level design near the end kinda ass but whatever, still good game

better plot than rent-a-girlfriend

too floaty, dog f2p model, good enough to play with friends ig

this is one of the mario kart games of all time

thank hylia for zeldadungeon guides

good game, but i'm deducting half a star solely because i'm hard-stuck 2800

edit: i have achieved 3200, so it's going up to an 8/10 🙂

playing with the goku mod is 10/10

90% of gamblers quit before they hit it big (i am both the 90% and the 10%)

fun movement and mechanics but some levels are bit too ragebait

too much locked behind paid dlc and i could never play this game singleplayer, but enjoyable with friends

my enjoyability of this game ranges vastly on the seasons, but it's insane to see how far this game has come since 2017

while the other games might have higher peaks, aa1 to me arguably has the most consistent quality

nasu, koyama, and the type-moon team cooked so hard in 2012, it's insane that everything from the writing to the presentation was able to hold up so well with just a new hd coat of paint and new voices. now if only nasu could just finish lostbelt and red garden so that he can get back to writing more peak (even if mahoyo 2 ends up as an anime instead of a vn)

also vn doomers can say what they want, but i believe in ufotable doing mahoyo justice