Part time illustrator, part time musician, spare time gamer.
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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus


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A Short Hike
A Short Hike

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Ok, I heard this game was hard, challenging and stuff. But I didn't expect it to be that hard. I love that it quicksaves in each new room and that the loading when you die is instantaneous so that you never loose focus. Very charming story (won't spoil) that really goes along with the challenges the game throws at you. It CAN be frustrating, but I'm really glad I took my time to beat it.

I played this game when it first came out, and It's gameplay mechanics completly blew me away. It was so fresh and appealing and fun to play. The story and characters seemed interesting as well. I didn't finish the game back then. But I have now. Playing this after beating Hades 1 does a bad service to the innovations this game brought at launch, because Hades is far superior in every aspect. It still remains an enjoyable experience, I love Red (protagonist) design and the various builds you can explore during your playthrough, the story is not super deep but you have some interesting insight of the lore in the "skills" menu, and I also really like the dynamic going on beetween Red and the other co-protagonist. Solid 4/5.

A short, intense, beautiful experience. Amazing art-direction, very original character design, fresh concept, music by S. Wilson, ultra touching. Highly recommended.

A note that I really liked: In this title we explore a single map, over and over again, having the opportunity to truly discover its many details and enjoying the details of a level design closely linked to the gameplay mechanics. What's cool and unusual about this backtracking sections is that they don't feel repetitive or frustrating, but rather, they give a satisfying feeling of discovery.