Super creative puzzle game. Sunk countless hours 100%ing the entire game and making my own levels as a kid.

Got this for christmas. Made me sad. At least the rhythm mini-game was funny for 15 minutes.

FInal Fantasy games dominated my childhood and I always vibed with the incredible OST of those games. Back in the early 2000's I would constantly listen to bruned CDs with a random assortment of them, or boot up a random FF on the PS1 just to afk in a zone and leave the music playing in the background while doing other stuff in my room. I've grown to like rhythm games a lot after discovering DDR and Stepmania, so Theatrhythm is basically THE most appealing game that could have ever released for me.

The first one was a nice distraction but seriously lacked content. Curtain Call fixed this slightly but still felt meh to play on a touchscreen because it would randomly refuse to register some inputs correctly. Final Bar Line is the ultimate revision that fixes every complain I had about the game, brought even more tracks from more obscure Square RPGs, and added tons of cool features such as online battles, coop play and extra difficulty settings.

By far my favorite rhythm game I've ever played.

This game is soooooo ugly and the "original" mode just replaces some 3D models with a badly implemented and scaled 2D texture. Just play the free version from 2005

Don't judge me, I ranked this so high cause it made me addicted to picross puzzles and I can't seem to shake off the urge to play one for an entire week every other year

Many sleepless night were spent playing city trials with my friend or brother back in the day

Played this game in the early 2010's and had to force myself through the first few hours cause I didn't really vibe with how the game presented itself. Felt a bit too dated even for 2003. Then I persisted and almost everything feels like a blur now. Something clicked and played the entiery of it over the course of a week. By the end of it when the credits rolled, I was having an odd feeling of nostalgia for my first hour of the game. Reminiscing and reflecting on my journey, how far we've all come.... Incredible experience that still makes me want to come back for more from time to time. Sometimes the games calls out to me like the green goblin calls out to norman osborn.

I'm the kind of girl that will 100% Megaman X6 no biggie but fuck this bullshit ass game that expects you to frame perfect dodge every boss pattern starting from the first level. Never save scummed that hard in a video game before

This game committed the crime of have one of the most beautifully attractive cover made entierlly in pixel art and then the gameplay looks like some boring, sedated shoot em up that has absolutely nothing going for it. The editor looked cool but what's the point in creating anything when the gameplay itself has no value

Fond memories of using the striker glitch to go out of bounds and just explore random leftovers that were moved outside the boundaries of the map. Oh and also it's like one of the best game ever made.

The best 3D Zelda game. I will fight people on that

Had a fun time desperately trying to capture what I felt when I would play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory daily as a kid (it wasn't it)

Sometimes I miss this game..... they don't make them like that anymore

The only kart racer i will ever care about

They turned Fatal Frame into Resident Evil 4 and somehow made it even better. Using the gamepad as the camera itself was not only a cool gimmick but actually made the gameplay incredibly fun. Precision aiming is made effortlessly thanks to the gyroscope, and rotating the the frame around so you can optimize your combo and damage is one of the most satisfying feeling I've ever had while playing a video game. I highly recommend playing this on the Wii U.