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14 year old me pogged so hard when u shoot the moon at the end

Sony ditched the gratuitous gore and sex the series was known for in exchange for character driven drama. The fact they managed to stick the landing so well is insanely impressive. The only really detractor are the tacked on RPG elements.

Tried to play this as a dumb teenager and thought “this game is so overrated, the translation is so bad the script makes no sense.”

Revisited the PS4 re-release and absolutely fell in love. Perhaps the best part is that the game has interesting shit to say. Square Enix doesn’t make games that have shit to say anymore.

They somehow made the goat BoTW look like a silly tech demo

Perhaps the perfect platformer. Don’t give up, you can do it!

Good game however Mr X can fuck off


At first I thought this game was just ok and the next thing I realized I was daydreaming at work about how to make my farm more efficient. SDV is truly that addicting.

The sense of wonder and excitement felt when discovering a strange new area, encountering the next horrific boss, or hightailing it to the next bonfire, quite literally changed the gaming landscape. Obvious low points are the middling second half.

All time classic, required reading for RPG fans

Really great level design but damn they be asking you to complete every level like 4 times to fully complete everything

Cheesy popcorn flick like the classic horror films it was modeled after

I loooooove to collect moooooons. Probably the best movement ever in a Mario game.

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Once the game decides to shut the fuck up it gets really really fun, the commitment to the efficiency maxing style of gameplay becomes really addicting.

The music was a bit of a low point for me, there are good tracks sprinkled throughout but the main level themes are soooo boring compared to the classics we got in Pikmin 1 and 2

Also why the hell did they throw out the original canon and make Louie a villian