There's too much to say about this game. Growing up I was a Halo player and I was very against CoD for some reason. I had a friend bring this to my house one time and I bought it the next day. Little did I know this game would start years of memories that I will never forget.

This was the game I would rush home from school to play. It wasn't even because I was good; I just had a blast with friends in random lobbies trying to mess with people.

My friends and I would follow Vanoss Gaming and KYRSp33dy religiously, so whenever they would do something new we would jump right on the train. We did everything from ninja defuses, hiding tactics, Michael Meyers, and make him clutch it. That's not even mentioning the amount of Zombies we played either.

I have no idea how many hours I have in this game, but I made lifelong friends through this game and it will always feel like home.

My history with this game goes way back to 2014 or so when I was working at the activity center at the local YMCA. My job was to supervise kids playing video games, but they gave me a computer, and this game was available in browser, so what are you gonna do?

This is probably the game I've played the most in my life because it's just so fun, and it's super short. I proved earlier this year that I still have the muscle memory to do Veni Vidi Vici fairly flawlessly. Needless to say, this game will probably pop up again on my list when I'm feeling bored.

Action Henk: "Can I copy your homework?"
Speedrunners: "Sure, just don't make it look too similar."

It's white trash Speedrunners. That being said it's still a buttslidin good time.

Nope. Concept was cute, but I don't do the "full restart rage games" When we were back to the start after two hours, I just put down the controller.

Played Cody this time through with my girlfriend. It took a half star off playing with her because it was a lot of waiting around. Still a top tier game that well deserved GotY.

This was the first Mario Kart I ever played, and I thought it was the gold standard for the series. After going back to play all of the rest of them, I found out that was a false assumption. The only thing I miss about this game is the storm cloud item. Please bring that back.

I have extremely fond memories of playing this game with my grandmother of all people. I always thought it was a fun game, and then my cousin came over and showed me a bunch of the secret stuff on the first world and I was blown away. Years later I finally bought the game for myself, and to this day I'm still stuck on a castle on world 6. I hope to finish it someday when I get the motivation.

This is another case where giving this and Half-Life 1 both 5 stars feels weird. I liked this one better because of the expansion on the narrative, but I really liked the older feel of the first game. I'm very excited for the DLC, and I'm now joining the waiting list for the 3rd game. These games are very unique in the sense that they're not open world, and it's just constant objective. You could easily pick up this series and play it from start to finish, and if you look at my game history for this year, I damn well have.

People who use electric smoke are pussies and they know it.

Going back to this, the controls are just awful. However, I have a lot of great memories from this game. I think this was the game that developed my fascination with the grappling hook mechanic. I would take this to the local YMCA and we would play deathmatch split screen after school for hours.

This was also the first game I realized that my brother gave me an unplugged controller to play. I distinctly remember us playing the campaign together, but it wasn't until much later when I was older that I found out the campaign is single player.

This game was good and it had a lot of potential. I put a lot of time into this and mained most of the characters at one point or another. When the OWL started I was a dedicated Houston Outlaws fan, and even went to a match in Dallas. I've got a lot of good memories associated with this game and playing with friends, but ultimately the game was bound to run into balancing issues. Plus Blizzard isn't the greatest company.

So I saw both how much there was to this game, as well as how bad I am at poker, and I decided to call it after beating ante 8. I got to about 67% of the unlocks, but I don't need to commit the time to going through all of the decks and such. I'll probably still play it from time to time, but no way in hell am I going for the 100%.

Definitely the rogue-lite to beat for the year. Extremely well done and a LOT of replayability.

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I've decided not to 100%. I did all of the bonus maps, but the challenges I only did a few of. I knew I would never get the "least steps taken" ones without looking them up so I didn't see a point.

Other than that the game was amazing. I loved the eerie feeling it had, especially once you started to see the deterioration of the facility and pieced together that others had tried to escape. Can't wait to play the second one.

All hail the Shroob Queen. This game gave me the love for RPGs that I still have today.

I figured out that the best way to play this was co-op with one controller. Each player holds a half of the controller.