Man this game is such a blast, I finished it the first time when it launched on Steam and got around to replaying it recently since it's on Game Pass. I can't think of many games that feel nearly as good to simply play, the core movement system is so fucking good to the point where I find myself unintentionally trying to do movement like this game's when I'm playing other games (which never ends up successful.....). I can take or leave the story (2014 writing doesn't always hold up but there are definitely some good jokes here and there) and the combat's simple but fun (weapon upgrading can be a bitch though), but it's not hard for me to come back to this game because it scratches an itch nothing else can.

As someone who hates building, the UFOs and Rail Guns were some of the most fun additions to the game. The ska song will be permanently burned into my skull and I'm completely okay with that

Dead Rising 4? More like... Dead Rising Bor-ing!

Never have I had a game/DLC turn around for me as close to the end as Ringed City did. I didn't enjoy 90% of the DLC, I thought level navigation was tedious and frustrating, I thought the bosses were annoying or boring, I didn't like the visuals of the areas you explore. Then, I get to the final boss arena and feel awe. Then I get to the final boss and I've never had that much fun fighting a boss in any game. I'm completely okay with trudging through the rest of the DLC if it meant I got to experience such a fun encounter

Oooo ooo ooo ah ahh ahhhh! Ooooo!

One of my favorite co-op games of all time. Both modes of gameplay are really fun and the wide variety of weapons, skills, and builds you can use are fantastic. I finally tried running through the game's "career mode" with a friend and they do a good job at pacing the heists and weaving a story with them

Dead Island? More like... Boring, Lame, and Ugly Island!

Feels like a conglomeration of all the popular survival horror games without any of what makes those games great. The DLC doesn't make it any better, with one of them being really annoying and the other being boring

Enemies being leveled murders my fun for the game. The story sucking makes it worse too but it's to be expected after 5's wasn't very good. When it's fun, it's very fun but those moments are few and far between

Simple puzzle game where most of your enjoyment will hinge on the game's style. It doesn't offer much in terms of gameplay but the writing is silly and the art style is cute

Nothing's more fun than spamming the same attack over and over and winning

Decent little beat 'em up, I absolutely adored this game when I was younger but I always got stuck toward the end and I never knew what to do. Now as an adult, I can see the issues much more clearly - enemy Pokemon deal way more damage than you do. The EX mode battle royales are extremely frustrating for this exact reason and the only way I've found that beats them consistently is to get a ton of Pokemon with the move Cross Chop and be very careful about when you use the attack. This means grinding out the cave level over and over with hopes of getting as many Machamp as possible and praying they have the attack, otherwise you'll be grinding the hell out of levels for money to try and roll the move (most likely unsuccessfully). Everything up to the EX ranks is pretty fun, if not incredibly simple, but the game completely halts being fun at the end.