This game is such a breeze to play compared to past entries in the series. Weapons and traversal all feel great and there's always an epic boss battle around the next corner, however I feel like we lost a bit of the "weird" the series was also known for.

Buttery smooth frantic combat, what more is there to ask for? Ok maybe some more interesting build options...

Fun game to grind through and explore every nook and cranny, ugly as sin tho with clunky combat

The Moldenhauer's demanded excellence from themselves when painstakingly creating the game's iconic, vibrant art, so it's only fair that they demand some excellence from you the player in taking down these grueling bosses. The game is a thrill to play, my only complaint is how frustrating it can be to die to an unlucky nigh un-dodge able pattern.

This was my first Final Fantasy game! Good introduction to the series and the job system was fun enough but there's not really anything that would make me want to revisit it.

Kirby’s first foray into 3D sticks the landing! The levels are fun, copy abilities are satisfying and unique, and the new mouthful mode powers are all fun to play too.

Main gripes are the bosses are just not very fun! And worst of all everything takes too long in this game! Unstoppable text and cutscenes, long loading screens, mandatory trips back to Waddle Dee Town slow things down considerably.

Goat cast Goat Setting music owns addicting gameplay loop is fun as always. Obviously the dungeons have aged like dirt but I've had far more fun playing this than P5 (and i really loved P5 when it came out).


The sense of figuring everything out entirely on your own or solving a puzzle using clues presented to you in the games manual was really fun! The entirety of the rest of the gameplay (combat, exploration, traversing the world) was really not fun!