First things first, I played this on the Series X and you absolutely must go into the options and uncap the framerate otherwise the input lag on 30fps is absolutely atrocious.

Secondly, there is a part of this game which basically forced me to wear headphones to finish it which for me was a minor inconvenience, but if you're deaf or hard of hearing you're basically fucked as I couldn't find any way to get past it otherwise without so much trial and error there would be no point finishing.

Otherwise, splendid little horror game reminiscent of classic Resident Evil or Silent Hill with it's atmosphere, exploration and save rooms.

The game only took me three hours to complete although I didn't go for the collectables specifically so only found half of them but honestly this was the perfect length for the game.

For a game made by a very small developer it looks great, is very atmospheric and my god does the creepy singing give you chills.

Definitely recommend picking it up unless, again, you have some hearing issues which feels shitty to say so I hope the developers can go forward with accessibility in mind for their next game.



The two protagonists and the perfomances of their respective actors are amazing but the environments are dull and the combat is absolutely tedious.

In short, two amazing characters trapped in one incredibly boring game.

Rated the PS4 version 8/10 but being able to play as Vergil brought this up to a solid 9/10 for me. He's a ridiculously fun character to play as, more so than the other 3 and to finally play V's missions with a traditional DMC fighting style was great.

Ray tracing looks nice but isn't worth the dip in framerate or resolution. 1080p looks far too blurry and 4K with RTX on barely hits 60fps on the Series X, so I recommend turning it off.

This must be what it's like to only achieve orgasm by punching yourself in the face. Brutal as all hell, but the pay off from finishing a level is great.

The reason this isn't an 8 or even 9 for me is that the game often goes into these "cyberspace" sections which were either utterly boring or far too difficult because they expose the holes in the game's platforming. Sadly the entire last level fits into the latter.

Definitely worth a play though, and I can see speedrunners and other challenge streamers playing this for years to come.

Oh and it's definitely the best cyberpunk game in 2020 too.

Breath of the Wild with a sense of direction. Whether that's good or bad comes down to personal preference but I liked it. If you're pit off by the humour and narration I began cringing but found myself really warming up to it and even laughing aloud at points.

Also if you get the Limited Edition on Amazon it comes with Pride rainbow wings so I got to make the gayest little dude ever and I love him ❤

Firstly, the good. Was worried the PS4 Pro version would be neglected for the PS5 version but the game looks stunning. Miles Morales is an amazing character too and I really hope his role in the next game isn't just as a sidekick. Sider-Man? The main story is great and packs an emotional punch as the main game did too. Also there are two missions about cats in this game. Two!

As for the bad, yes I get it's a standalone expansion but given it's the exact same price as Spider-Man 2018 on the same platform it isn't really worth it. Again, the main story is great but it you got 100% on the first game all that's offered here is more of the same and you're likely as sick of it as I am.

This game is getting brutalised in Metacritic user reviews but as a big Dontnod Entertainment fan I gave it a shot and it's pretty decent.

Looks much better than their previous games, the mind palace sections are a lot of fun and the characters are likeable enough even if you won't remember them in a few weeks.

As for the bad It's much shorter than the Life is Strange games and Tell Me Why so feels a little rushed so unless you're desperate for this kind of thing I'd recommend waiting for a sale.

Solid 6/10 for me keeping the £25 price tag in mind. Nowhere near as bad as I've been reading.

It feels odd to say a game has too much in it but this game would have been better if it trimmed half the side-nonsense and were half the size because this is a great game, as were Origins and Odyssey, but when I think back of this series I barely remember the amazing story parts and instead pulling my hair our because my character won't get onto the bit of ledge I'm telling them to!

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is like taking home the most innocent looking twink only to find out he exclusively tops and puts Ron Jeremy to shame. Utterly brutal!

I fell off Yakuza 0 about Chapter 3 due to having difficulty keeping track of the story and being intimidated by how huge the series was. I didn't plan on playing this but it was a tenner and the demo was impressive so why not.

And, eh...


The characters now occupy a huge place in my heart, the detective story was utterly gripping, the combat was amazing even if I'm a little bad at it and just overall this is one of my new favourite games holy christ!

Can't believe Playdead invented one person multiplayer.

If you liked Life is Strange, you'll like this. If you didn't like Life is Strange, you actually might like this and shouldn't pass it by if you were put off by the slightly cringey dialogue from their previous games as Dontnod have really stepped up their writing game while retaining the intrigue and mystery.

Also the first game by a major studio to proudly feature a transgender protagonist and although I'm not trans so can't really comment on the portrayal, I absolutely love Tyler Ronan. Bae of the Year 2020.

How dare this awesome little puzzle game get me all emotional by the end

Right so Deadly Premonition is my favourite game of all time. Not because I think it's so bad it's good, but because I think it's a masterpiece with a couple of rough edges.

Yes there was some jank, yes the combat felt like a cheap Resident Evil 4 and yes there were some incredibly frustrating quick time events, but the voice acting was fantastic and fit with the characters, every character from the main cast to the side NPCs were all unique, Greenvale felt like a real place with a deep and fleshed-out world and it's one of the very few games to make me shed a tear with how much it grabbed me in and made me care for its characters.

This sequel was never going to live up to the original for me, I knew that, yet I'm still let down. An average of 15fps and three crashes in 20 hours isn't acceptable. Yes, Deadly Premonition was known for running terrible but only in ports on PS3, PC and the Switch prior to some patching. The original Xbox 360 version ran at a mostly stable 30fps and technically worked fine. It frustrates me that people are excusing that state it's in as part of the charm when it never was to begin with, even more so that I can imagine the devs knowing this and using it as an excuse to release it in such a state.

Even more so, if this game gets patched and works at a solid 60fps it won't fix a lot of the problems. Le Carre feels mostly lifeless and empty, the cast doesn't have anything on those of the last game, the trans character is handled pretty terribly, York impersonating an African man is needless and pointless, the otherworld sections are far worse than before as they have been reduced to a few hallways with nothing but full combat where at least the first had puzzles and was scary and the new cartoony art style just doesn't fit the tone.

As for what good I can say, the soundtrack is great even if half of it is from the original, the cast all give good performances and the 2019 sections are really intriguing even if they can drag on a bit

Even if it's patched I find it hard to recommend this to anyone unless you absolutely loved the original and need to know what happened after it like me, even if I would have preferred that story to have stayed contained.