70 Reviews liked by AlexTheLemon

god forbid women have hobbies. like kissing their brothers.

So sad to see one of my favorite games reduced to what Overwatch 2 is now. Full of microtransactions and miserable balance issues, the handful of good matches you get per play session don't come anywhere close to balancing out the absolute slog most of them are.

how tf was this developed in 12 months and is better than like every other game


I wasn't really sure what to expect going in to this game but I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed every hour until the end... Or multiple ends?

About as close to a perfect game as you can get. Incredible atmosphere, fun gameplay with plenty of variety, thought provoking themes, and one of the most heart breaking narratives I've experienced. This story couldn't properly exist in anything other than video games.

Amazing - I wish I could forget everything about this game and experience it for the first time all over again. Even with me generally disliking anime-styled games, and fanservice, and even with all of the incredible amounts of hype I heard about this game before I played it, it still blew me away.

All my time playing this game I was just wondering how blind people would play it, considering they cannot view the screen.

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”
― H.P. Lovecraft

H.P. Lovecraft once said that fear of the unknown is the strongest fear of mankind, but what if you want to grab that unknown by the shoulders and plant a wet, sloppy smooch all over it's face? Well, this game basically tells you what happens. The game is literally what you would expect from it. You do dark rituals to summon eldritch horrors, you date them and try to win their smooches all for yourself.

The writing in Sucker for Love is charming and funny throughout, but you still feel the pangs of fear once things start to go sideways. I think this is due to the time pressure from few of the scenes plus the more intense time pressure of the secret route, which is something you don't see in VNs that often. The gameplay involves talking to and performing rituals for your lovely lady horrors. The theme for these rituals change for each girl, as such it keeps the main mechanics of the game fresh even though you're still doing pretty much the same things.

If you look past the thirsty meme reviews talking about how they want to bang that Cthussy and leave your expectations of cringe behind you, this game will un-ironically be amazing. The game parodies on dating sim games, human nature and Lovecraftian elements while also somehow doing all of them justice very well. The humour is also very funny and had me laughing out loud multiple times.

And with the words of the protagonist: "3D women are fine, but fourth dimensional girls with non-euclidean geometry are smokin' hot! They've got curves I can literally get lost in." I leave you with this question: Are you ready to smooch those Lovecraftian Horrors? The answer is yes. obviously.

and Aunty Nyan Nyan can step on me any day.

This is a really solid effort for one developer, two artists and a musician! The characters feel a little archetypal but the romantic scenes were very sweet, and I did like the undercurrent of wrongness sprinkled in here and there. Some group scenes feel like they're going through the motions but I appreciate that it was a very fast paced VN, none of those scenes lasted for very long and I liked that a lot of them referred to events from the previous day instead of each event being separate. On the technical side, this desperately could've used some scene transitions and music transitions too. The bad trumpet playing at the start of the game was funny but I mostly didn't really enjoy the music too much either. But in the end, it's a free game from a tiny team. I enjoyed my time here and that is all I could ask for.

Me when actual effort is put in a free visual novel

Actually an awesome first game from the developer. I enjoyed all the characters, the MC doesn't fall into the trope of being either a fumbling idiot or creep, and I liked the story. Obligatory mention that Violet was best girl.

This should've been worth money eve though I've never read a VN before this.

fucked up to monetize something as pure as monster hunter like this, game design malpractice to do it in a game that’s as turd ugly and lazily generic as this.