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in the past

easily the best way to play 3d world. mario cat is a cool power up.

on my opinion, the best phases mario game ever! incridible new mechanics and phases, i fucking love it

Works so well on the switch and the increased movement speed and generally just better feeling gameplay ascends this game from a 9 out of 10 to an absolute 10 a lovely game with so much good and barely any bad.

These post-game platforms have got hands and I love it. Champion’s Road in particular will change you as a person, its one of the most difficult challenges I’ve experienced in a video game so far (Mario with no power ups).

The base game was extremely enjoyable though, most levels didn't pose too much of a challenge besides having to look for each green star or stamp I missed, but they were so short that I could jump right back in and clean up easily. Majority of the levels didn't overstay their welcome.

Level design is top tier.
Sound fx is amazing as always.
Dynamic score is amazing as always.
Looks great for a Wii U port, a result of solid art direction.
Abilities and the inclusion of other characters were cool.
The addition of photo mode was great.

My only problem is the auto scrolling levels that prevented me from going at my own pace, I wanted to go faster but the game doesn't let me and if I miss a star I had to restart. This on top of a fixed (mostly isometric) camera perspective that you can’t even change really hinders the experience and just feels odd. Maybe this is a skill issue on my part, luckily there weren't too many.

Other than that its peak and I love how there's so much Galaxy inclusion.

I don't think a game's camera placement has infuriated me as much as this game. This is a 3D platformer. A fixed isometric camera does not work. I can't count the number of times I have died because its impossible to know where Mario is landing. How did anyone think this is a good idea? The fixed camera is so uncomfortable. It genuinely ruins the levels for me, which are actually really well designed. I don't have the patience to unlock the secret worlds in this game specifically cause the camera makes me want to pull my hair. Also the Cat Suit is not fun to use in my opinion, I much prefer the Tanooki or Fire Flower power up. This game is heavily carried by its level design, I was unsure whether to give it a 2.5 or 3 because of the stupid camera placement, but the levels (and music) saved this game.

Oh yeah, right, since the Switch versions is technically a "collection".

What to say, once again? I LOVE this game. It's one of the mainline Mario games I find always funny to replay and return. It's by all means much better than any NSMB or 3D Land imo.
Honestly all I notice from the Wii U version is that the auto-savings are better and don't interrupt the gameplay once you beat a level. And, uh, that's pretty much about it.

Solo diré que este juego desborda creatividad y caos, una partida individual o cooperativa son experiencias muy diferentes y las 2 no dejan de ser igual de buenas, pero para completarlo al 100%, tener que pasarlo con los 5 personajes me parece muy exagerado para tener 12 mundos.

Still amazing! Doesn't get much better in the genre, but the boss fights could be better.

Muy divertido, sus power up son muy justos, el diseño de los niveles está hecho a la perfección y la amplitud del mundo lo hace un título hermoso para jugar en amigos y aprovechar todas las ventajas que los 4 jugadores ofrecen

Galaxy 2 was made to be a more linear game than it's predeccesor basically revolving around the philosophy of throwing great ideas and level designs at the player at a breakneck pace and moving onto the next thing asap to keep the game fresh. fun and everdevoloping. The problem that I found with the game, however, was that it was constrained in it's delivery of this philosophy due to it existing as a sequel to Galaxy and not as it's own original entry built from the ground up to facilitate these concepts. 3D World to me is the game Galaxy 2 set out to be. And this comparison isn't made just to shit on Galaxy 2 they're both great games (and I probably even prefer Galaxy 2 just for how good some of it's level design is) but the difference highlights how well 3D World exceeds in being the type of game it wants to be.

This game has some of the best pacing of any platformer I've played. Levels have enough depth between collecting stars and engaging with unique mechanics to be thoroughly enjoyable yet only take up a couple minutes at a time. And with the switch port especially, jumping into the next levels takes only a second. Hours will fly by playing this before you even realise you've played most of the game in one sitting. The only thing really holding this game back for me is that no matter how well designed a game like this is I'm always going to prefer the more adventurous tone of games like Galaxy 1 or the sandbox style of games like Odyssey. And also, more obviously could've been done to differentiate aesthetically from typical Mario conventions but the approach makes sense within the context of this game. As is, 3D World exceeds in being a purely linear 3D Mario more effectively than any other in the series and that's worth praising.

about as good of a game you can have in the format of linear level design. wish it was harder (outside of the last level. the horrifying last level. took me a week to beat. so awesome), but super underrated nonetheless. was great they paired this with Bowser's Fury.

(Did a run of the main 8 worlds)
While this doesn't reach the heights of SM64/DS for me, I did personally enjoy it a little more than Sunshine and Galaxy. All the levels were pretty enjoyable, the different characters were fun to mess with, and god the power-ups not being situational is so good. Didn't feel padded out either, length and collectibles were just right. I'll definitely do the post game at some point
TLDR; game is fun, and a good compliment to the more typical 3D Marios.

Its an alright port, i still think the game’s focus on being competitive is SUPER ANNOYING!

Nintendo eu te pedi um jogo e vc me entregou a perfeição


When 'comfort food' turns into 'fast food': quickly consumed, quickly forgotten. When you've put in the effort to play through Mario's 3D series from the beginning, one can't help but feel disappointed, especially when considering Super Mario 3D World as a follow-up to Super Mario Galaxy: the game feels quite conventional both in its physics, its movement possibilities, and its level design.

I'd almost venture to say it's more of a Mario 2.5D, given how the camera remains predominantly fixed (sometimes offering a choice of 3 viewing angles, and that's it). I can't quite find the words, but it feels like a detachment from the character, creating less immersion.

It also seems like the first game where Nintendo is recycling ideas rather than introducing new ones. Aside from the multiplayer mode (which I haven't tried) and the integration of the Wiiverse (RIP), the game revisits worlds and themes that are overly familiar. It appears to rely on gimmicks rather than innovative ideas. The cat suit is a prime example: it's amusing, it looks nice on the game cover, but in reality, it detracts from the gameplay because it's too overpowered. You end up wanting to have it all the time, which is a shame for other power-ups.

Regarding bosses, even though I know it's not Mario's strong suit, the simplification here seems somewhat absurd. In fact, it feels like the game almost abandons the concept of bosses altogether, turning the Bowser cat phase (final boss) into essentially a platforming segment. They didn't even try.

Now, it's evident that this game has clear strengths, particularly in its accessibility (it could be the ideal first Mario game), its vibrant graphics, and its music. It's from the perspective of considering Super Mario 3D World as a sequel to Mario Galaxy (Super Mario Gravity, I'm counting on you) that I was disappointed.

Worst fucking multiplayer experience ever. This game just fucking sucks for multiplayer, the camera fucking jerks everywhere cause it can't decide who to focus on. *I* can't fucking tell who is who most of the time and lose track of myself and just die. Compound the previous statement with the perspective of the camera in this game fucking sucks and I just start constantly dying. Fucking hate this shit, 2D mario clears.

Super mario 3d world is an average mario game. It has good level design with loads of worlds and power ups. This game whilst fun, has some issues. For me I really don't like having to collect more stars to advance to the next area. I feel like it's just a lazy way to extend the short runtime of this game, but other than you can't go wrong with this game

feel bad for my switch games because they take forever for me to finish but yea this was fun but grumblump inferno made me wanna run into a wall.

Amazing game, very fun and the added content in bowsers fury makes the game well worth the price.

legalzinho, acho que é só isso que da pra falar dele

eu via mt o brksedu jogando no wiiu, foi legal de jogar, eu lembro que quase comprei um wiiu por causa desse jogo, que bom que eu não fiz isso

Imagine um Mario 3D Land melhorado em tudo, com novos PowerUps, opção de multiplayer e gráficos lindos. Pois é, seria exatamente este título.

Super Mario 3D World conseguiu ser a aventura 3D no estilo de fases definitiva do Mario, moldando um título cativante e bastante único. Esse jogo tem uma originalidade muito forte, e não consigo acreditar que nesse ano esse título completará 11 fucking anos.

Se o 3D Land traduziu de forma excelente a gameplay de Mario 2D pro 3D, esse título achou bonito e fez igual, polindo o que era desfalcado e atingindo a expertise do level design "Marístico" em 3D.

Os PowerUps novos foram ótimos e muito bem utilizados ao decorrer da gameplay, definitivamente gostaria de ver eles aparecendo novamente em jogos posteriores do bigodudo (Mario Maker 2 provou que isso é possível). Outro ponto de destaque é o multiplayer divertidíssimo.

Agora, o jogo não é isento de defeitos/ressalvas. Nós temos por exemplo fases que não se encaixam nadinha nos mundos. Há um mundo com a temática "céu" que possui mais fases aquáticas do que fases de céu de fato, o que não faz sentido algum. Eu até curtia essa variedade maluca no início do game, o que de fato deixa a experiência bem diversificada, mas olha, a partir do terceiro ou quarto mundo já comecei a sentir falta de níveis com as temáticas próprias dos mundos, ao invés de fases praticamente aleatórias.

Outra ressalva que tenho é com o multiplayer. Sim, ele é muito bom como eu disse lá atrás, porém isso é mais pro início do game, já que mais pro final dele as fases parecem ter sido projetadas para 1 singular jogador, e digo o mesmo para as fases de Plessie. Isso não é ruim, afinal, Mario sempre foi mais single player do que multiplayer, mas o problema é que o game te instiga muito a jogar com os amigos, sendo colocado até mesmo como um dos diferenciais do título.

No geral o game é muito divertido e vale muito a pena, é cheio de extras e rende boas horas de diversão. Fiquei muito feliz quando esse jogo saiu da sua exclusividade com o Wii U, pois um game do Mario bom assim não merecia ficar preso na biblioteca deste console floppado. Lembro de ter jogado isso pela primeira vez na infância, em meados de 2014, mas só consegui zerar mesmo depois de adulto no porte de Switch, e cara... o game te faz "voltar a ser criança". Joguem Mario 3D World.

The Wii U version was already a masterpiece, but the additional improvements made on the switch version make this play like a dream I even 100% completed the game (except those last two bullcrap levels, the 40 challenge house and Champions road, they can go jump off a cliff)