The Strongest Video Game Protagonists

Oh yes. We're doing it. I'm delving right into dangerous fandom territory with this. Believe it or not, I actually found a old high school journal entry I wrote on this topic. Guess I was doing this shtick long before Backloggd came to be.
(Warning: Very nerdy discussion ahead. Proceed with caution and headache medication)
Hopefully, so long as this list doesn't leave its niche circle, we shouldn't need to deal with any... erm "passionate" patrons.

We need some rules and guidleines to consider, and boy there's a lot:
1. Game-originated, playable protagonists only. No Goku since he's from a manga. And no Sans since he isn't playable.
2. Keep it to only real-time action games. Yeah it removes a lot of games, however turn-based games creates a lot of problems. What do the damage numbers mean in the context of several different games (9999 in Final Fantasy compared to 500 in Dragon Quest, as an example)? How fast is "100 Agility" compared to "999 Agility"? In fact, what is the real speed of all these simulated battles? Obviously the characters aren't actually standing still and waiting their turns, the combat is merely a simulation. There's just too many unknowns to not make this a pain.
3. No non-cannonical crossover appearances. No Phoenix Wright from MvC 3U, as in his own game he can't do any of that crazy lawyer magic.
Though don't discount fighting games with their original characters.
4. When considering characters, specifify which version of that character we're talking about. Saying "Sonic" isn't helpful as sometimes he can move faster than sound like in Sonic Unleashed, or sometimes he can't run at all like in Sonic Labyrinth. And of course, we want their strongest incarnation that you can think of.
5. No cheats or god mode. So no Creative Mode Steve McMinecraft.
6. Try not to just think of a character's strengths but also their weaknesses. Unless explicitly stated, even the most agile and strongest game protagonists can still die or get a game over. What are the hardest boss battles have they faced, and why were they difficult for them?
7. When comparing characters to one another, keep in mind their tactics and strategies. If one character can theoretically kill in one punch, then the other must employ keep away strategies, zone them out, or out maneuver them. The question is: can they? Basically, don't pretend a different protagonist is dumb at fighting your favorite.
8. The durability of these characters is going to be contentious. A lot of game protagonists can in fact survive bullets, sword slashes and explosions aplenty; but how much is debatable. And we aren't going to factor cutscenes, so yes the Like A Dragon games do show that Kiryu can survive at least twenty gunshots (at least the non-turned based games for sure).

Also I'm going to have to trust you guys on your suggestions, as I only felt comfortable with these initial choices since I actually played the games myself.

I think that covers the most important points. May the fighting discussion begin.

Samus (Metroid Dread)

Range - Immediately noticeable, Samus can threaten those from a distance with a non-stop barrage of lasers and missiles. Unlike others on the list, she can essentially pressure infinitely with her wave beam as it doesn't need ammo or a cooldown. Even if her missiles are finite, they're still a big threat with their lock-on homing properties and powerful damage potential. She even has access to the power bomb, that has seemingly no escape from its powerful blast when detonated.
Mobility - Incredibly quick on the ground, able to jump infinitely in the air, can turn her own jumps into a electrical corkscrew of death, can slide to low profile attacks, and she can even phase shift to more-or-less teleport short distances. Plus the shinespark allows her to achieve extreme speeds if she keeps running long enough without stopping. No complaints here.
Utility - Unlike other characters with grappling hooks, Samus rarely uses hers during combat. Plus it's limited to only certain blue electrical walls and panels. Samus also can swing her arm cannon to deflect incoming attacks, but there is a limit on when she can perform these. Her normal bombs are weak and have a short radius, not ideal during combat. She can cloak herself to become completely invisible, though she can't attack during this mode and extended use will drain her life.
Durability - With enough energy tanks Samus is pretty strong. Though this iteration of Samus lacks emergency subtanks, in case she's in need of health. Metroid Dread also showcase enemies who can damage her suit to a significant degree, so she needs to be cautious still. Also she lacks a shield or guarding capability of any kind (even Kirby can block with his stubby hands).

Overall: Samus poses a serious threat with anyone against her. Her limitless beam attack alone is enough to put the pressure on the opposition, but closing the distance on her is easier said then done with her speed and aerial control. Worst thing I could say is 1). Lack of good melee tools, and 2). Her beams alone don't seem to do a ton against the more bulkier aliens. Some are even immune, requiring the finite and slower, yet powerful, missiles.
Precision - As a robot, V1 can achieve some impossible feats for even the most powerful humanoid in other games. He can perfectly ricochet a gun shot from a tossed coin into an opponent's weak point. He can ride on their missiles shot from a rocket launcher like a surfboard. He can deflect projectiles back at the opponent with a super sonic punch, he can even do this with its shotgun pellets that will then explode on contact.
Mobility - Ontop of the previously mentioned rocket surfing, V1 can jump extremely high and dash extremely quickly. He has a grappling hook that reached incredibly far and latches on fast. He can perpetually slide on the ground and keep a low profile.
Blood is Fuel - V1 recovers damage by coating itself in fresh blood. This is both a blessing and a curse. It can make V1 unstoppable if he keeps the aggression on you from close range, but it also means he can't perpetually zone as he'll be too far to absorb blood.
Durability - V1's armor is flimsy. He can't take too much damage before dying. If he isn't absorbing blood consistently, he will die.

Overall: Definition of a glass cannon. Probably the fastest protagonist so far in terms of not just movement but especially offense. Even compared to Doomguy, V1 can quickly overwhelm with rotating buzzsaws, rockets, nails that home in if there's a nail embedded, giant screws that make you bleed massive amounts of blood, and oh god the coins. But V1 struggles with opponents that are either more aggressive as it, or foes that can take a beating and dish it back out. He really can't take too many hits before needing more blood to refuel.
Doomguy (Doom Eternal):

Range - Guns aplenty, each and everyone of which is designed to turn the meanest of demons into bloody gibs. The rocket launcher, the super shotgun, the balista, the scoped machine gun, and of course the BFG. This is ontop of his deadly accuracy while on the move.
Mobility - Lightning quick dashes and fluent air control. His shotgun grappling hook can eliminate any distance you might try to put between you two, plus it's perpetually on fire. So that's pleasant.
Melee - With a chainsaw, a blade arm, flamethrower, and even giant hammer with stunning properties; eliminating his range advantage will not mean you're safe.
Durability - Tricky to think about. He can tank hits, but I would say he's far from unstoppable. Tanking hits is never ideal for his gameplan. There's a reason he's always moving around the battlefield. He can get overwhelmed if he's careless, but its usually never enough to be a death sentence.

Overall: Extremely powerful. He can devastate most foes with a barrage of bullets, explosives, and plasma from afar or close range. His arsenal is massive and he has tool for nearly any job. He's a master of controlling the battlefield with his speed and range. Best bet is to try to either outflank him, or outspeed him, as he is far from invincible. Compared to the other two above, he lacks a reliable health recovery (in a one-on-one) and his chaingun shield isn't the best for blocking in the long term.
Reimu & Marissa (Suggestion and full quote by moschidae)

"Pretty sure reimu and marisa can beat anyones ass. Its hard 2 lose a fight if your opponent cant hit you to begin with, but theyve both got an arsenal of abilities on top of that; reimu can float and shoot bullets and shit out of her yin yang orbs, potentially summon gods and manipulate boundaries. Marisa's adept at magic and can copy other people's skillsets. If I put them into any game whatsoever I'm pretty sure they would destroy it in under 30 minutes, no biggie."
Dante (Devil May Cry V):
Weapon Variety - Several guns and Devil arms at his disposal at all times. Each one serving a different purpose in his toolkit. From his triple nunchaku to his dual pistols to his devil swords and his firery gauntlets.
Variable mobility - Can teleport short distances and dash in and out of safety. But he isn't the fastest on the ground itself. The motorcycle weapon can alleviate that somewhat.
Devil Trigger - Both normal and sin variants offers health regeneration, but the latter allows for some devastating attacks that are borderline impossible to avoid. It does require quite a bit of effort to build up. One of the ways is taunting his opponents, though that will make himself vulnerable.
Royalguard - With good timing, he can negate damage of any kind and build up that potential into a deadly counter attack. Harder to block the faster attacks, but it is possible.
Durability - Pretty good. Can tank some devastating attacks, but he does have limits. Above average.

Overall: One of the trickier factors to consider is "how perfect are these fighters?" What I mean is that, if Dante perfectly Royalguarded every attack imaginable then nothing could stop him. In reality that's extremely unlikely, but we don't have a concrete baseline for how competent they are in a theoretical fight against one another. So long as they aren't being played by a bot but a high level player, then they'd be very strong but not inhumanly perfect. That aside, Dante is incredibly powerful across the board. Even if he isn't the fastest, his aloof personality can distract from how competent of a fighter he truly is.
Sora (Kingdom Hearts III)
Insane Mobility - Can glide at fast speeds, can teleport short distances, able to get in and out with ease. Even from the greatest of distances he can lock-on and rush towards you.
Defense - Can guard against many devastating attacks near instanly. Can even block in mid-air.
Range and Zoning - Rapid homing fire balls, instant lighting strikes, water spell that offers protection, and this isn't including the forme changes. His main weapon, the keyblade, can change to various other weaponry. Dual magic bow guns, earth shattering hammers, agile metal claws, a shape-shifting spear that extends, even a long sword that can conjure hundreds of other swords.
Combos - Can carry his opponents into the air with ease and keep them there for long periods of time.
Healing - Can heal himself, albeit it exhausts his magic reserves.
Durability - Not necessarily frail, but he can't take too many hits. Relies on dodging more then tanking. He can escape combos using aerial recovery, but it's never guaranteed depending on the opposition.

Overall: I'll be using the youthful boy as a general point of comparison. Not saying he's the very strongest, but his pros are incredible. Can't stress enough how fast he his at all times. Both for offense and defense. He controls the air better then most action protagonists.
Bayonetta (2)

Magic - She can do just about anything. Time manipulation with witch time, conjuring execution devices, summoning infernal demons, shape-shifting into a swarm of bats or a panther, even enhancing the bullets shot out of her guns.
Arsenal. Her large amount of witchy weapons often boast massive range and power, plus act as conduits to briefly summon the aforementioned infernal demons.
Umbran Climax - Bayonetta can expend her magic in order to increase her weapon's power and range dramatically (like musou game level range). This even allows her to summon more of her demons instead of mere arms and legs.
Mobility and Elegance - Her ground speed is nothing outstanding unless she's in her panther form. However, her flexibility allows her to perform impressive feats such as breakdancing while rapid firing her pistols, or simultaneously firing her guns during her melee combos. She can always be applying pressure, even on the defense.
Durability - About the same as Dante. She can survive many things that are fatal to a average man, but she's far from invulnerable. What does help though is her ability to block and deflect incoming attacks with precise timing, though it is very risky.

Overall: Bayonetta is certainly one of the strongest characters on the list. Witch Time alone greatly punishes those who are too predictable with her. She can threaten anyone within medium range or so with her infernal demons and rapid gun fire, even if her bullets don't hurt too much in comparison. Her speed is not the fastest, but it's often more then enough to duck and weave through the battle. She isn't perfect, but she can give most a run for their money.


3 months ago

Pretty sure reimu and marisa can beat anyones ass. Its hard 2 lose a fight if your opponent cant hit you to begin with, but theyve both got an arsenal of abilities on top of that; reimu can float and shoot bullets and shit out of her yin yang orbs, potentially summon gods and manipulate boundaries. Marisa's adept at magic and can copy other people's skillsets. If I put them into any game whatsoever I'm pretty sure they would destroy it in under 30 minutes, no biggie.

Im not sure what game theyre strongest in because their skills r pretty much the same throughout the series but i'd say Wily Beast and the Weakest Creature, if only because the powerups in that game can push their attack power over its max and shield them from damage occassionally

3 months ago

@moschidae By the sounds of it, other characters would need their own counter strategy against the girls. The ones currently on the list really don't have much to deal with them. I mean, the two of them do die in one hit which is a massive downside, but as you said they're basically the masters of dodging. I can think of a few ways they could be countered like a very fast homing projectile (probably V1's ricochet gunshots), screen clearing attack like Samus' Power Bombs, or reflecting their own projectiles back at them. But yeah there really isn't much.
Will add them since they're certainly powerful, though I'm very curious what you mean by "manipulate boundaries" cause that kinda sounds like it implies Reimu can warp space itself.

3 months ago

Its implied that Reimu has learned some of Yukari's techniques for manipulating boundaries, in aocf she can straight up create gaps like the ones Yukari uses to teleport though thats a special instance. I looked it up on the wiki page for her and it seems I got a little confused with barrier manipulation which is apparently a different thing.
Wikipedia describes it like this: 'Reimu displays great aptitude with magical barriers (beyond that normally associated with shrine maidens), presumably related to her work in maintaining the Great Hakurei Barrier. Among her techniques are barriers that explode, push enemies (or herself), or allow her to teleport. Reimu is capable of dismantling barriers and seals too complex for Marisa Kirisame and Patchouli Knowledge to understand, with what Marisa calls her "cheat technique".'

Lotsa weird shit in touhou so its easy to get confused ^_^'

3 months ago

By "strongest" I assume you mean "most likely to be able to beat the ass of everyone else on the list" the first one that comes to mind is Asura. I believe he may be canonically immortal; he survives for some centuries buried in rock at least. Over the course of his narrative he accomplishes a number of ludicrous feats of strength, including kicking the crap out of a god the size of a planet using nothing but his six fists and some truly impressive lumbars.

3 months ago

@cowboyjosh I'm well aware of Asura but I'm honestly hesitant. Not because he isn't canonically powerful, he's arguably the strongest of all, but this list is more power scaling based on gameplay actions rather then story and cutscenes. Like, imagine if one of these protagonists showed up in someone else's game but their skillset and abilities were not balanced for the game itself, but rather is 1-to-1 the same as their original game. That make sense?
But Asura's Wrath is challenging since it merges cutscenes and gameplay at every waking opportunity it can. And even during the standard action game segments, it implements many context sensitive actions and QTEs. If you took the action segments and removed the latter, then Asura wouldn't be too impressive in the grand scheme of things. This list is more for controlling immensely powerful characters that can do so much dynamic shit. And it's hard to argue how much you actually control Asura if you can't activate his six arms on command, or if you can only deflect giant orbs when the game tells you you can.

Sorry if this list wasn't as clear cut as it seemed at first, but I'm not opposed to hearing otherwise.

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