Cozy music, good vibes, but unfortunately I didn't find the puzzles all that interesting. For being a LEGO game, most of the puzzles are really restrictive and don't let you come up with interesting solutions on your own. It would have been nice if there was a button to rotate the blocks the opposite way as well, but I overall found the experience boring.

Extremely weak season, the changes to the map never felt substantial and I really don't like the chrome gimmick. The overall loot pool is fine other than the Cobra DMR which is one of the most busted weapons Epic has put into the game so far. It felt like they wanted to make this season partially focused on Halloween but the additions made with Fortnitemares were insignificant and wasted potential time for the map to develop. On top of all that, the performance has been atrocious and the game runs worse than it ever has for me. Overall, a filler season to get us to the next Chapter.

I hope my daughters don't turn out like they did

Being 100% genuine, Y4 is probably the best entry point in the series. It's the most... "Yakuza" game in the series if that makes sense. It's got some of the best combat in the series, a banger OST, solid substories, and has some of the biggest ups and downs for a story in the series (rubber bullets isn't a bad twist, everything else in the finale does though). You don't need the knowledge from past games to enjoy the game more like you do 0 or K1, it doesn't have an unrefined combat system like 1 and 6, it's fun the whole way through unlike several other games in the series. Y4's (and the other PS3 games) are severely underrated and super fun

Buggy as shit, looks terrible, atrocious average FPS, missing some old QoL features, and yet it's the most fun I've had with a mainline Pokemon game in ages (bar Arceus). The exploration is really fun with each region having lots of unique mons to catch, the progression system is really satisfying and if you stay around the recommended levels, some of the gyms and Team Star bases can prove a bit of challenge, the raids are extremely fun and rewarding, I have had such a good time with this game since it came out and I can easily see myself popping this game on pretty consistently going forward.

Hmmm... maybe I do like hurting people

I didn't think you could get much worse than Halo 4. Props to you, 343!

Battle for Bikini Bottom is one of my favorite platformers of all time, which is why the movie game is such a disappointment to me. Everything about this game feels like a poor adaptation of the original content created for BfBB. All of the moves feel weird and have oddly different timings, some moves have changed buttons, enemies aren't nearly as well placed or designed with some taking on the properties of multiple BfBB enemies at once, the levels feel lazily slapped together and are super repetitive since there are functionally three kinds of levels, the music isn't nearly as good, the animations aren't nearly as good. There really isn't anything this game does that BfBB does at least twice as well. It's not the worst game in the world but goddamnit if it isn't boring as sin.

I don't care how good the remake is, you cannot get me to enjoy the island

RGG Studios has finally topped Yakuza 5 and Kenzan for their best game. It's insane to me how good and comprehensive this game is with the amount of content, the quality of the story, the wild fun of the combat, and the absolute BANGER of an OST (and for once, not a miserable 100%). I was skeptical about the future of the Yakuza series between 2015 and 2018 but with Judgment and Yakuza 7 being good and this being amazing, I'm excited for what comes next.

Who woulda thunk going shooty shooty bang bang could be so fun

One of the most innovative and unique platformers I've played, I loved damn near every level in the game and the story and characters are some of my all time favorites. The only complaint I'd have is that finding figments can be annoying due to their translucency and/or their movement, plus some of the later levels can be a bit of a slog but otherwise it's one of my favorite platformers I've played in recent years

Simple, short, and sweet. Fallout is one of those games I've kept in the back of my mind for years. I've been a fan of the series since I played 3 and New Vegas as a child, but up until yesterday I had only given 1 and 2 a few chances, with me giving up on 2 for being confusing and 1 for getting screwed over by bad random encounters. A friend of mine played through the game recently and he wanted to watch me play so I decided to pop it on and I had a fantastic time. I really like how brief the game is, I was under the impression I would be spending 30+ hours just lost but the game felt a lot more intuitive than I expected (on top of my friend giving me pointers here and there as well).
The combat is really satisfying as the progression of gear felt nearly perfectly balanced with my crit build, plus getting access to the Alien Blaster made most of the late game fights comically quick. This gear progression was tied in very well with area progression as well as each of the locations had a nice gradual increase in enemy difficulty and quest rewards. I liked the quests a lot as well, they're all simple in an enjoyable way where you don't have to deal with any convoluted solutions (hell, by the end of the game I just shot or exploded my way through any problems). The stories surrounding these quests were nice and simple too and they did a good job at developing the people and the world around them.
My only gripes come from the game's age. Pixel hunting for items is obnoxious and eye-straining, some of the skills, while potentially nice from a roleplaying perspective, were completely useless, the companion AI was borderline disabled at times, and a lot of the UI was either not intuitive or not convenient to use. None of those issues really took me out of the game so I can't hold them against it that much.
Overall, I'm shocked at how much fun I had with Fallout. I'm FAR from an "old game bad" kind of person but I was expecting the game's age to really damper my experience. All in all, I'm happy I spent time playing this game and I'm excited to play Fallout 2.