Honestly a pretty phenomenal bit of dlc, I'm a but sad I didn't play it sooner but that's what tends to happens when a lot of games you're excited for come out around the same time. I was a bit disappointed at first when it was revealed it wasn't an epilogue as both me and several other people felt the main story would have benefited and while the ending of this dlc does try to give some closure to that I would say some of grievances with the main game ending weren't completely answered. But ignoring and just looking at the dlc on it's own, this was just a good time. Lot's of exploration that rewards you, a more fine tuned battle system that feels great, a fun and frankly insane party gameplay wise that can pull off some crazy damage. Game was just fun from beginning to end.

Easily one of my favourite games of all time. This recent replay has only heightened my love for it. Story, gameplay, characters, setting, I really don't have any major problems with any of it. I'm glad I was able to replay this game and fall in love with all over again.

man crazy how no matter how much you polish a turd it's still a turd

Asura's wrath can be described as a very shallow experience when it comes down to it. But despite that this game has so much charm and style to it that it more than makes up for any big issues that come from the style of game it is. Probably like 60-70% of this game are qte cutscenes that will present you with some of the sickest shit you've ever seen in your life. Meanwhile that 30-40% is a mixture of a 3D fighter and a on rails shooter. Don't ask me how it all works cause it just kinda does. The story and characters have all the subtlety of an atom bomb but I think the over the top nature of it all works and it sucks that the true ending of the game is locked behind dlc that can be hard to experience nowadays cause I think those last 4 episodes have easily the best story and character moments in the whole game. This game is in desperate need of a definitive edition so the dlc can be preserved in a better way cause I emulated this game and getting the dlc to work that was a process in a half but seeing how we've seen hide nor hair of this game since it's release i have my doubts. Regardless the game itself was very sick experience that I'm glad i got to experience.

Alright my completely objective rating for this game is an 8/10. The game has a lot of great moments and is really fun and interesting overall with just a few shortcomings that will hopefully being ironed out with some future games (hopefully there are future games in this style). HOWEVER if I'm not being an objective hard nose......... I LOVED THIS GAME. MADE ME FEEL LIKE A KID PLAYING POKEMON AGAIN. 10/10 I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK HHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

might be the most boring game I've ever played

Just another version of one of the worst jrpgs I've ever played but now you can play as a female protagonist..... yay..... oh and I guess you can actually control your party members in this one, which is an actual welcomed improvement over the original... too bad it's still persona 3.

This is a very unique and interesting platformer, It's not perfect but the ideas presented here are really fun and interesting. One of which is how "power ups" are handled. Basically the power ups in this game can only be obtained from certain enemy attacks but they're not always helpful in fact at points they're outright detrimental. Which is I found to be very interesting as a enemy I was just avoiding in one level is now an enemy I'm actively trying to be hit by now to gain a new form. Light puzzle solving and fun level design is spawned from this design and it makes the game stand out from other 2d platformer. It's not all gold but when it hits, it hits really well.

After playing it on and off for a couple years I finally decided to dig in and fully playthrough cuphead and it was pretty darn good. The game does have a few snags, the run and gun levels aren't very fun and pale in comparison to the boss fights and there are 2-3 fights in the game that I'm not a big fan of, but outside of those misteps you have an amazing looking, an amazing sounding, and a amazingly fun game with some of the best boss fights in the business.

I don't think I can do final fantasy 6 justice with a review so I won't. This game was just a phenomenal time and yeah I could nitpick all kinds of things but that's all they are just nitpicks. This was an absolutely incredible game that I had the pleasure to play and one that I wish that I played much earlier in my life. Final fantasy 6 is a keeper and a absolute incredible way to end off the classic sprite based final fantasies after this I'm curious how the playstation games will hold and when I get back around to it, how my previous favorite final fantasy, ff9 will hold up to it. But for now I can just bask in the enjoyment I had with this game.

Idk what the fuck the sudden dislike bandwagon is about for this game but I ain't for it. Game is still a lot of fun to play and looks great for the console it was released on. I'm guessing ultimate ruined this game rep a bit and the people who are suddenly disliking are probably the same people who think 06 and forces have hidden missed potential.

A really fun co-op rougelike horror game. This is one of those situations where it being early access is very much a positive for me as it means that there's still a lot to look forward to with this game.

OH. MY. GOD. I've heard how bad bubsy 3D is, everyone has, but this has to be played to be believed like Jesus christ. I knew it was going to be bad but I had no idea just how bad. This feels like I'm playing the first draft of a 3D game in a high school programming class. I don't know how this game ever got released.

I don't generally hate games, yeah I can find them boring or uninteresting but rarely do I actually hate a game. Mega man X6 on the other hand is an exception. Never have I played a game so miserable and broken to the point where some of the design choices gave me literal anxiety. So when I learned about a project that aimed to fix some of X6s problems I was interested. I'm gonna say this now while I think the attempt was admirable there are two things wrong with X6 tweaks. 1. I feel as though the people behind these patches don't fully understand the extent of X6's problems as many of the "issues" they fixed were very minor or inconsequential like the translation or updating some sprite work. 2. X6 has so many deep rooted issues that I feel like to make the game better you would have to go in and change huge portions of the game and not just tweak some things. Like I said I can admire the attempt but I feel like not only is X6 beyond saving but the problems addressed were not X6's biggest ones.

Well after trying for several years I've finally managed to complete a playthrough of super metroid and as i expected this one does unfortunately rank at the bottom of my metroid list. Which currently consists of it, fusion, zero mission, and dread. Super metroid was the first metroid game I attempted to play and it unfortunately left a sour taste in mouth and made me steer away from the metroid series as whole for several years until finally giving zero mission a shot last year. And after enjoying it and especially enjoying dread I thought I'd finally go back and give super a chance now that I had more experience under my belt and I can at least say I did enjoy this game a lot of my second visit with my prior experience with the series. However this is still easily my last favourite of the 4 I've played. I'm not a fan of being completely lost and when you combine that with how samus controls like a wet sock in this game the constant back and forth gets very tiring after awhile and despite my playtime only be about 4-5 hours it still took me several days to finish super due to the fact I had to take constant breaks. The boss fights in this game are also a low point with ridley in particular just not being a fun or interesting fight. But I am glad to say while it still ranks low on the totem pole for me I can now at least enjoy super for the things it does do right.