195 reviews liked by Alexi

the best insanely meta and difficult sokoban puzzle game of 2023 that centers around yuri

the woke left won't let me fap my boner.

They make your hands disappear anytime you go near Ashley to prevent you from being inappropriate

but you can still lovingly caress the merchant with your big meaty hands without hinderance, so get fucked Zuckerberg

well lads they made guilty gear for everybody rather than just insane people [humming and hawing, muttering noises, sounds of consternation, air of uncertainty fills the room] however they also made testament genderfluid [rapturous applause, hi-fives, screams of joy, hugs, buncha guys start making out

Love the story.
Make me miss my grandma... and hope she had gone to the universe.

Starnger Of Paradise will be better

Glad to have my spot in history.

Neal's really good at making quick games that aren't really necessary of any more than a few words, yet are still fun to dick around with for a good while. Once you get it, you get it. You'll be throwing shit together for a bit before you come up with an idea and spend the next few hours struggling to craft that single ingredient you need to start the 20 item long web to get there.

i did very much enjoy trying to make all the sailor scouts and soyjaking every time i got one though (sorry chibi moon i really couldnt figure that one out)

this is mr. sekiro. he have sword and go clang clang. he can't die. he kill bad person and big monsters. he get bigger sword that glow red. monkey throw poo poo at him. his only personality trait is shinobi. he is lovely.

I was going to give this a 10/10 for some top tier old man yaoi but apparently, it’s not actually old man yaoi and is instead just an old man Russian taunt????? Fuck that shit

Pokemon's pointless, hair splitting, pedantic ass category distinctions between legendaries and mythicals and whatever variation on it they'll come up with next just got a lot more real when it causes me to miss my 9/9 square for the day. Also if anything related to Kalos or Alola shows up on the square its joever for me but Im not quite prepared to play through X/Y and SM to give me an edge playing this silly browser game...yet.