I really love the Mario Maker games. I love making levels. I love playing levels. I love creating. The biggest problem with this game is simply the untapped potential. Nintendo can do so, so, so much more. There is still plenty to do, and I love the game as is, but I wish there was more content or more to do.

It's a classic for a reason. The game is so stupidly charming and well-designed that I could play this any day.

Maybe this game is not for me, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out why. I have learned to love metroidvanias. I think the Metroid aesthetic is great. The music and graphics are perfect. However, there is something about the controls and the structure and flow of the game that just doesn't; click for me. I've tried multiple times, and I never feel fully sucked in. I completely understand the praise, but I just hope it clicks one day.

Playing this as a kid with no knowledge of the earlier games may influence my opinion, but this game is fantastic. Even now, all of the elements come together perfectly and encapsulate an era of Nintendo that unfortunately seems to be missing nowadays.

This one is probably the most biased I've ever been. Are these essentially just okay flash games that are far from perfect? Yes. Are they also an entire biography of one of my favorite developers? Yes. For that alone, and for the themes a lot of these games have, I cannot help but love it.

A short story told very, very, very well that uses the medium of video games to its absolute advantage, understanding the strengths of the medium extremely well to make the story more effective.

The absolute perfect roguelike. Insane depth, an endless satisfying gameplay loop, a unique and memorable aesthetic, a dark story, fantastic music and visuals, and challenging and punishing gameplay that feels like part of the experience. I absolutely adore this game.

I could review this, but in 2023 it's not really worth it. I've played it, and it's fine to play just to see what it is like, but Rebirth makes this obsolete.

I fucking love Edmund McMillen, and this is why. I just love expertly designed, punishing games, and that’s what I got. The aesthetic and music help and the themes permeate if you let them.

A fine little cute game. Its mechanics are nicely done and the gameplay loop works. It's nothing exceptional, but I pick it up every once in a while.

Bottom line: for the time, this was insanely impressive and influential. Playing this now, however, it doesn't hold up as well as other Zelda games. It's worth playing for the experience, but it has not aged perfectly.

I wholeheartedly understand why some consider this to be the greatest of all time. I'm only rating this how I am because it's been a long time. I'll update this upon a replay.

A fantastic Zelda game.

It's been a while since I've played it, so I'm rating this from memory. I'd like to go back someday and play it again

Perhaps not as impactful as it was upon initial release and perhaps lacking upon subsequent playthroughs, but it is still an extremely entertaining fun rabbit hole into game design and player psychology

This game is batshit insane. I love it.