152 Reviews liked by AngelFlash

It's okay when Valve does it. They are so lucky they've got Olympic dickriders in every sector.

People treating this game like hitler 2 have never had a serious moment in their lives.

The game series jump to 3D was very good but the gameplay changes and the loss of it's art style makes the experience shallow.

I left my controller propped against a book for days to get the 100 hours achievement

does a GODAWFUL job easing you into the game but once you get the hang of it this is a fun as fuck brutal racing game with an ocean of depth

I can confirm that this is a scarier game than Resident Evil 8.


The BBTAG of its franchise and nobody wants to believe that's true.

This is the best fighting game ever made if you only play Smash Bros

it's a miracle that this game didn't instantly destroy the franchise instnatly on release

When I was in high school there was literally nothing in the world funnier than the title of this game.