1.5 stars just cause I like how it looks, pretty much nothing else is good about it

they just abandoned the good story they had for the first game just to make this dumpster fire of a sequel, and the story conclusion wasn't even satisfying,

I'm not hating on this game because there are lgbt characters in it, since a character can be cool and well written no matter what sexuality you write in, as long as their sexuality isn't their whole character,

the state of this game makes me sad cause the studio proved they could write a good, compelling story, but they just didn't.

I haven't played the new order yet, but this game is great, just great, the story felt a little lacking ngl, but I really like the combat, some of the perks felt really hard to unlock (two of which I unlocked only in the last chapter of the game) but it was fun none the less

....I played this with my brother, the last sequence fucked us up for a good while....

TL;DR: The game is really good but stay away from it's online community, I'm not kidding they are insane.

I just wanted to play a fighting game that I was a big fan of since the early 2010s, but the only thing I hear about this game is political shit, people are botting on twitter and various other platforms just to harassing devs over their idea of what a character is or isn't, even death threats and doxxing aren't off the table, with even a few streamers getting caught in the crossfire for not talking about the political stuff,

I'm here for a gorgeous looking cel shaded game, with great mechanics, and characters that I liked since forever, not a game that is being boiled down into nothing but political discourse, I'm just sad such a good game got such a shit community....

My favorite racing game in the last couple of years, I really like the story, and handling feels great, and since it's an NFS game, the customization being superb is a given, kinda sad that no one other than NFS is making arcade racers recently.

it was a lot of fun untillll.... it wasn't, like you can have blast playing this game, but after a while it just gets boring, and when it's only fun with friends, there are a ton of games that are also fun with friends, and without friends

this game is horrible, 10/10 will play it again

one of my favorite souls games, ever, have a ton of flows, some jank ass i frames, and a lot of weird design choices, but i still enjoyed it, all of my 10+ playthroughs of it

this has no right being this much fun...

"this game had such a great story, it was so much fun, not that many games managed to hook me like this one, I never expect to enjoy this game at all since I don't really have much fun with zombie games usually, but damn was this such a ride

dodging spoilers of part two was really hard, can't wait to see what it has in store for me!"

Copied from my notes on this game I wrote in google sheets before playing part 2.

I enjoyed it enough to consider a second playthrough but not enough to do a second playthrough

I remember playing this game around 2015, this was the reason I stopped playing horror games, man, I'm not built for this, 10/10 will play it again... at some point.... with the lights on...

I'm shelving this one for now, but damn is it fun, it's from the same people who gave us "eldest souls" game, so of course it's a good boss rush with tight combat,

but now I'm not in quite the right state to play a game like this and enjoy it to the fullest

this game is great... that's all I have to say,

just don't google the endings, they will be disappointing if you haven't played it yet, and devastating if you played like, half the way through