Review Reflections

Wanted to look back at some of my past reviews as I've been on a self-reflecting mood. Like anyone, there's a lot of ones that I felt I could've done a better job on. Most of the ones I feel suffer the most are about current (at the time of writing), hyped-up, popular games. The honeymoon period is very much a real thing, and I was often way more positive or forgiving on the game then how I feel now.
Something that I struggle when writing reviews, truth be told, is how enthusiastic I am towards a game. I'm actually a very low-energy kind of person, as in "exhausted 24/7" energy ("chill" if we're nicer). This is actually why I tend to sound more positive in my writing, not that I'm an overly positive person but rather I can't be bother drudging up anything I think are either obvious or not anything important. My sense for excitement and disappointment are fairly dull. Certain aspects like ludonarrative dissonance, or how alive and well-realized the fictional world is, I can't bring myself to care. Especially mechanics that are intentionally clunky or frustrating. Example: Lack of party control in Persona 3. I'm not one to care about the motifs of such a decision and how it serves the characterization, I only see a baffling lack of control for the player.
My reviews, all things considered, tackle the very basics of a game, cause that's mostly what I care for a game. I do greatly admire those who can truly dissect the inners of a game. Really dig deep into the thematics and mechanics between player and game, how it defines its genre or forges its own genre, the subtle innovations or missteps that can create a domino effect towards immaculateness... or disaster. All you guys do excellent jobs, even if I have a much simpler mindset.
Only fair to highlight reviews I felt I did well on. Perhaps I'll think differently about this one in a few months or so, but at the moment I still like this one. It can be difficult looking back on these if you have one of those "critic brains". Even if it's something I'm not 100% I could do better on, that tiny bit of doubt can spiral out-of-control rapidly if I'm not careful. Always need be wary when trying to improve yourself.

I have quite a mix of longer form reviews, and shorter one-off reviews. The latter I feel aren't the most interesting. This comes from this subtle pressure that exude off any social media site. I see those likes tick up, and all of a sudden I feel "I need to one up myself". This review doesn't say much, but it came from an unfortunate mindset of needing to give my thoughts on everything I play for potentially more attention.
I'm thankfully a lot better at this now, only writing something up if I have the drive to share my thoughts rather then chasing a number. As an aside, I am very grateful to all who read my reviews. Even if you don't leave a like, I appreciate giving the time to read them.
I can feel the insecurity in this review. I did enjoy playing the game despite the many, many fumbles yet I was honestly worried what the response would be, since I saw many searing opinions towards Bayonetta 3 and everything it stands for. Like I implied in the intro to this list, truthfully a lot of the fumbles this game does make... simply don't effect my enjoyment one way or the other. Not like I don't get why people are pissed at this game, but even in the review I admitted to not being a longtime fan at all. Which certainly made the "...why?!?" moments not hurt at all.
Something that, not just I but everyone should try is to not feel bad about shit you could never predict. I said "everyone should try Disco Elysium" but at this moment in time, no you shouldn't. At least, not until the devs get their game back. Its best if you do your own research if you're not aware what happened, but my point is that I shouldn't feel bad about praising this masterpiece. It's an exceptional game and I don't regret what I said, but I now can't in good faith recommend people buy it as you'd be supporting literal thieves.
Arguably one of the more personal reviews I've written. As I've said in the intro, I was likely clouded by recency bias when writing this. Yet it does speak a lot about one of the most important parts of my childhood, as some years Pokémon was the only game I'd play. As long as you're aware of it, I don't find it inherently a bad thing to indulge yourself in nostalgia. Life is short and hard. And if being nostalgic for a game series that you still love, despite its many issues, gives you comfort and joy, then go ahead and indulge.
Not the first review I've done this for, but I've started leading and ending reviews with a gag. Truthfully I'm unsure how much this affects people's enjoyment, but I actually like doing them. Adds some character to the writing, even if I can sometimes lack confidence in what makes good comedy. I'd probably be more worried about the quality of these jokes if this wasn't a hobby.
You know, I do try to keep these reviews on the shorter side. But nobody is perfect. Something about games that are "so close, yet so far" really brings out the writer in me. But boy howdy this game had some major clunk and issues, yet its also really good, but... it is certainly "the game of all time".
"We have fun here"
No rules on how you have to format a review. Sometimes, all you need is a two second video to get your point across.
It does beg the question: What am I trying to accomplish with these reviews? Is it to entertain? To share games I feel more people should be aware of? Because it's fun? I honestly don't know why I do this, I just do.
If you read this review, you wouldn't have known that this was one of my childhood favorites. Reviews are never objective retellings on what a game is about, what makes reviews unique comes from our different experiences with the game and the different aspects we value in games. This review could've been something more genuine and earnest; rather it's a big missed opportunity. Thinking no one would want hear someone talk about another "Scrimblo Bimblo" character they'd totally cry over if they got into Smash.


This was a lesson of writing something as a knee-jerk reaction to real world events. I ate crow badly for this. Like, I do standby treating voice actors fairly and properly compensating them, especially at this time of the "A.I. apocalypse" stealing people's voices. Just... this did not turn out the way I was expecting and I jumped on the bandwagon too soon.
Still haven't played Bayo 1 for the record.

Same deal as the Bayo 3 review with me lacking confidence in my words, only I didn't even give this game a score. I would personally need to replay it to see how I feel about it now, but the game came off as it "trying" to be a masterpiece rather then naturally being one. I was along for the ride, but by the end it was hard to remember what exactly happened. It was ironically lacking in the "magic" that my favorite RPGs have, hard to quantify but vital to make it a top tier game for me. It was one of those "yeah it was alright" games.

When it comes to this website, adding something after publishing a review can sometimes feel meaningless. Small corrections and edits may not be seen by your friends and followers if they already read the review. What would give people the idea that "Hey, I wonder if this guy noticed that spelling error?" Sometimes it may not even be a minor detail but an entirely new paragraph. That hasn't been the case with me so far, but it isn't impossible for it to happen either. Best bet to get people's attention is to comment on your edited review, which isn't the most intuitive solution but I guess it works. This especially applies to "Reviews-in-Progress".

1 Comment

3 months ago

You know, I like what you did with this list. A lot of these thoughts have crossed my mind in the past too, but it's not like you can talk about them in normal conversation, especially when it's something you do as a hobby

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