No matter what you do this game is still meh but at least that was an improvement over the original.

Base game is super enjoyable despite the crashes but the DLCs got me so irrationaly mad. They look like they have good writing and present an interesting side story, but WHY oh WHYYYYY would you fill the world with random desks and shelves that have like 9 nukes 179 rockets and 13'121 energy cells every 3 steps ??? Like why would you make exploring so soul crushingly UNFUN by overfilling the world with stuff you can't even pick up and then barely place any enemy on the map to actually use the overabundant ressources?

Guess i'll find out the courrier's back story on the Fallout wiki instead lol

But other than that yeah, jingle jangle war never changes

This game is a massive love letter to all Final Fantasy fans like myself who grew up playing the 2D games and used to imagine what the battles and summons would look like if they were actually real, and play out battles scenes with friends and siblings. There is at least one aspect of every previous mainline entry being referenced or reused and they all evoke a feeling of nostalgia that feels satisfying.

Also the gameplay is kinda fire, GOTY contender for sure

best game that you can never finish due to a game breaking bug that prevents you from reaching required 50 points to access the last dungeon (only applies to PAL version but that's all i had as a kid.............)

I thought i was strong enough but after 100's of completed day and looping back to day 41 to complete objectives, my psyche gave up. i legitimately cannot bring myself to finish it even tho i like the story, the gameplay and the challenge it offers. Game simply overstayed it's welcome

The absolute peak of coop shmups there is out there.

Somehow worse than Sonic 4. Bravo Sega you've outdone yourself.

Game made me discover the band Freedom Call which i cannot seem to be able to stop listening to since I was a kid

Type of game you recommend to a friend just to enjoy their suffering. It's a very functional torture device.

Genuinely a good game. The story was a bit whatever but it's kinda like going to the cinema to watch a marvel movie: you don't go in expecting peak fiction but just experience crazy shit for a few hours and then forget about it.

Multiplayer on the other hand is Call of Duty at its absolute PEAK and they will never make'em like that anymore. I'm fine with it. Had my fun back then, moved onto other things.

Zombie mode is an absolute treasure of fun gameplay mixed in with some extremely intricate easter eggs that are fun and satisfying to hunt after.

Also I liked the little PC terminal in the main menu where you can play ZORK for some reason. This was my first experience with a text adventure game and it was refreshing, I've liked text adventure games ever since thanks to Black Ops.

This game was a complete package of fun and little oddities and you can tell that the developers enjoyed making it, pumping as much soul as was allowed by Activision into it.

An alright prologue to The Phantom Pain. No rating as I honestly consider it part of MGSV as a whole and nothing much changed in TPP except some slight adjustments and quality of life features.

Previously gave this game a 2 stars rating upon my first go around, but now that I have given Trip's campaign a try I finally understand what happened here.

Not to be one of those "it's a great game but not a great [insert franchise name] game", but in this case I feel like it's more than appropriate. The team behind Superstars build all the levels from the ground up to work almost exclusively for Trip's move set and gimmicks. When I play with Trip, every level flows naturally, everything is laid out so you have to pick between the double jump or stick to walls to go higher, enemies placement makes sense and actually posses a threat, and like most Sonic games, it's rewarding to be put on these short automated fast sections as a breather between the platforming challenges. If i was given this from the get-go, I would have a much higher opinion of this game because it is genuinely fun.

However, that's not what happened. It feels like SEGA looked at whatever the team was cooking with this gameplay and level design and went "oh that's nice, let's slap the Sonic branding on this, let's make it focused on multiplayer, and I guess that original character you made could be a New Game+ addition", and that's what ruined it for me. Because absolutely none of the level works cohesively with Sonic&Friends. The level design stayed almost exactly the same, but 90% of the fun obstacles and challenges have been completely stripped. As a result you get a game where you mostly hold right without thinking much. Very little is in your way to stop you, which makes every level kinda bland and obnoxiously repetitive. I absolutely did not have fun with my Sonic playthrough, nothing was memorable or caught my attention. I was just going through the pace like it was nothing and after the halfway point I was begging for it to be over. It was such a nothing-game that it just felt like a way to waste a few hours of my life without getting any enjoyment out of it. The "Sonic" portion of the game is mind-blowingly boring.

Let's not even touch on the multiplayer. After the halfway point in my solo playthrough, I figured that bringing a friend along might make it a bit more fun at least. WRONG, dead wrong. It's even worse. Because now instead of have free will to explore and find a modicum of fun in these devoided levels, you are basically forced to keep going forward no matter what. The way the game picks who's the "main player" is by basically focusing the camera on the one that's further ahead on the level. Meaning that ANYTIME you want to go back to grab a collectible that you just missed, you have to coordinate with your other 3 friends to stop and attempt to come back. Most of the time it's not possible because of an obstacle in the way, a drop too big, a door that closed, one-way platform, etc... You are restricted from exploring or course-correcting most of the time, and basically every 5 second someone is going to go off-screen and instantly be "killed-off" to be respawning in the chaos. Most of the time they barely have time to react and follow the main player and will instantly be brought off screen again. You'd think for a multiplayer focused Sonic game they would fix how the multuiplayer works.... but it's kinda how Sonic 2/3/Mania was already functioning? Camera strictly focused on one player with the other one basically having "baby brother" mode where they constantly go off-screen and respawn without much consequences. Except this time the baby-brother is chosen semi-randomly depending on how the level design feels about it.

I wont touch on how much of a broken mess the game is in the technical aspect. Players would die and permanently disappear until we enter a special stage, exit to menu or finish an act. Random teleportation across the level, respawning into walls and being stuck, game randomly killing off the entire team after opening a capsule... every 2 minutes the game would randomly break down in a major way that made the multiplayer one of the worst gaming experience I had in my life. All of that for SIXTY (60) BUCKS. This game is not even half of what Mania was, yet somehow costs double. Truly a massive rip-off if you ask me.

Game would be better off if it was just "Trip the Dragon starring Sonic the Hedgehog" or something, with multiplayer being a complete afterthought and Sonic not being the main focus of the gameplay/story. The real game being locked behind NG+ is a real tragedy, especially when you have all the powers unlocked once you get to Trip and every boss fight becomes trivial with by using the super transformation.

If you have the game on PC and there's a mod that unlocks Trip from the get-go, and the game is on sale for $20 bucks? Yeah go for it. Otherwise avoid it like the plague.

Came in expecting absolutely nothing considering how much of a bad rep this game has gameplay and story wise, and came out of it completely blown away by how good everything about it was. Had me in tears by the end. Much like SIGNALIS I will probably think about this game for the rest of my life.