Only complaint I have about the game is that there aren't actual combat boss encounters to make proper use of your moveset

I want an Ori plushie because he seems soft :)

Halo Infinite? More like... it'll take an Infinite amount of years for it to be good!


Never played a game with this much player freedom, this game makes you feel smart for taking advantage of the systems they give you access to. Genuine candidate for 2017's GOTY

Hey, at least it isn't as boring and bland as the first Rage....

Really disappointed with the Steamworld team on this one, The Gunk is boring, has poor level design, and a terribly uninteresting story that made me struggle to get to the end of this five hour game

Oooo ooo ooo ah ahh ahhhh! Ooooo!

Fun little midquel with neat puzzles and great writing, but there's not a lot of substance to it unfortunately. Highly recommend for $10 or less

Ubisoft formula done in a fun way, isn't superb but isn't bad. The robots are definitely the best thing about the entire game, their designs are incredibly intricate and they all feel unique

Fantastic remake of the classic, improves upon it in every way imo

Despite being so different from 3 and New Vegas, I still adore Fallout 4 for what it is. It's fun to properly build up settlements and explore the wasteland in the most survival-feeling sense yet. I absolutely adore this game despite its faults

Pretty boring to me, I couldn't get much of an experience out of this game overall. Not much else to say except it's not for people who don't like more experimental games.

Yup, that's a walking sim. Some pretty visuals, alright music, and decent philosophy but god if it isn't boring otherwise since you're extremely slow and have nothing to do between the landmarks you must reach. The time loop restarting is both a blessing and a curse, as it means you won't have to slowly explore everything in one route but at the same time, if you're close to a landmark and it restarts (cued by the music getting louder), it's quite frustrating since you just have to go straight back with wasted time being your only reward.

Man this game is such a blast, I finished it the first time when it launched on Steam and got around to replaying it recently since it's on Game Pass. I can't think of many games that feel nearly as good to simply play, the core movement system is so fucking good to the point where I find myself unintentionally trying to do movement like this game's when I'm playing other games (which never ends up successful.....). I can take or leave the story (2014 writing doesn't always hold up but there are definitely some good jokes here and there) and the combat's simple but fun (weapon upgrading can be a bitch though), but it's not hard for me to come back to this game because it scratches an itch nothing else can.