This was kind of a let down. Way more antiseptic than it's predecssor and no where near as much depth to the battle system but still a weird game that was clearly planning on you buying in for the whole ride as it buried you in so much lore and "we'll explain later" bs that it kinda killed the momentum.

Even the final bossfight was just kind of "bluh... i guess it's over"

Amazingly fun third person shooter for this gen.

I bounced off this pretty quick after not much caring for the first one. It leaned more heavily on a weird little kid in a trench coat who was like a super soldier idk.

This game is fine tuned within an inch of perfection. The levels are inventive, the story is better than it has any right to be and the challenge is as brutal as you want it to be.

Also every track on the OST is a certified bop.

It wasn't an end of the season Soccer party at Godfather's Pizza until I put 3 bucks in quarters in this game and barely made it anywhere.

A perfectly functional old-school beat em up with that old internet flash aesthetic.

If there's a better video game out there... I haven't played it.

Pretty darn good and the writing was still top notch but I think I got stuck on it somewhere and never technically finished it. Sorry Bowser.

Technically there's nothing that puts this individual point and click adventure above the rest but the arty style, setting, music and everything else just clicks with me. I love this game.

You could say this isn't much of a game and is more of a digital logic puzzles book but that'd be ignoring the gorgeous art style and hokey plot which are both big mood boosters.

Also the logic puzzles rule obviously I gave it 5 stars, c'mon.

I honestly picked this up on the strength of Koei's previous release Mark of the Ninja and while base building, resources gathering games aren't really my vibe I'm glad they found a big audience with this one. I had a pretty good time with it myself.

A little bit of a rough start with some out and out obtuse puzzles but the start of a wonderful series that is the perfect time wasting brain scratcher with charm.

I played all the expansions to the Civ IV game but am reviewing this one for some reason. I remember really liking it. I think I've put more hours into Civ V but I just like Civ IV more for some reason.