Runs like an absolute state in the two busy sections of Greenvale and the port has other issues. Not as good as the Xbox 360 version, miles ahead of the PS3 version.

With the POWER of the PSR PRO I can FINALLY relive my childhood memories of Spider-Man turning me GAY.

"There was a sequel. Wasn't as good."
- Joel Miller

One of the only games worth it's hype

Soundtrack: BEAUTIFUL

Closest any game has come to feeling like Classic Tomb Raider since the 90s.

The Last of Us: Norse Edition
This was where I truly got sick of games trying to be way too serious and being critically acclaimed as a result despite basic combat, abysmal enemy variety and forced bloody walking sections.

Igneus eating ass for the first time like "THAT'S IT!"

Best level design of the current gen.

Amazing gameplay and level design aside this game will always have such a special place in my heart for keeping me sane after my Dad passed away. The game requires a lot of exploring and focus and that helped me so much during such a horrible time. And the sequel was even damn better.

People will moan about a great game "only" being 10 hours and praise a game 100 hours long where you do the same menial tasks thirty times over.

A beautiful world deserving of better gameplay.

Devil May Cry by way of Sean Cody dot com and I'm totally into it

Silent Hill HD Collections levels of horrible porting.

There was an incredible game in here somewhere which we can see in the Thailand and Southern Mexico levels, but the game was obviously rushed and suffers as a result. Still worth a play.

Brilliant remagining of a classic, but don't make the mistake of thinking this can replace the original. They both use the same blueprint but are very different beasts and each brilliant in their own ways.