it was fun until I beat it twice, got burnt out on it after that, give it a go it's a really good roguelike, and the AAA budget is shining through, the combat is tight, the environment is really nice, and the color coded projectiles make it a lot more intuitive to make designs on the fly


the story was interesting at first but then it felt like the author got changed half way through, only thing that was really interesting gameplay wise was the flashlight thing you get and lose shortly after, some might hate me for saying this but the gameplay would have been the most boring thing every if you were anything other than a cat....

wouldn't expect less from one of the two games keeping the TD genre alive, it is fun, has a low enough skill floor for complete newbie to have fun while have a high enough skill celling for vets to have a great time with the game

also the game is really good for long rides and road trips

for a game about fish it really made me think, and the musical number was great, I won't say more than that so I don't spoil you, go try it, it's free on steam.

it shouldn't have been this good, but here we are, it IS that good

I saw the Twitter drama about this game, and while it's not exactly the best out there, it's still pretty awesome.

Story: 3.5/5 - Don't know why, but this game has some hilarious writing (or maybe it's just my childish sense of humor?). The story itself ain't too shabby.

Graphics: 4/5 - I just like how the characters are drawn. If you're not into it, no big deal.

Gameplay: 2.5/5 - It gets kinda boring sometimes; you just need to be in the right mood to play it.

0.5 to the final score just 'cause this game really ticks off Twitter, also the dev is awesome.
Final Score: 4/5

This game is great; there isn't much I can say about it that hasn't been said before. I love the atmosphere and the fast-paced combat. However, farming for healing items is not fun at all. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it.

One day, I will buy another PS4 (RIP old PS4) and complete it. Then, I will give it the 5 stars I know I'll give it when I finish it.

Take it from someone who rarely ever plays dating sims—this game is great and is hilarious too. The characters are drawn so well; I really can't say anything else about them.

Also, the cat girl milf, there's also that...

Do you like Hotline Miami? Did you ever wonder if you could play it as an ape-shit insane ape? No? Then wanna try?

The game is incredibly fun; once you start playing, you kind of forget about everything else, and all of a sudden, it's 3:30 in the morning, and you're still playing.

for a game you finish in an afternoon it's a lot of fun, and it's idea is quite unique too, if there is a harder mode I would also enjoy it but this is also fine

I finished this game and needed some time to reflect on it, like, damn was a good game, the story was very enjoyable and the heat actions were both over the top insane and great, the combat was great, that's a given considering it's a yakuza game, and while sometimes it felt like I was fighting against the controls not the enemies, these times were far and between

the side stories range from hilarious to heart warming\wrenching, the collectables were kind of a hastle but were a nice enough cash source that it was worth it, and the music was perfect, just perfect.

I'm still kinda mad about Makoto and Majima tho, I won't spoil why, go and play this game, it's great

let's talk gameplay first, the combat is surprisingly, and as a F2P I have 5 full teams of top tier characters, the gatcha pulls doesn't have a petty system (as far as I know) but I still got almost all the characters I wanted,

you'd think this game is just your standard gatcha game, with a simple bare bones story and just all the money going to the art until you start playing the side stories and you arrive to world 9,

the depression hits you out of nowhere, and it gets really dark (especially some of those side stories, like with the reaper and with Clara), like, you see how this war is affecting those people and their daily lives, and in the tower (another piece of side content) you get some logs that are hinting at some insane stuff regarding where the "invaders" come from

Verdict (or TL;DR, whatever you want to call it.): 4/5. It's a good game, a lot of fun if it's your type of fighting game. Even if not, it's still fun, and the community is surprisingly chill, unlike some other fighting game communities. Cough cough - GG Strive - cough cough.

The Story: 4/5. It's Tekken, the fast and furious of fighting games. Of course, it will one-up the previous title, but unlike Fast & Furious, it one-upped itself while keeping the story actually fun and extra as all hell.

Graphics: 4/5. Not much of a difference except for better-rendered character models and better lighting, and I'm honestly a fan of that. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.

Online: 3/5. I don't know if it's an issue only for me, but the lag is often very high. Some of my friends from other countries say that it's not as much of an issue where they live, so there is that, I guess.

Director: 5/5. Harada saw Denuvo and said, "Fuck that, we don't need it." All the fun is online anyway since this is a fighting game. He didn't repeat the mistake of Tekken 7. The dude is as metal as it gets. Go follow his Twitter (or is it called X now?).

Verdict (or TL;DR): 1.5\5. One of the worse games I played lately, ran so bad, and both the story and gameplay of this Green Lantern game puts the 'L' in lackluster.

Graphics: 2\5. The graphics were bad even by the standards of ps3, it really looks like they were rushed to finish the whole thing is a weekend or something

Gameplay: 1\5. you run around collecting power ups, and beating up some bad guys along the way, nothing to write home about, nothing that bad in particular, it would have been a 3\5 if it didn't run so badly.

This game, for me, is like SSB on steroids. The sheer amount of BS combos you can pull off here is just insane, and damn, does it feel good. What's even better? It actually feels pretty balanced too, which adds major points to its credit.

I've been following this game on YouTube during its early development stages. And let me tell you, I've been cheering for it ever since. This game is pure chaos at times, and you know what? That's what makes it all the more fun.

Fun fact: as far as I know, this game is a one-man project, yet it's still this good!