28 Reviews liked by AKIPOmelette

Overall I had a great time with this game once again, and its close enough to the original that it'd be totally fine to play this in place of the original, since getting a Wii and the fan patch hooked up would be a lot of effort for some people.

There are of course some slight issues with this remaster (as with all remasters) but for what it's worth I didn't super notice this stuff when playing, and I think everything that made the original good was retained.

The new lighting looks pretty good but does somewhat take away the impact of certain rooms which had unique lighting in the original (which they still have, it just is less of a dramatic difference from the regular hallways now).

The new character models look Fine but on seeing a comparison they are less expressive and are way less animated than the Wii version, which is definitely a shame.

And lastly using the right stick for the flashlight is just more awkward than using the motion controls from the original.

Those issues aside though, the new translation is pretty good and the game still looks and plays great, so I'm happy. If they ever make a Fatal Frame 6 I hope it's closer to this game's style than to 5's.

You can Matrix Dodge a bullet which nobody acknowledges

''Promise that you'll protect her.''
I get it now... This is indeed peak fiction.

This is one of my favorite games ever, it gave me hundreds of hours of challenges in my childhood. It is a virtual pet simulator with combat and stats from a typical jrpg. You train your pet while rebuilding the main city by recruiting digimons. Every digimon that you recruit adds services, shops or utilities to the city and you see it growing with each new recruit.

The combat mechanics are in real time and you can input some commands, but the digimon decides what to do. You give support in battles by giving him items or by activating his finishing move.

Your digimon can evolve into different creatures depending on the base egg you pick and his stats. The evolution level achieved depends on the digimon's age. After certain age your digimon will perish and be reincarnated as an egg, repeating the cycle again and again.

This game is hard as fuck, and there is some sort of mysticism regarding the ways of digivolving the digimons, but it's part of the charm. Some people may find annoying having to feed or take the digimon to the toilet. I don't recommend this game if you don't have patience and aren't willing to learn from your mistakes.

Peak soul.



this is a sentiment that has been echoed by many other people on this website, but omori and its fanbase are exactly what people thought undertale and its fanbase were like in 2015.

i think ultimately, omori's commodification and desire for marketability with a subject as touchy as childhood trauma and mental illness for the sake of making a shoddy attempt at replicating early rpg maker titles turns omori from a 5/10 mediocre horror rpg to one of my least favorite pieces of media.
you spend a good chunk in the game in a frustratingly obnoxious trauma induced headspace with a woobified cast that ultimately has no depth, and the other half in the real world which is barely much better, all of which to set up badly done, laughable horror while still making these sensitive subjects digestible to people who would otherwise be put off by them. the whole game feels like it was designed to sell merchandise of these uwu so sad teenagers and i wouldn't be surprised if that was 100% the intention with making this game, as the entire experience is deeply shallow.
if you want an actually nuanced depiction of childhood trauma and mental illness that doesn't try to make a dark and troubling topic marketable for teenagers, read oyasumi punpun.

i already made a review of omori that i will be keeping up since they were my thoughts when i had initially played the game, i just wanted to give my thoughts about the game now that i've sat on my experience with it for a few months.

another overrated indie game

not bad. not insanely good. just good. people give it too much credit. it's a combination of some good elements from metroidvania and souls with the same problems as them and without some of the core strengths of those games. i just don't get it

Fata Morgana, is the nice boy in class, he has all the good grades, he's not particularly ugly, he's cultivated, he'll likely gonna get into a good university once he's gonna graduate, he seems to have no flaws, except one, he's painfully boring in its flawlessness
Subahibi on the other hand, he's the bad boy , he's dark, sinister, a bit cringe , he has black hair, he makes barely passable poetry , he smokes marijuana and is involved with several case of high school crime, he always brings a guitar and listen to 21 pilot on his airpods, not the kinda guy you should get interrested in, he looks silly , he looks like a fucking looser, he thinks he's goat, but he's not goat, he's just a piece of shit edgy kids and oh my god I hate this guy, but one day you go to a party
Who did you end up in bed with ? That's right , not fucking Fata, he's too good for this, It's Sca-di, you woke up next morning, and he fucked you and you look past the bed border and your mom is lying on the floor , fucked like she never has been before. Then he wokes up with pancackes, kiss you goodbye and leaves you with a teen pregnancy he's never gonna act upon. But the memory of such an experience will last with you for the rest of your goddamn life

Listen. I love all elements of this game individually. Digimon? ABSOLUTELY. Visual novels? Hell yeah. Tactics RPGs? Yup.

This game, and I truly hate to be this negative, blows. The visual novel portions are so tedious and poorly written. The smallest of story spoilers, but on the second morning of the game, the main character literally wakes up and asks each other character how they're doing. I'm sorry, but I don't care! And the mechanics of how the VN works feels like a chore.

I could forgive a lot of this if there was any vibe at all, but it's just nonexistent.

I've not been so disappointed in a game in a long time.

1.5 stars for tactics combat that is enjoyable.

Tsukihime is the great story about a boy named "Toro Shake it" who had the power of see the death but only at 10:00 pm to 6:00 or her balls will explode.

This guy has living a normal life in his mansion with his sister tsundere and his maids when one day he see a blonde girl (named "Tsukihime") when her see that girls instantly her has the pulse of cutting her in 69 pieces and cum.

Truly a Masterpiece 10/10

atlus really said "let's make the worst action game imaginable" and then they proceeded to fucking do that

Tremendo juego, mejor soul? Seguramente, necesito procesar más el juego antes de decir eso, me costó mucho más sekiro.
Cosas a criticar:
-enemigos repetitivos
-muchas habilidades, spells, etc sin mucha utilidad
-no me gustó el jefe final
- aunque vi el final, siento que no vi el final, parece muy probable que agreguen contenido extra
Cosas a elogiar:
- diseño de niveles, y no hablo del mundo abierto solamente, que es muy bueno y está muy bien interconectado, hablo de las mazmorras más básicas del juego, las cuevas, los túneles. Si bien todas se parecen entre sí, todas te hacen sentir en otro lugar.
- perderte en el juego, querer hacer algo y terminar haciendo otra cosa, acá si hablo del mundoabierto, es lo mejor que tiene el juego esto te hace sentir muy chico. Me hubieran gustado más Quests, si bien sé que me faltan muchas por hacer, se hace adictivo conseguir cosas, hablar con npc, enfrentar jefes.
- la variedad de armas buenas, tengo un arma de cada tipo que es genial y siento que son competentes tanto en pvp como en pve.
Siento que tengo mil cosas más que decir de bueno y de malo del juego pero no quiero hacer eterna la Review, esas son las que más me impactaron. Es un juego enorme para resumirlo el una Review así nomás.

Saludos a mis amigos Nugget y Mitsu que siempre me dan para adelante con mis reviews.

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i would die for the robotics club.

i can't believe the depth and quality of the writing behind (most of) these characters. akiho and kai's relationship is one of the best, most unique, honest, and well-developed i've ever seen in a game.

the plot is classic SciAdv, with maybe too many elements from prior games pulled in and a bit of a rushed finale. but the first half of the game with slice-of-life character hangouts and a slowly unraveling mystery was masterful - I wish I could've stayed in that part of the game for another 40 hours.

it's a shame the sequel focuses on the worst character in steins;gate, but oh well.

si pudiera darle negativo 10 estrellas lo haria