One star off for taking place in France.
I played this game for the first time long after launch, and therefore did not experience all of the bugs and glitches weighing down this game's reputation. This one is fucking amazing. Play it.

Cool spinoff I guess. Interesting to see the world through the eyes of a Templar.

GOD THIS ONE IS SO GOOD! FUCK! Seriously, this is right up there with AC2 in terms of greatness.

The American Revolution was a great choice of setting. People say that Ratonhnaké:ton is a flat protagonist, but this seems mostly intentional. He's alienated deliberately. It's great. Love this one.

Ties up the Ezio trilogy really, REALLY well. Beautifully done.

Not quite AC2, but still a good one.

It does what it needs to. Repetitive missions though, but important.

It's... Certainly a game.
A game that was remastered just to look worse.
Go play III instead.

kinda spits in the face of the original in terms of gameplay and world.
good music though.


Beautiful reimagining of this universe

once again didnt play the original but this was fun!

didnt play the original but this was really good!!!

Honestly, a 2D Mario game doesn't get much better.