Loved it. Wish it had been cheaper, but it came with the PS5 version of the first game and also is still a blast to play.

I remember playing a part of The Dark Descent some years back (and stopping when that PC's hard drive literally exploded) and being genuinely impressed by the atmosphere and the vibes. This game had none of that. I'll go back to The Dark Descent some day. I probably won't touch this again.

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This'll stick with me for a while. Must say it's the first time I've ever been sexually assaulted by a video game.

Just not vibing with it. I like it conceptually, but I'm really over Greek gods.

I like the art and I'm genuinely intrigued by the story, but the text speed is insufferably slow and I just can't.

Still fantastic. Probably skipping the DLC, though, because I recall not liking that on PS4.

Fantasic game. I'm a sucker for tarot, so the tarot motifs were great, and I loved the card making. I played this nonstop and beat it in two days, and I honestly don't think I'll stop thinking about this one for a long time.

Goddamn was this amazing. Fun to play, and a way better story than I'd have guessed from the memes and the trailers. Loved every minute of it, wish performance on Deck was good enough to attempt the DLC.

Meh. I wanted to like this, but it's just not enjoyable. The atmosphere is fantastic, but that's really all the game has going for it. It's just not fun to actually play, and that killed it for me.

A truly fantastic game. Plays around with some fun meta concepts, and wraps it all up in a very well told story. Loved it, and I hope Square makes more games like this.

So all I played was Story Mode (during the NSO free trial of the game) because that's all I was really interested in, and goddamn if it wasn't amazing. Peak Dragon Ball story, and even someone like me (who sucks at fighting games) could learn how to play this from the robust tutorials and a general feeling that the game wanted to appeal to new players. Loved it, really pulled me out of the gaming slump I was in.

It's a technically better game than the first one, but it's a worse horror experience, and that's what's killing me about it.

After the previous two post trilogy entries, I'll admit that I didn't have the highest expectations for this game, but goddamn am I glad to have been proven wrong. This game has a slow start (and frankly a boring prosecutor), but once it gets going, it's fantastic. I just wish it hadn't done Athena dirty like it did.

The world was pretty, and looked great on Deck. I just couldn't bring myself to give a damn about it.