Takes the best parts of the previous Future games and classic games, but like many have said it falls... well, short. The guns feel really good to use, the levels are fun to navigate, the visuals are fantastic. The game just needed to be an extra three hours long and it'd easily be the best R&C game

Really enjoyed the shorter, linear aspect of the game. This game has one of the best cast of child characters I've seen in a while, they're all really believable and aren't infuriating like many other games make their child characters. Gameplay's simple but fun and the lack of resources throughout most of the game adds some nice tension

Very much a children's game to the point of not being enjoyable as an adult IMO. The story isn't very interesting, the puzzles are braindead easy, and worst of all everything is extremely sloooooow. On the plus side, the world feels really lived in and it's the best example of people and Pokemon living together in a game so far. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone above the age of 13 though

Dead Island? More like... Boring, Lame, and Ugly Island!

Dead Island Riptide? More like... Somehow Even Worse than the First Game... Riptide.

One of my favorite co-op games of all time. Both modes of gameplay are really fun and the wide variety of weapons, skills, and builds you can use are fantastic. I finally tried running through the game's "career mode" with a friend and they do a good job at pacing the heists and weaving a story with them

I honestly couldn't get a super good feel for Bloodborne compared to the other souls games, but this DLC forced me to understand how to play the game right and goddamn was it rewarding to do so. Very few games have bosses nearly as good as this DLC does and I adore how much they plunge into the Lovecraftian world they've built. Just wish the Living Failures didn't live up to their name....

Dark Souls is one of those games I tried when I was younger and could never get far into. I remember claiming it with Xbox Gold and not knowing where to go after beating the Gargoyles and just giving up. Nearly eight years later, I've had all the Dark Souls games in my library, sitting there for ages. I decide on a whim to load up DS1 and managed to beat the game in two days while hanging out with friends. There's something about this game that no other souls game has managed to get and it's by a massive amount my favorite game in the franchise. Literally never played another game that feels so satisfying to hit things with a massive stick

Some of the best challenges available in DS1, I absolutely adore the bosses and level design of the DLC. Still can't believe that after all these years, some of From's best boss fights come from a game this far back

Despite the linear nature of the game, I had a ton of fun with DS3, especially after slogging through the misery of DS2:SotFS. DS3 feels much more modern than the games prior, for better and worse. Level design doesn't feel as inspired as DS1, but combat is insanely fun and the gauntlet of bosses in this game is by far my favorite of any From game. One specific boss in this game took me more tries than it took to fight every boss in DS1 combined, but despite that normally pissing me off I felt like I could do it every single time and the amount of joy I felt after beating him hasn't been matched in this series

Didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the base game. Level exploration was pretty boring and tedious, combat encounters were either too easy or designed like DS2:SotFS, and one of the bosses was boring as hell while the other was quite frustrating to me. Only played it to get into Ringed City earlier

Never have I had a game/DLC turn around for me as close to the end as Ringed City did. I didn't enjoy 90% of the DLC, I thought level navigation was tedious and frustrating, I thought the bosses were annoying or boring, I didn't like the visuals of the areas you explore. Then, I get to the final boss arena and feel awe. Then I get to the final boss and I've never had that much fun fighting a boss in any game. I'm completely okay with trudging through the rest of the DLC if it meant I got to experience such a fun encounter

I didn't think you could get much worse than Halo 4. Props to you, 343!

I remember thinking the game was fun back when I played it on 360, but replaying it with a friend through MCC made me realize how little the game feels like a Halo game. It's generic and boring and the new enemy faction is a net negative to the fun of the game. Add a lame story compared to 2/3/Reach and boring levels and Halo 4 ends up being really disappointing