Not a bad game, necessarily, but the puzzles just did not engage me at all.

I don't feel like I fully understood this game at any point during it. It felt like it wanted me to assume there was a plot, but I just couldn't. It was fun, I guess, but also just kinda there.

It's fine? As 2D Mario goes, it was enjoyable. A bit on the short side, but definitely enjoyable.

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Fantastc game. Clearly all the endings leaves me with questions, and wondering if we're getting a sixth gae.

When I'm playing a story heavy game, and according to HLTB it has a nine hour average run time and I'm two hours in and have no idea what's actually happening, the game has probably failed.

Fantastic game. This and its predecessor served as my intro to SMT, and they've got me itching for more. Genuinely great, and I will definitely be checking out further entries in the franchise.

I loved the first two games, but just could not get into this one. The shift to a more open world approach really killed it for me, I think.


Didn't really click. Tutorials were obnoxious, controls were a pain, and the graphics were just ugly as hell.

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Made it to Mergo's Wet Nurse before I realized how much fun I wasn't having.

I like the aesthetic. I like the general interconnectedness of the leve designs. Things I like start to fall off around then.

The main issue I have is that after a few attempts at getting to and beating a boss, it stops being "fun" and starts just being tedious. Like, I've proven that I can make it through this section repeatedly. But when I finally beat a boss, it doesn't feel like I've gotten better at the game. It feels like I just got lucky. Contrast with, say, Hollow Knight (which I loved), where it felt like I was genuinely improving when I beat a boss. This just feels empty.

It's hard to put to words, but despite being a technically better product than the first game, this feels like a downgrade. Yes, the first game is a janky mess, but it's got heart. It's charming. This...doesn't feel like that. The battle system is "improved," but really it's just ATB and it's not even a well executed ATB. Levelling up and getting new talents are no longer tied together. Grinding is a thing now, and crafting is apparently actually necessary. The first game's fun simplicity is gone, replaced by a generic JRPG. I really wanted to love this game, but it just wasn't to be.

I've played all the AC games since the first one, and while playing this I realized I just didn't care anymore. The story is even more nonsensical than it has been previously, and I just do not care anymore. Probably won't be getting Mirage, which is kind of a shock for me.

It's fine, I guess? Gameplay is more Forbidden West, which is good, and some of the set pieces at the end are fun. Story is kinda meh.

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I loved this. I loved the prose, I loved the themes, I loved the way it cycles around itself. I devoured this game, and I loved every second of it. I know that this kind of meta horror VN is quite popular now, but even so, this is a fantastic example of it, and it really resonated with me.

Saw it on NSO, played it for the meme, stuck around because it's genuinely fun.

If this game was just the story battles, I'd have stuck with it. As it stands, the combat is fantastic, but literally every other part is just tedious.