduced to $20 via nintendo selects. I don’t get you Nintendo.

Really enjoyable gameplay, not difficult, just good fun. Pikmin 4 sweep.

A port of an already amazing game, that improves a load of things, but takes away a few.
Deluxe compiles all of the DLC into one package, so there is more than enough side missions to last a long time. There is also a special side mode that is full of references to Pikmin 1 and 2. The controls are improved, except for the weird decision of the 'Y button menu' which is just stupid.
The addition of co-op for literally everything for the first time in the series is a huge improvement.

Besides interrupting gameplay too much it really is such a joy to play.

Great game and evolution on the Pikmin Formula, can't wait for Pikmin 4!

it was made, and is better played, on the wii u im sorry

The Co-Op this game adds is so good they should just do this with every Pikmin game.

Love the edition of rocks and wings. Sad to see purples and whites go

The story mode is a bit too linear and easy, but overall really fun, it's still Pikmin so can't complain too much. The side story missions were surprisingly fun too.

sure its linear and a little too easy, but imo this is mechanically such a solid entry and is easily the best in the series in that regard, so many more options for multitasking now, not to mention crazy good graphics for the console it was on and some much improved boss fights

also bingo battle and the mission mode are genuinely great and add a ton of value to the game, such fun side modes and I really hope pikmin 4 has some of the same

its pretty close to a 9 (high 8) but it feels a little bit too easy and not as replayable as the first game, it doesnt excel that game for me at all but this is probably the best game in the series, just not my favorite

At the expense of being way easier than the other games in the series, this one manages to be just the most fun it can be
Every change enhances the player experience and its level design and new additions are just a blast to go through
Fantastic experience, love it to bits

The Wii U form factor really was the perfect fit for this game, but even on Switch it remains a big step forward for the series. A highly compelling multitasking puzzle box, fit with Nintendo approachability and a gorgeous nature diorama design sense.