My very first armored core game, had so much memories with it and I got replay it again after AC6's reveal, it was a blast, from the combat to the customization, all of the endings were really good too

for a game about fish it really made me think, and the musical number was great, I won't say more than that so I don't spoil you, go try it, it's free on steam.

one of my favorite souls games, ever, have a ton of flows, some jank ass i frames, and a lot of weird design choices, but i still enjoyed it, all of my 10+ playthroughs of it

Not a single horror game managed to make me think about it as much as fear and hunger did,

the way they use body horror and the story that you can just keep digging in and keep finding more and more fucked up stuff, the game is a master class in keeping you on your toes, the game endings are great too, most of them at least,

way too many people, including me, approach this game as an RPG because of how it looks, so they will keep losing time after time and have no fun, but once I started approaching it as a survival sim, it clicked, give the game a shot, you won't regret it

a fun dual stick shooter with an alright story, the bosses were fun and challenging, and the perk system with the different shaped bottles as upgrades was quite unique, the art was good as well

a very under-rated game that deserves to be played by more people, it is so much fun, and if you are a fan of horror games/movies you will have a great time with it, the game parodies the horror movie tropes and the art style is very unique (in a good way)

if you played megaman battle network as a kid you feel right at home playing one step from eden, the cards feel great to use and while it took me a while to pick it up since it has been years since I played battle network, once the game clicked I couldn't stop playing it, I will be sure to replay it soon

they just abandoned the good story they had for the first game just to make this dumpster fire of a sequel, and the story conclusion wasn't even satisfying,

I'm not hating on this game because there are lgbt characters in it, since a character can be cool and well written no matter what sexuality you write in, as long as their sexuality isn't their whole character,

the state of this game makes me sad cause the studio proved they could write a good, compelling story, but they just didn't.

I enjoyed it enough to consider a second playthrough but not enough to do a second playthrough

it shouldn't have been this good, but here we are, it IS that good

Do you like Hotline Miami? Did you ever wonder if you could play it as an ape-shit insane ape? No? Then wanna try?

The game is incredibly fun; once you start playing, you kind of forget about everything else, and all of a sudden, it's 3:30 in the morning, and you're still playing.

I have played this game way more than I would like to admit

the game mechanic of turning body parts into literal weapons is great, and the abilities feel great as well, and I really liked the story

just a great game around, give it a shot

I enjoyed the game, tiny tina's personality that's very over the top batshit insane would seem like it would get boring real quick, but you would be sorely mistaken, throughout the whole game it was a riot, just a fun game and I don't regret getting it and even getting it for my friend to go play it coop