70 Reviews liked by AlexTheLemon

The fact you can see chunks fall out of enemies when you hit them makes every bullet even from the assault rifle feel like it's a fucking missile.

+Mick solos once again

I have never played this game

"Tell me. Why is it that birds fly?"

Tales games have always been treated as RPG comfort food. That isn't necessarily an incorrect way to describe them. A fun, deep combat system, wonderful characters and rich settings have made Tales games so popular. Berseria is no different, yet, it offers characters who are morally ambiguous, but you can't help but love, a story of revenge and trauma that you have to keep going through. And once it was all done for me, I had to let out a breath of relief and resignation. For so long these characters were in my head, and now their story is over, and what a story it was. Play this one. It's fantastic.

Note: Despite being the inferior game, Tales of Zestiria is connected to Berseria, both take place in the same world 1000 years apart. I recommend playing Zestiria first, it's not the greatest, but still pretty good, and then play Berseria. You get to see so many cool implications and connections between the two by playing them in this order. I recommend doing so.

Saints Row (2006) if it was remade by r/fellowkids.

This game had me charmed from the very beginning! The combat is fun, the characters are great and the writing is surprisingly well done (plus the backtracking isn't nearly as terrible as some people say).

Really just a good time overall!

The Nonary Games duology includes the first two Zero Escape games and serves as an excellent gateway for anyone wanting to try out Uchikoshi's visual novels.

Complex intertwined storytelling between the games, insane twists and creative puzzles make the Zero Escape games a must-play for every Visual Novel fan out there.

In a way, I feel X8 represents the X series really well; it has some pretty abysmal lows but also some astronomical highs and that's really what this series is all about

And by that I mean that this game is peak as hell and nobody understands it but me

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanted to log it takes two

best atmosphere in the entire trilogy