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in the past

very nice sequel to adol's adventures from ys

I decided to go with the steam version of this game just cause I didn't want to play the snes version or the ps2 version since ps2 does not have a translation out there from what ive seen. Once again another good game in the Ys series and a decent jumping on point if you're not a fan of the bump system from 1&2 as this one goes for a more regular action rpg gameplay. The only connection between the this and 1&2 is Dogi from 1 is an important character as he travels with you to his homeland. The story is decent nothing too out of the ordinary it was nice seeing everything come together at the end. The gameplay while better then the bump system was good just had an issue with jump attacks and flying enemies but as the game went on I just got better at it. The bosses were mostly all good outside of a couple namely one near the end and the final boss being pretty annoying. I always found just leveling up once can make a boss go from hard to easy sometimes. Overall just another good ARPG that doesn't take a long time to beat

So, my journey through the Ys series continues with The Oath in Felghana and let me say, I liked it quite a bit. Having played Ark of Napishtim right before this one, the changes become apparent rather quickly. Some of them really put the game onto another level quality-wise whereas other changes may have been somewhat….ill-considered? But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

The first thing that immediately caught my attention was of course the voice acting. Yes, that was my first Ys game that had this feature since I didn’t play the PS2 release of Napishtim but the PC version. So, for me personally, the voice acting was hit or miss. Some voices were really high quality whereas others were ok and some were actually really awful. I would say that all of the most important recurring characters like Elena and Dogi have good voice actors and actresses. However, there are a few characters, whose lines I had to skip whenever they had a scene (Margo was probably the worst of them all^^). Still, it was a nice addition to the game and it made the world feel livelier. Having the narrator voice all of Adol’s actions was kind of weird and unnecessary though.

Another thing that I noticed right off the bat was the music. Yeah, I know, this is a Falcom game and the music always slaps but, in this game, I thought it was particularly great. There are some really beautiful melancholic tunes that I will definitely put on my playlist. In the older Ys games, some of the more action-focused tracks could get a bit annoying for me. However, in this one, they were actually so good that they managed to pull me into the action of a fight and kept pushing me to keep going even if a fight would drag on.

That’s another change that set this game apart quite a bit from Napishtim. The bosses are hard, like really really friggin hard. There’s an achievement for dying to a single boss at least 10 times and I’m really proud that it wasn’t triggered until late game :D Because, let me tell you, fighting bosses in this game is very different from older Ys titles where I mostly beat them on the first or second try. Here, I had to focus and learn the enemy’s moves. I had to observe and slowly develop a strategy that would work. I had to use different skills and switch between them mid-battle for different situations which was honestly kind of cool. There were some bs mechanics in some of the later boss battles but for the most part, I appreciated the challenge.

The thing is, though, that you have to get through a dungeon before you can fight cool bosses. Well, dungeons have always been the bread and butter of a good Ys game and I gotta say, Oath in Felghana has some great dungeons. I liked the overall layout of each dungeon. There was always a clear direction of where the “main path” was for me and where I could find optional stuff. Mostly, there was a sort of logical progression from left to right or right to left with some side areas along the way. I liked that a lot since one major complain I had with pretty much every other Ys game so far was that at some point in the game, I would get totally lost in a dungeon. Here, that was never the case. So, dungeons = good yes? Well….technically yes but there is a major flaw and that is the placement of checkpoints/save points. I don’t know why they thought this was necessary but there are huge stretches of way between checkpoints and it frustrated me so hard. I don’t know how much time I lost by dying in a dungeon and then having to redo everything from a 30 minutes old save point all over again. They really blew it with this. It’s ok if there are harsh consequences for player failure but sometimes (especially in the last dungeon), the game just throws random stuff at you. Hordes of enemies that keep blasting you with nearly undodgeable attacks and traps that are just straight up mean really tested my tolerance for frustration. And even if you can avoid being killed by something along the way to your destination, there may be unskippable cutscenes that you have to sit through again and again and it’s just so tedious. So, even though the dungeon design itself is better than ever, there is still lots of backtracking and sometimes it feels like you’re not making any progress for a long time.

There were some changes to the gameplay that I really appreciated. First off, the super convoluted dash move from Napishtim was scratched. Thank the Goddess for that. Instead, Adol gets some movement skills throughout the game that help him overcome Metroidvania-like obstacles in the world. On top of that, magic is back and I am very happy for that. The magic system is super straightforward and is super fun to use in battles and puzzles in the world. There’s also a new “hyper mode” that unlocks after beating up enough enemies that lets you beat up enemies even faster and it just feels so good. In general, fighting feels so responsive and fluid that I just had a blast blasting through one wave of monsters after another. I already mentioned the backtracking and let me tell you, if it hadn’t been for the fun fighting, I would have put the game down way earlier. All in all, the gameplay is quite similar to Napishtim. You fight, you explore, you do some platforming, solve some simple puzzles and move on. It’s cool, it’s fast and it’s fun. And hey, there are no more annoying status effects like in the older games and that’s a huge relief.

So, how about the story? Well, traditionally, the story in Ys is more grounded, self-contained and not as epic as they come in most other JRPGs. And I like that. In Oath in Felghana, I feel like the writers were going for something grander and more JRPG-typical than they used to. There’s twists and turns, characters hungering for revenge for ill deeds of the past, personal drama, evil magicians who plot in the darkness and of course the fate of the world that is at stake. Honestly, it was all a bit much for me. I don’t mind generic fantasy storytelling but I was really fond of the way other Ys games kept their stories simple, subtle, and focused on the important stuff. Oath in Felghana strays from that path a bit and it lost me along the way. It was nice to learn more about Dogi’s past but the main plot was just a tiny bit too stereotypical for me.

And there we have it, another Ys game in the can. I had a good time with this game overall. There’s just a level of quality and polishing that I haven’t seen in other Ys games so far. Small details like the visible changes in Adol’s sprite depending on the armor set he wears just speak for the higher production value of this game. Yes, there’s still some annoyances (like the settings resetting every time I restart the game) and some changes that felt like they were going into a wrong direction (like storytelling and presentation), but overall, it’s still Ys and it’s as fun as it’s ever been.

The combat loop in this game is so addictive - you beat up enemies, which gets you boosts to your stats and exp gain, which makes beating up more enemies more rewarding, which gives you more boosts, repeat ad infinitum. This was my introduction to Ys games, and the bosses were tough, out of the 20 or so bosses, there were only a couple that I beat on the first try - but learning their patterns was extremely rewarding, so (with one exception) I didn't mind redoing the battle a couple times. The remaster makes the graphics look great and timeless, and like any Ys game, the soundtrack is fantastic.

Good action game. Interesting characters. Worst plot so far.

In my opinion, easily the weakest Ys game, and especially even more so in this engine as I thought Origins was more fun. So much grinding, kind of tedious to play. This never felt like just a fun game, there was just always something lacking. I think a lot of other people enjoy the difficulty of it, but it never felt like fun difficulty, it felt like unnecessary tedium. The one saving grace was that this game actually had more then two difficulty options so I could at least get through it.

saying "This is the Dark Souls of ______" is so lame and overused but this is actually just the Dark Souls of ys (specifically DS2)

Avenging your parents is pretty cool when you don't have a Dogi in your ear telling you its not.

The first and hands down BEST ys I played. Everything from the combat, music, bosses, level design, exploration, thrilling and varied locations, it all just culminates here.

This is the first Ys game I've finished and I absolutely adored my time with it. I can't wait to get into the rest of them.

Very good feeling hacky slashy game. I have a few minor complaints about the boss design, mostly in that at least on hard most of them feel like you're playing the lottery waiting for the attack pattern that will actually let you get a hit in and hoping they don't randomly chain attacks with no cooldown.

Aside from that minor complaint though, Falcom knows how to make an action game that feels smooth as butter to play, with just enough options to keep it from being a pure button mashing experience. The story certainly exists with some nice twists, but if you're playing this you're here for the action which this absolutely has.

After Origin, I was worried that the preceding entries wouldn't be up to snuff with the well tuned and balanced boss fights. While there were some gimmicky fights, I also ended up enjoying them in general as the mechanics of each attack pattern were satisfying to solve.
Minimizing your damage on earlier phases to take the eventual victory is satisfying, and I never felt helplessly numerically outclassed from the RPG calculations in the background.
Bosses aside, I was engaged by the area exploration and side objectives.
While it's probably my last Ys for a while, I have only good things to say about it if you are in the mood for a fantasy action game with a healthy dose of camp.

As the second game of the Napishtim engine, Ys: The Oath of Felghana improves some of the gameplay issues from the previous game, Ys VI. The two important aspects that were fixed were movement (which felt slightly smoother) and jumping/platforming (thanks to the jumping being less stiff and the wind element's usage in jumps). Combat felt just as fun with bosses being satisfying to fight when you learn their attack patterns and eventually defeat them. The magic system was improved as it had better utility than the one-time usages in Ys VI. The story is typical Ys fare, however, the excellent voice acting makes it an entertaining story that feels more grand than it is in reality. The OST was slightly weak, though bangers like Valestein Castle and the Boy Who Had Wings still carried it. Overall, it's still a great Ys game for any fan to try out.

Le même gameplay que Origin que j'avais beaucoup aimé mais le côté très frustrant lui fait perdre des points pour moi. Le plus gros problème je pense sont les hitbox foireuses des attaques, mais y'a aussi le fait que les points de sauvegarde sont beaucoup trop éloignés les uns des autres. Après par rapport à la difficulté, celle-ci est complètement modulable donc on va dire que ça se pardonne. En terme d'histoire absolument tout est prévisible mais on va dire qu'il a l'excuse d'être sorti y'a pas mal de temps.

Equal parts addictive fun and infurating punishment, the combat is simple and fluid, the graphics are nice and the soundtrack is amazing even by Ys standards. But seriously, don't play this anything higher than Normal unless you want this game to rip you a new one.

Comparing it to original Ys III is like night and day, and I say that as someone who actually was pretty fond of that game. The entire rework of the story to feature Chester more prominently was great and made me end up really caring for him, and both his newly added boss fights were great as well!

While this game removed the weapon switching I liked from Ys VI, there's still a similar mechanic with magic and it works pretty well here too! But the big improvement to the combat is all the multipliers they added that encourage going fast and doing a lot of combos so your EXP and stats are better until they drop, it's just straight dopamine to the brain.

I replayed the game on inferno mode, and I don't see myself doing that again cause it was pretty exhausting to get through, but it's a pretty fun challenge if you're into that stuff :p. Regardless of that the bosses in this game range from great to just alright, they're not all hits, but for the most part there's a lot to enjoy!

When I started this game, I thought it was a lesser version of Origin in the gameplay department...only to find out this game predates Ys Origin. It would explain why the gameplay feels...less refined than Origin was, like how I feel the drop rate of things was lower. Unlike Origin, though, you don't need 3 playthroughs to get the full story. The story is a bit on the simple side, and there was a plot twist that did catch me by surprise, but otherwise it's fairly straightforward.

One critique of Memories of Celceta's ending I had was that it felt the game just ends after the final boss. This game actually lets you go around and talk to the NPCs in town and see how they're moving forward, which was something I liked about the ending.

In the gameplay department, using the wind magic did take a bit of getting used to, but once you have it down, it's very reliable for both platforming and fighting. Fire magic did feel a bit hard to aim at time and I did whiff a number of shots in my playthrough, and earth magic honestly didn't feel all that useful aside from the brief invincibility the dash gives you. As for bosses, while some were easy, a lot of them felt more like "learn their moves to win, with one notable exception, who just feels like he throws a flurry of annoying moves that do tons of damage even with fully upgraded equipment.

While fairly short, I did enjoy my time in Felghana. Would play tennis against a demon again. He must've been tennis friends with the various incarnations of Ganondorf.

Once again old YS games too hoard & I have shamed myself in the attempt. Hopefully I'll give it the old college try eventually but I'd rather just plat Nordics when it comes out...

[Adol told Dogi about the events that transpired.}
What? Elena fell down the well? That's terrible buddy! If only we had some kind of amulet or bangle that held mystical jewels that allowed us to double jump or run. What are the chances any of those are laying around though, huh.....

The balance on area length was a little off, but otherwise I feel like it was pretty respectful towards my time. I could probably have learned the bosses besides the first big one if I had more patience, too, but the game allowed me to level enough to where I didn't spend sessions retrying (on Normal).
I think my biggest thing is I feel Adol should move quicker, or maybe the map is too spread out

Worst one of the series, most dungeons have convoluted leveldesign while being not that various in terms of secrets compared to Ys VI (2003, this game is 2005 btw), retarded placement of enemies and checkpoints, also dumb platformer sections that even some bossfights have.
Hard difficulty will rape your ass, there's differences in bossfights too because of it.
Grindy shit overall, can't say anything good about it.
Abandoned right at the last bossfight

been a while since i played a ys game but this brought me back to the series with its incredible ost and smooth combat. liked this cast especially chester, who had some surprisingly moments. had a good time the whole way through

Its not that terrible but I fucked myself by playing on hard mode despite the fact that theres like 3 more harder difficulties and its still really fucking brutal. Long stretches with no saves or ways to restore your health outside rare enemy drops. Bosses that basically force you to memorize them and take little to no damage. I kinda enjoy actually having my skill be tested even if the bosses are damn near bullshit. If you dont know, in this game, you have no defensive options. You run, jump and stab, and thats it. In a world where I had infinite time, I would start a new playthrough or force my way through hard mode but I don't really want to do either of those.

C'est mon pref des jeux Ys qui utilisent le Napishtim Engine, le scénario est bien, l'OST est génial (je dis ça à chaque fois mais c'est vrai punaise), et ma parte pref c'est le gameplay ; Les donjons, boss, ennemies etc. je trouve qu'ils sont excellents, le jeu m'a botté le cul parce que c'est difficile mais c'est un niveau de difficulté parfait

En gros c'est un très très bon jeu

Fim do ano passado, um pouquinho antes do natal, eu tentei jogar o YS III Wanderer Of Ys, não me pegou, engavetei e fui jogar o Origins, que se passa nessa mesma "era" dos jogos de Ys, gostei, não bastante, mas gostei, oq faltou pra mim foi a história e personagens interessantes, joguei os 2 primeiros Ys que eu curti bastante e fui jogar esse. Demorou muito pra me prender, mas a cena depois da saída da dungeon de gelo, me prendeu e não foi pouco, a reta final desse jogo é perfeita em feeling e história só tem um problema. Esse jogo se difere do Origins na gameplay por culpa de como ele é estruturado, por ter varias dungeons ele obviamente vai ter áreas mais abertas e espaçadas, coisa que o Origin não tem e uma das coisas que as areas fechadas e menores do Origins ajuda é o farming, Ys desde o começo tem muito farming, que é gostoso dms nos primeiros dois jogos e o Origins refina isso duma maneira muito boa tbm, que esse jogo não tem. De resto não tenho oq reclamar, a gameplay é muito boa, a atuação é BIZARRAMENTE BOA prum jogo dessa época e ainda mais duma empresa pequena, porra que jogaço cara. POR MAIS RPGS PEQUENOS! Vou jogar o Ys VIII q é o próximo na timeline e espero curtir dessa nova direção, se eu não gostar já sei que sempre vou ter meu lugar nos Ys antiguinhos.

Notas extras:

Chester é o melhor personagem, puta que pariu eu gostei mt dele, a Elena é uma fofa, as artes extras que não tem na versão de PC são mt daorinhas recomendo e a trilha sonora é ABSURDA.

A stellar remake. I do give the PC Engine CD soundtrack the slight edge; everything from gameplay to presentation is a vast improvement. The Elena falling scene is sadly gone though. Also while I don't mind randomized boss patterns, several of the bosses have invulnerable states which means certain attempts at a boss are made arbitrarily longer by RNG. That's my biggest issue with this game as every boss was hit or miss in terms of fun factor.

this and ark of napishtim, these are great rpgs with tight controls and fun bosses, easy recommend

Dude, beat the hell out of those insanely hard bosses after a lot of defeats, especially the final, were without a doubt some of the best moments i've had with a game. Also title drop on the ending is so funny

This was an amazing game, some frustating parts!
I love how this game is so similar to ys origins (i love that game)!
Music was fantastic, story was good!
i recommend a lot!