There is very little actual Fallout DNA in this game. If you're into looter-shooters and enjoy the current watered down version of the Bethesda formula you might get more out of this than me.

One step forward, two steps back for the Pokemon series. It has some good ideas that exceed the scope of what the Switch can do and leaves a bunch of features from previous games behind as a sacrifice. Despite this it still manages to be a fun experience. If you can overclock your switch to make the performance not embarrassing I would recommend it.

Extremely simple mechanics with endless depth. Amazing art and soundtrack. Easily one of the best games on the GBA.

The level editor in this game is the only thing worth playing with. It's buggy as hell but fun.

I played this game with my little brother years ago when it released. Very fun open world take on the Lego formula. This game is filled with so many movie references that at least half of them went over my head at first. They were clearly aiming for getting some laughs out of the parents watching their kids play this. I couldn't believe some of the stuff I was seeing.

I appreciate the fact that they actually decided to make a spinoff take place after the main game in the timeline. This mostly feels like a retread of the main game but if you're just looking for more of the Phantom Thieves this will do it for you. The combat isn't my cup of tea but it's serviceable enough. The new characters introduced in this are great and feel like much more than cheap spinoff characters.

There's a lot more effort than you'd expect put into the story of this game. It carries the continuity from Most Wanted. You can easily beat this in one sitting and it plays very well. The FMV cutscenes are pretty charming too and are very 2000s.

Setting aside the fact that the story in this game has more holes than swiss cheese, it is one of my favorite games of all time.

The art, music, and world of this game is filled with a ridiculous amount of charm and is a testament to the strength of the team assembled by Level 5 and Capcom for this collaboration.

I'm selling these fine leather jackets.

Incredible game for its time and a ton of fun with friends. Years ago we handed the controller around after every death and knocked out the whole game in two days. The movement in this game is incredible. The combat much less so.

Pretty disappointing remake all around. I'll start by naming the things that were done well:
1. Very good music remixes
2. CO designs are pretty good
That is unfortunately all the good I have to say. Now for the bad:
1. The artstyle is a massive step down for Advance Wars and Wayforward. Even if you can deal with the cheap plastic artstyle, the game has a problem with units being indistinct from each other.
2. The AI is somehow much worse than the original games.
3. The game launched with several bugs and I'm not sure if they've even been fixed and I don't care to find out.
4. The multiplayer we got was incredibly disappointing and basically an afterthought.

I don't understand why you would ever play this over Advance Wars By Web. It's a shame that this is probably the last time this franchise will ever see the light of day.

Incredible gameplay that's hampered by completely incoherent story and characters. Doesn't help that the localizers decided to write a fanfiction version of the game for the US.

This game is the funniest instance of getting flamed in DMs in a multiplayer game I've ever experienced.

I have never seen a game that combines storytelling, gameplay, and themes and weaves them together so effortlessly. The game oozes with soul and edge in every small detail and mechanic. Is it the most technically sound and streamlined experience? Definitely not. I'd argue that this is what makes the game so great, however.

There is more nuance in the writing of the first hour of this game than the entire Star Wars sequel trilogy. If you can stomach the fact that the game was completed in 11 months and hardly works, you're in for the best Star Wars videogame experience that exists.