70 Reviews liked by AlexTheLemon

I only played this game because I wanted to finish it before the remake came out... for the most part this game is pretty decent.

This game is what started it all for mario rpg games and I can definetly say that it was a great start. This game has many positives to it, the music is wonderful, the scenary/backgrounds were well developed and I could definetly tell that the team worked hard on it. The new characters were great additions to the nintendo cast and areas were very fun to walk through. Theres also many other small factors that made me enjoy this game.

One important thing about this game that I believe made this game much better, was that the difficulty was at a good level. The game wasn't too easy nor too hard at parts. The bosses were actually somewhat difficult to beat and the puzzles took just a bit of thought to actually beat.

You'd think that after all of these postitives that I have said should make this game atleast a 4 or 4.5 for me but there is a reason as to why this game has dropped by a few points. The story is a big factor of the game that I didn't like too much. It was pretty bland for me, pretty mediocre and cut and paste where the heroes have to collect something to beat the enemy. The story really didn't stand out to me as much as I wished it did and at some parts I really just wished for the game to end already.

Nevertheless, this game was enjoyable for the most part except for the small nitpicks. IMO this game holds up to its hype somewhat and if you are contemplating on playing this game, you should definitely give it a try.

There is so much I have to say about this game but man, the ending was executed beautifully.

One of my main problems I had with this game was that sometime the story would be very iffy. There are many great parts to it; really the main sections of the lore, but other than that I didn't really care. The side missions/quests weren't that great either, so I didn't bother to do a lot of them. There wasn't much reward to them except for the small levels or sometimes good equipment. So, there was hardly any point for me to do them. They really just felt like a chore.

Moving forward, Crisis Core doesn't have the most intriguing story. There were points in the game where I just sped through missions to only be awarded with the most unimpressive, lackluster cutscene that added really nothing to the story. Parts like that really add up and made my experience playing this game worse.

Some small gameplay issues were present too. Such as the camera being somewhat janky at times and the issue with battles appearing when you just got out of one before that were annoying to get through.

I say all of these bad thing about the game yet, overall it wasn't the worst experience. Like I said before, the main, juicy, parts of the story are really the reason why I played this game. I also liked how we got to see an entirely new story of a time previous from the original game and just seeing the backstory of characters we originaly knew was a treat aswell.

Finally, my favorite and probably the best part of this game, the ending. The end to this game was beautifully done. The music was perfect for the scene, the animation, and the voice acting to tie it all up was a beautiful sequence to watch and was a great reward to make up for the flaws this game has.

To start, I most definitely feel like this title was a big improvement from the past two games, especially partners in time... this game thankfully had a increase in the difficulty and had better minigames. The soundtrack, like the rest of this series, of course does well in that department. Bowser being the whole focus of this game was great, and being inside of him was such a great way to pull together bowser and the mario bros into the same story.

I gave this game a 4 but I TRULY feel like it deserves a 4.5 atleast, yet I didnt give it that because I feel like at some parts in the game, the story was kind of thrown in there to get the ball rolling, ESPECIALLY the main focus of the game. The story at times felt like they were just trying to throw in something to piece it together or as if they didn't know how to really keep the story going but I can't say too much on that topic because I want to avoid the spoiler tag.... other than that, this game was wonderful; felt like I was playing another superstar saga or an even greater sequel.

Such a beautiful game. This was my introduction to the final fantasy series and what a great intro it has been. This game is one of those games that really impacts you; the type of game that you remember for years on end.

Final Fantasy 7 isn't perfect by all means. There are definitely some flaws here and there, mostly some minor points in the story, but FF7 did great with what had to be done.

I want to start off with one of the most memorable parts of the game, and that is the music. The music in this game is beautifully crafted, every song in the soundtrack was so fitting to each and every location, scene, and battle throughout the game. This is what I feel like makes FF7 like no other. I can greatly appreciate the audio staff for formulating such a wonderful soundtrack.

The story this game offers is very uniquely done. Other than the minor flaws in some points of the writing, I absolutley loved playing through this game's story. Seeing the world of gaia and how the cast progressed through it was a gift to see.

The cast is another great addition to why I feel like this game is beautiful. Every single cast member wether optional or not, added something to the story and the understanding of it. Seeing the cast grow and mature as the game goes on is great thing to see because as you play the game, you are growing with them. The entire cast is one big crazy match up, a dog?, a cyborg, a "vampire", and they all still go well together. FF7's cast is handsdown a very strong part of this experience.

The impact this game has on the gaming community undeniably can't be replicated. FF7 sparked the jrp genre for many fans and I can see why it did just that. The game is definitely worth the 30+ hours spent on it and I can say that all of those hours were enjoyed, wether it was grinding, crying, or even me just enjoying the music, this game will forever be in my heart as one of the best jrps.

القيم بلاي : التحكم صعب بالبداية لازم تتحكم بشخصيتين بنفس الوقت لكن تعودت علية بسرعة وحبيت فكرتة واللعبة قدمت كمية تنوع محترمة
القصة : عظيمة جدا انسجمت معها وتعلقت بالشخصيات وحبيت كيف وصلو القصة بدون اي حوارات او نصوص
الجرافكس : لعبتها على الجوال قبل سنين سوو ما اتذكرة
الموسيقى : ما اتذكرها لكن على الاغلب جميلة
تقييمي : لعبة فريدة تقدم شي جديد وجميل وحبيتها وضفت نسخة الريماستر تبعها بالوش ليست

is it controversial to say i actually liked the 3D models...

Early into Illusion's founding: Makes cheap exploitation h-schlock.
Rest of the World: Gets called out for it, something which should've been, at least somewhat, expected.

This is a delight to play, and not just in the very horny way that you'd expect with a game like this. Included in the game is a toggle to disable all 18+ content, which I thought was very funny when I first saw it -- but the writing in this VN is just lovely, the characters are cute and charming, and this could easily stand alone without the (really good) explicit content. So much love and care went into making every part of this VN and I sincerely adore it. Margaret is such a relatable character and I want her life so bad. It's the ultimate dream: Become a librarian, get really into tea, gather a cozy circle of close friends, and just settle down for a life of comfort (and lots of reading).

Shoutout to that one meme on twitter that led me to this game and my newfound desire to be an adorable mousegirl :3

Review de los capítulos 1 y 2 (los que han salido al momento de la review)

Me ha gustado mucho, humor ácido y constantemente edgy, canibalismo, la prota es una nanner, y además hay un par de chicas bonitas, si es que lo tiene todo. Expectante de que saquen más.

so.. its a game about 2 people from Alabama living in Ohio, neat.

I like what we have so far. It's entretaining, interesting and funny, i want to see where this goes.

Finished ch. 2. It's ok. Putting aside the ubernormies whining about the content, the art is cute, atmosphere is nice, and the main two characters' dynamic is fun. But the gameplay is very standard-bordering-on-boring go click on X, then Y, then Z. Decided to give a 3 rather than a 2.5 as it is different enough to distinguish itself from the pack, but I probably won't bother revisiting this with future updates.

Edit: Watched Liam's playthrough of it with chat. Amazing fun, bumped up my rating to 4.5/5. It pains me to know that the greatest art of our generation, twitch streams with chat, will not be properly archived for future generations.

A little gratuitous in its darker themes but with very enjoyable characters, a fantastic few songs and some amazing art this is definitely a gem in the making. Can't wait for episode 3! - 2023

The serial killer who ate his victims went too far for me when he wanted to fuck his sister
Anyway 5 stars