One of the most satisfying gameplay loops I have ever had the joy of experiencing

BANGER SOUNDTRACK, OH MY GOD!!! What a god damn jam.

Oh and the game itself is nice too xD
I loved the movement and the crisp pixel graphics. The Messenger also features stellar writing that actually made me care about dialogue boxes in a 2D platformer - how crazy is that?! I really enjoyed the first traditional platformer half of the game, but the linear nature of most of the game's areas are also a reason as to why I am a bit split on the Metroidvania part of the Messenger. Long linear paths just don't synergise well with an open Metroidvania progression. That's why I feel like there should be more quicktravel portals, as it got pretty annoying by the end to go through the same linear paths over and over again.

Absolutely incredible DLC. This hit me even harder than the original game.


ABZÛ looks, sounds and feels amazing. But that's pretty much it. Yes, it achieves everything it sets out to do with its amazing atmosphere and design, but there isn't enough game here in this video game for me. It is a perfect game to write a term paper on though, trust me, I'm talking from experience here.

Before Breath of the Wild came along, this was my favourite Zelda game. Back then, this often made me feel like the odd one out but these days, it's a lot more common to find people who enjoy this game.

Idk why, but the motion controls are just enjoyable to me. Yes, they sometimes make me yell at the screen, but I feel like it works a lot more often than most people say. I also liked the linearity of the different areas. It's as if the entire overworld is a dungeon this time around. Speaking of dungeons, those are great here as well. Think of the sand ship or the water temple (which is actually a lot of fun in this Zelda game, weird, I know).

And the art style, it's so gorgeous! Everything looks like a painting and the game aged incredibly well because of it. Skyward Sword is also the first Zelda game with a fully orchestrated soundtrack, if I remember correctly, which is just a perfect match for this franchise.

I could go on for a lot longer about what I love about Skyward Sword, like the characters, the atmosphere, the premise that Zelda is Link's girlfriend now, the game's setting in the beginning of the timeline etc etc...

Wario Land 3 oozes with creativity. Such a wacky, weird and different platformer. I also really enjoyed that you can only lose time (and technically money, I guess) in this game, it made it more fun and less stressful to play through. Some puzzles were a bit too obscure for me though.

This has got to be the most unique Mario sports game there is. And of all things it's about football, one of THE most mainstream sports in the world. The irony!

Charged is just such a stylised game, I love it. The mechanic of charging up your ball along with the special shots of both the captains and the team mates, the unique maps and everything else they added guarantees a chaotic match every time you play. Anything can happen here. And the campaign is also brutally difficult, so you have something to really sink your teeth into.

However, having to catch the special shot balls with the Wii-mote is too gimicky for my liking. And this game is also not really well-suited for playing against friends, because there's always one person who is way better than everyone else, because they actually know the game.

Yet still, the game's sheer amount of personality makes this one of my favourite Mario spin-offs. Everyone is so expressive here and the characters show facets of themselves that they usually never do. It's a great time!

This is my favourite Mario 64 ROM Hack. An oldie, but a goodie. The level design still holds up today and it's just fun to see all of the game's wacky worlds.

I probably like this one the most, because it doesn't deviate a lot from the normal Mario 64 experience. No crazy gimmicks or anything. Just a lot of fun new stars to collect.

I thought this was the coolest shit ever as a kid

Mario Sunshine is a very weird case. There is SO MUCH wrong with this game. Countless glitches, weird difficulty spikes and dozens of shine sprites that were clearly thrown in just to fluff the game to a total of 120. The blue coins are an especially infamous example of this. It's clearly rushed and unfinished. Not allowing the player to choose, which missions they want to complete is also a questionable choice at best.

But I still love it everytime I complete it. I can't even really explain why. It'd probably because of how the game feels to control. Mario feels so snappy and jumping around in Delfino Plaza is just fun in itself. In that regard, it's pretty similar to Mario 64. Moving around feels good. And the theming oh GOD, THE THEMING!!! Listening to the soundtrack and seeing the gorgeous levels brings me to my happy place. Mario Sunshine isn't just fun to control, it's also fun to look at. Maybe I also like it so much, because it's so weird and different in comparison to the other 3D Marios. It has this daring nature of trying out something completely different with its franchise that so many GameCube games seem to have. By this point, I can find everything I need for 100% without consulting a guide, because I have played it so much and once I reached that point, Mario Sunshine became even more fun.

A revolutionary game that I just can't play anymore these days. The fact that the game's controls are unbearable for me really show how far platformers have come over the years. An absolute classic, sure, but I don't enjoy playing it.

WarioWare is always a blast! And this one features so many minigames, it's almost addicting with the amount of content - or so I thought. See, I played through it, but never felt like coming back. I really don't know why. Maybe it's missing some of the retro charm of WarioWare Inc.. I've had my fun nonetheless tho.

This is Nintendo at their greediest

Kirby's Pinball Land never managed to hook me.

I do really appreciate all of the ideas that HAL tried out with this game. So many experiments and ideas in one single game, it's great. And it also feels so polished. I much prefer this artstyle over the one from Dream Land 3.

However, Super Star is the game that made me realise that I hate how Kirby games feel to control. It just all feels very stiff to me. Controling Kirby gives me no sense of flow, in fact it makes me feel very annoyed. Sorry Kirby.