continued the level of excellence of the predecessor, even more harrowing atmosphere and sound-design (some of the scares are brilliant), Heather is a great lead, the gameplay has some new additions with the blocking/dodging mechanics and more varied weapon animations, the visuals are impressive for the PS2 especially when the character models and faces are concerned, this came out 2 years after Silent Hill 2 and Team Silent/Konami managed to step up their game even more.

I felt that the pacing and some of the narrative aspects were inferior to Silent Hill 2 though and that game is still my favorite out of the ones that I played so far but nonetheless an excellent survival horror game, these games are all very unique.

I get it now, harrowing atmosphere and sound design that gets to your skin, excellent story, phenomenal soundtrack, the gameplay didn't feel dated at all (especially when using the 2D control scheme) and worked really well.

maybe there was an abundance of resources and ammo throughout the game which made enemy encounters no feel that dangerous anymore especially during the later stages of the campaign and also the fact that James can essentially insta-kill anyone if you make him kick enemies that are downed which trivializes a lot of encounters but nonetheless an fantastic experience, if you are into classic survival horror and psychological stories this game is an must-play.

an overall improvement over the first one on the gameplay and presentation aspects, the combat is more faster and exciting, the lightsaber attacks and combos just has more weight to them, using the Force powers is still pretty cool, the gameplay still feels entertaining and dynamic thanks to the technology that the game runs.

the presentation and polish is also miles better, the visuals on the first Force Unleashed were already dated even by 2008 standards but this is definitely better game in terms of graphics and audio, it's more defined and extravagant overall. the same goes to the polish, the animations are better and the jankiness got drastically reduced. the game still runs at 30 FPS on the PC version and trying to fix this brings issues with the physics but I felt it was less apparent than the first game.

unfortunely the story is even worse than the first game and it has less content going on, the writer had just 3 weeks to write this whole game and it shows, it's clear that they had no clue on how they should continue Starkiller's story, the first game just felt more conclusive in regards to his character arc, some of the cutscenes are also cringe inducing. the whole thing is also painfully short even more so than the first game, I finished the whole thing in one sitting and the amount of extras doesn't do any favors if we are talking about replayabliity.

overall an solid and fun game in terms of gameplay, the production values got bigger too, I think if they had more time during development this game would "redeem" this franchise, it's an shame that the third game got canned after Disney bought Lucasarts.

fairly solid hack'n slash, satisfying lightsaber combat, the freedom that they give you to use these Force powers is pretty cool as well, the best aspect of this game though is definitely the technology behind it, the fact that nearly everything can be destroyed and pushed is awesome. enemy AI is also quite advanced, trying to stay up after getting pushed, dodging objects thrown at them or grabbing to save themselves from an long fall, nearly every time that you interact with an enemy their reaction is always different, I miss when games had this focus on cutting-edge technology that goes along with the game design.

the rest is kinda meh, the story is entertaining but the writing is nothing special not to mention the short length of it, the animations and overall polish are both janky as hell, huge amount of technical issues too, the PC port is capped at 30 FPS but that can be fixed very easily even though it does bring issues related to physics and audio if you try to up the framerate. focusing their efforts to make the technology work within the game meant a huge lack of polish in most of the other areas most likely.

overall I still had fun even with those issues, the gameplay is entertaining and dynamic enough to warrant an playthrough.

the best playing Metal Gear game by far, the controls and animations are incredibly smooth and satisfying, every action that Snake can pull off is impactful and easy to do no matter how complicated it might sound, the amount of gadgets to use and the overall sandbox is also pretty fantastic, the Fulton System is an great idea, I love that the AI is also adaptative to your actions, changing their tactics on each encounter. the gun combat is also very flexible and exciting now, no longer I had the urge to restart an encounter after being detected like in the previous games.

the presentation is still excellent, great visuals for an 2015 game, sure things like textures and the overall geometry of the enviroment might not be that impressive anymore but the character models and optimization is definitely wizardry.

unfortunely the rest is marred down by game design issues and overall lack of direction likely because of time constraints, I don't think going open-world was the right move for the fifth Metal Gear game, both Afghanisthan and Africa are incredibly empty and just lack any personality to make these maps stand out, every mission in this game is also the same beginning to end, either go to an location to rescue an target, destroy vehicles or elimination missions.

the Mother Base hub is also pretty undercooked, there is basically no reason to ever go back to it, you can manage everything directly through the iDroid just fine and the only reward for getting back are random cutscenes that lasts 1 minute at best. the fact that they included timers akin to contemporary mobile games is incredibly annoying, I just love to wait for nearly an hour for every equipment or platform I choose to craft and for some reason this time doesn't pass if you turn off the game, grinding out soldiers or resources to make the best equipment during the mid to late game stages was also rough.

I don't think that the story is bad like many people point it out to be, I enjoy the characters and some of the moments are the strongest this series had seen but I can't deny that the story is non-existent for an good portion of the game, the fact that they hide important story details behind casette tapes is enfuriating, I missed the long cutscenes too, I know people tends to dislike them but I think they were an nice way to break up the pacing a bit with all that extra explanations and plot ploints. there are story arcs missing from the game, Chapter 2 is almost exclusively composed of repeated missions that you just got through but with extra modifiers, there is basically 2 missions in the entirely of that chapter that actually matter to the storyline and 1 mission that got removed before getting completed that would have solved an leftover story arc and offer a more satisfying ending.

overall this is still an good game, fantastic gameplay mechanics and there is fun to be had, excellent visuals and optimization. the characters are great and some of the moments are some of the best in the series even though the story is certainly incomplete. game design shortcomings in the form of the Mother Base, mission design and the overall open-world makes it difficult to go back and play this game again, it's an excellent stealth game even with these shortcomings and I think it's worth playing it if you enjoy this type of game.

excellent sequel, pretty much everything from the predecessor has been expanded and improved in every way, the presentation is amazing, the gameplay which allows even more options and approaches such as being able to hang from raillings or hide enemy guards's bodies on a locker, tranquilizer weapons and of course the first-person aiming, it's such an better stealth game than the first game. the story is also somehow even better than the predecessor, playing them back to back was extremely rewarding, the Arsenal Gear section along with the ending might be one of my favorites that I had encountered in an game, it's creepy and unique, the fact that the themes are so relevant today makes it scary.

maybe the only things that I find it better on MGS1 were the antagonists, some of the pacing and the setting, something about Big Shell doens't hit as hard as Shadow Moses did but what we have here is also great.

overall an brilliant game, it's everything an sequel should strive to be, play it.

slightly better than the previous 2 DLCs, it has good additions ranging to an more open-ended structure and the addition of the grappling hook which makes exploration and navigation more fun.

Ignis is pretty fun to play although his moveset is pretty cinematic when compared to the previous characters, just switch your elemental daggers and mash the attack button until enemies are dead, there is no interesting mechanics or depth to him. it's better than Prompto but not that much, Gladio still has my favorite moveset alongside Noctis.

the storyline does wonders for Ignis's character though, his sacrifice near the end was beautiful and helps understand some of the base game's plot holes, Ravus getting some screen time is also good, some of the strongest moments of storytelling that this game had seen are in this DLC. the soundtrack and presentation are also really good.

overall an decent hour of playthrough, I think it's essential if you want more of this game's storyline and wants some answers, the idea of an alternate ending is also pretty neat.

very advanced for an 1998 game, the voice-acting, attention to detail and story are ahead of it's time in terms of being an Playstation game, it still holds up if played today with some caveats.

the gameplay is a bit quirky to get through especially when shooting enemies is concerned if not aiming with Snake's pistol but it's simple enough for you to get the hang of it soon enough and it works well once you do, switching items is pretty intuitive, the UI design is also rather good for this time period.

the pacing is excellent, the game never loses steam for an long time, I never felt that the game was too long or too short.

the boss fights range from cool to slightly annoying though, the Tank and Helicopter fights comes to mind. Sniper Wolf, Ocelot, Gray Fox and Psycho Mantis were really good though.

pretty much the only thing that I didn't like about Metal Gear Solid is it's final section, uninspired backtracking take place on an otherwise well-paced game up to that point, the final showdown against Metal Gear and the main villain is also not that good on an gameplay perspective.

overall an brilliant game, it aged really well and it's definitely worth an playthrough, made me excited for the sequel's potential improvements, I will definitely play the GameCube remake when I am done with the rest of the games.

about the same level as the Gladio DLC but with an good story to accompany it this time, Prompto gets an much needed character development and his backstory is pretty tragic compared to the rest of the game.

his gameplay mechanics are okay I guess? shooting his weapons feels a bit clunky and it takes a good while to get used to but overall his moveset is way less interesting than Gladio and the other friends. the boss fights range from good to mediocre, there is only 2 through the whole DLC, the first one is interesting and the final boss is just an boring turret section.

the DLC has an "open-world" hub later on but it never gets properly explored, likely because of budget or time constraints.

overall another decent DLC, it's combat design may fail to captivate but the storyline makes it up for it, it's worth playing if you like the character or the game.

this was all right I guess, Gladio has an really nice moveset that feels satisfying to play with, nailling his parries and greatsword was awesome. the boss fights are equally good too, Cor and Gilgamesh were both challenging and pretty fun.

the rest is meh, there is some minor character development for Gladio but that's about it, you can finish this in 1 hour, the fact that Square made you pay for this back then is really weird, at least the game is mostly sold with all the DLC these days so you have this for free.

the perfect western game, replayed it after playing through RDR2. the gameplay/combat is way more snappy and satisfying than the prequel, switching weapons is faster, enemies have less health overall, turning off auto aim is actually feasible and cover is not necessary to fully enjoy the gunplay, the hit reactions that the weapons provide plus the sound design is also superior, this is the undeniable better game when it comes to bring an solid third-person shooter experience. only thing that I think it's better on RDR2 is the Dead Eye mechanic, it's somewhat stiff to use here.

the atmopshere and music is also outstanding, basically the perfect representation of an spaghetti western.

the dialogue and voice-acting is also pretty fantastic, Rob Wiethoff as John Marston kills it on every delivery, the ending is one of my favorites in gaming, the message behind it is tragic and mature, I can't think of an better way to end this franchise and this story.

this game also suffers from the classic Rockstar's outdated mission design though, prepare to face countless hours of horse riding and herding cows while following NPCs and go to point A to B with nothing new to offer, it's not worse than RDR2 though as the second half of the storyline is basically just shootouts and action, at least is more fun.

overall an fantastic game even today, close contender for the best game Rockstar put out on their history of incredible titles.

shit this is pretty great, adorable art-style and it fits really well, the visuals are gorgeous for the Switch, lots of smaller details when it comes to animations and sounds too.

the rest is fairly standard for an top-down Zelda game, lots of dungeons and exploring to do, this is definitely one of the better ones when it comes to that, considering that this was originally made for the Game Boy there is a lot of quality in here, I really liked the 2D platforming elements and clever references/easter eggs to Nintendo's array of characters.

overall this is an great Zelda game, fun dungeons and really cute visuals, I bet that this also have tons of improvements over the original game. only thing that I didn't enjoyed was the length, it's a bit too long and some players may feel that the game is dragging itself down after the fifth dungeon.

The Last of Us is one of the best experiences that an fellow player can have, the solid gameplay mechanics, outstanding writing and world-building, phenomenal soundtrack, it's an special game and an one of kind experience.

in terms of this remake though, yeah it's totally useless. the visuals definitely got improved but that was the bare minimum, the actual features are disappointing, the only new thing that this has over the original PS3 release or PS4 Remaster that directly affects gameplay is the animation, things like the weapon upgrade bench, Joel checking up lore notes or the way he interacts with the enviroment is definitely better, I am an animation junkie and seeing those details being more realized here made me happy but for the value of 70 dollars though? this alone doesn't make it worth it. what about including the prone mechanic featured on Part 2, blocking and dodging attacks, more cut content maybe? there is not an single new addition in terms of game modes, the multiplayer got canned too.

the visuals were already masterful back on the PS3, of course it's better here but I can't deny that I liked the art direction as it was before, character designs are often better in their previous version as well.

the PC port is in an better state than before, I played on Steam Deck and had a few frame dips but overall an okay experience.

overall I will give the rating based on the game, this re-release though it's not worth it, stick to the PS4 Remaster, the art direction is better and the price point is wayy cheaper, you will get basically the same game without the extra visual fidelity and the multiplayer included.

fantastic writing and message, Arthur Morgan is one of the best characters in any media and that's not counting the rest of this game's cast, for an storyline perspective this whole game is extremely rewarding and compelling, what a ride. enjoyable combat and exploration, the game world feels alive/immersive and activities like hunting or fishing enhances that feeling perfectly, finely crafted on these details.

the missions are extremely restrictive and rigid on their design, almost all of them consists of following an NPC around, the classic Rockstar Games trope of mashing or holding A to accompany them and listen to endless dialogues until the player reaches their destination which usually culminates on an shooting gallery, repeat that for 60 hours and you got Red Dead 2's whole campaign gameplay. the movement is pretty clunky, taking cover is an pain in the ass and taking turns is just as bad, it's reliance on slow burn animations to every action that the player wants to do are all huge problems, definitely prefer the snappiness of the first game in comparison.

there are some undercooked mechanics too such as the health, energy and Dead Eye cores could have been more fleshed out, maybe some more needs such as hunger or thrist would have made more sense I imagine. the Van Der Linde camp mechanic is also equally useless, there is no consequences if you want to help or not, upgrades doesn't seem to do any difference aside from fast travel, I would say to unlock this and never bother with the mechanic at all.

the game does suffer an drop on writing quality once you reach Guarma, it's not an bad section but it's overall uninteresting compared to any previous and future story arcs, feel like they should have gone more crazy about it or just cut it entirely in favor of something else, the whole buildup to this chapter feels very rushed.

even with these problems I can't deny that this is an overall brilliant game, it deserves this rating, the story and character writing makes the experience worthwhile and that's not counting the immersive open-world and fun side activities, the combat is enjoyable enough for those seeking an solid third person shooter. look for varied activities if you want to enjoy this though, I can't imagine someone blasting through this game's whole storyline that easily reach up to 60 hours without getting tired.

another solid Suda51 game, pretty stylized with an great art-style and soundtrack, decent hack'n slash centric combat, extremely fun boss encounters with the sole exception being the final boss, fun humor and storyline.

the game does get a bit repetitive later on but thankfully the experience is not very long to make things tiring, I finished it in 5 hours.

overall an great time, it's nice that this is getting ported to more platforms very soon, more people should definitely play it.