Reviews from

in the past

I can actually replay this one without being bored

Definitely shows a few signs of its age, but this is clearly where the Mario franchise takes the form and quality we know and love today.

Come on - it’s Mario 3!

Out of the four NES Mario games, this one is easily the best. The other games have aspects that bother me but this one doesn't have too many. The main issues are how long some of the worlds get, which sucks because I don't like a handful, namely the water and ice lands. The dark land is short, but it's more frustrating than fun. The rest of the game is still good, the dark land is the only one I truly don't like. The new power ups add so much more to the typical Mario formula that really paves the way to future games. Overall, I'd say this game is definitely worth checking out to see how the games evolve over time.

One of the greatest platformers

O melhor Mario de NES e o alicerce para os títulos mais modernos.

Ice levels are the worst thing to ever happen to video games and no one can convince me otherwise.

One of my most controversial gaming opinions is thinking Super Mario Bro 3 is just okay. Admittedly I didn't grow up with it, and my first experience with it was in the Mario Advance series, but whether it's on the GBA or the NES I just don't like how this game looks.

The gameplay is a step up without a doubt, but while Super Mario Bros felt at home on the NES, Super Mario Bros 3 feels like it's fighting an uphill battle against rapidly aging hardware.

Fundamentally though, this game is still fun, and it's easy to see how exciting this game would have been if I'd played it at launch.

It's very funny to watch Mario Maker LPs while simultaneously playing this for the first time and you get to realize that the NSMB formula is like 30% World, 70% this one. Nintendo really did figure it all out here, good for them.

Esse é, talvez, o melhor jogo do Mario.
Se nunca jogou...
...em que planeta você vive?!?

Classic that stills holds up well even after so much time

Awesome Mario game, it's fun and it is one of the best platforming games of all time

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A Peach enganou direitinho com sua última fala: está em outro castelo

The most fun of the nes saga!


I felt like replaying Mario 3 and thankfully, there was no demonic possession this time. (If you know where that reference is from, you deserve a star.) Mario 3 is the best of the NES Mario Trilogy (or quadrilogy if you are counting the two Mario 2s). Great level design, a whole slew of new power ups, and it is a fun game.

I hate the ice world. Any game that makes me deal with ice physics gets a point off.

Even though this is a late NES game, the lack of a save feature is odd. Mario 3 is not the longest game in the world, but it is the longest NES Mario game. Thank heavens for save states/restore points.

Mario 3 is the best of the NES Mario games and worth playing.

I'll have to admit, it's the definitive Mario game. Just too hard for me. I beat it, but it was a tough, frustrating time. Does a good job at presenting Bowser as an actual threat. His extreme military is pretty impressive. Repeat mid bosses kinda sucks, but since it was relatively predictable, so it wasn't all bad. Can't deny the game's quality, but lacks a lot of quality of life features that I'd want in games. I'll always prefer Super Mario World just for that. (As well as World's iconic and beautiful ending credits) Also, I loved Peach's joke at the end of this game. Good stuff!

I thought the game was super easy with its short levels but it gradually reached the usual ruthless old mario difficulty. Have not encountered frog or hammer suit a single time and i cannot tell you why, i did finish the game with raccoon suit on though, the statue ability is a game changer
overall fun but not my favorite

Notable improvements from the original super mario bros. Appreciated all the powerups you could get and also hold on to for use later. Some of the random secrets that you have to discover to advance in specific levels were annoying. Also a noticeable difficulty spike in the last two worlds

(Jugado desde Super Mario All Stars de SNES en Nintendo Switch Online, pero completé el primer mundo también en la versión de NES)

Es increíble que un Mario que salió en la misma consola que el 1 tenga ya tantas cosas nuevas tanto mecánica como visualmente como para parecer un avance de 10 años de la franquicia. Diría que mi Mario 2D favorito sigue siendo Super Mario World porque me parece un avance aún mayor, pero es un buen segundo puesto.

First video game I ever saw. The reason I'm obsessed with video games, lol. A masterpiece platformer. Had so much fun playing this as a kid with my family.

Never grew up with it, but even looking back: this is probably the quintessential classic NES Mario game. It set the stage for what Mario will be and really set in stone the standards of Mario's identity. As a game, it's great.

Maybe for the time this was an incredible game, but I don't think it aged all that well.

It's mostly the level design. This game is like, 25% autoscroller. That's not inherently bad I suppose, but by the end of the game I'm tired of them and they aren't fun. There are also some really bad levels in this game, that force you to deal with really precise platforming while avoiding enemies, or making blind jumps on occasion, enemies popping out of nowhere that kill you instantly, or throwing new mechanics at you before you can react to them.

There's a lot of good though. The variety in the visuals is really nice. Each world has it's own unique theme, and they feel different from each other. The music and graphics are great. And the wide variety of mechanics in this game are incredible. A lot of the game is still pretty fun.

Despite my issues earlier, I think it's definitely still worth playing, and it's influence on the future of the mario series, or even all of gaming, can't be overstated. But it can be really frustrating at times.

Better than World by a mile, even on the NES.

how the fuck does Bowser casually have 7 kids

One of the best Mario games out there.

Definitely the best of the NES Mario games, but I personally prefer SMW, NSMB ds, and NSMB wii for 2d platformers.

Still, an absolutely great platformer

Ein fantastischer Plattformer und den ersten 3 Teilen auf dem NES meilenweit voraus!

Die vielen Neuerungen im Vergleich zum Vorgänger aufzuzählen, würde hier zwar den Rahmen sprengen, aber viele Gegnertypen, die Weltkarte und die Wege zwischen den Leveln sind heute in 2D-Mario-Jump'n-Runs nicht mehr wegzudenken.

Endlich war die Schwierigkeit nicht mehr so bockschwer, das gesamte Spiel (bis auf die letzten 3 Level von Welt 8) habe ich sogar ohne Savestates durchgespielt. Weil die Plattform immer noch der NES ist, gab es trotz der langen Spieldauer keine Speicherfunktion. Deshalb habe ich eben auf die letzten zwei Hardcore-Achievements verzichtet, um nicht die Nacht durchzocken zu müssen (ausmachen is ja nich, ne?).

Was hier an Meilensteinen für das Genre gelegt wurde, ist jedenfalls unglaublich. Diesmal hat endlich auch der Nintendo-typische Gameplay-Sog eingesetzt und ich kam nicht mehr weg vom Bildschirm, bis der Abspann lief.

Achievements: 48 %