Stupidly fun with friends

I am hugely biased, and I want to give this a 9/10. I love difficult games. I love 2D platformers. I love Edmund McMillen. This game shaped my taste in video games and opened my eyes to indie games when I was 12. I cannot help but love it. That being said, I do still think it's a great game with really tight controls and great music. It is flawed, but it is great.

A perfectly fine little timekiller with some fun flight mechanics. Nothing is realized, but it isn't pretending to be something it's not.

How do you even rate a game like this anymore? Back when I played it in 2013, this would've been an easy 10/10. Now, it's difficult as it's been essentially abandoned. The ones who played it have their memories of it. I think that's the most important thing.

Sorry - I just don't really understand how you could play this when TF2 exists. It was fine for its time, I'm sure.

The passion and dedication of the developers alone make this a 10/10. The game is spewing with love. It also helps that the game is so insanely complex and deep and there is so much to discover and do. Playing this with my gf is always really fun

A really cute little story game. There isn't much else to say.

It's perfectly fine. However, the game failed to grip me. Everything I felt the game did right I felt I could have received in other games. Maybe I'll come back.

This may be my favorite FPS of all time. Perfect and satisfying movement mechanics with a mech mechanic that I actually find surprisingly fun. Toss in a pretty good campaign and potential for every single multiplayer match to be cinematic while you constantly improve your movement, and you have one of the best FPS games I've ever played.

Not even bad. It's doing exactly what it is trying to. Unfortunately, I see a lot of potential that goes untapped. As is, it's perfectly fine for a little timekiller now and then.

Even though I don't think I'd list this among my favorites, there was a time that I did feel that way, and if I played it again, I may change my mind. There is a reason for that: this game is a masterpiece.

A really fun and charming little story game. Though the gameplay itself isn't exactly complex or deep - it doesn't have to be. The story is quick, entertaining, and emotionally effective.

An insanely satisfying and addictive gameplay loop

A fantastic indie game. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I don't mesh as well with this one as I do with other indie platformers

A fun little mystery game. It's nothing exceptional, but it's not bad for what it is.