one of the best 2D platformers ever made, fantastic presentation, responsive controls, incredibly varied and creative level-design and packed with content even including the predecessor's levels, real shame that Ubisoft will probably not top it if they ever make a sequel.

an classic and still holds up, incredibly tight controls and movement, satisfying difficulty and great presentation.

some of the later worlds can be a bit too much in terms of difficulty (especially chapter 4 and 5) but overall it was an enjoyable ride, the new soundtrack by Ridiculon is definitely not as memorable compared to Danny B's music but it's not that bad.

genuinely one of the best games in 2023 and it came out of nowhere, Gravity Circuit has some of the most perfect controls and game feel in the genre, just moving around with Kai feels fast and satisfying, the combat is equally great and I love how customizable the entire moveset is.

the presentation is also fantastic, banger soundtrack and beautiful pixel-art graphics.

the level design is also pretty good although not perfect, some of the platforming sections felt a bit out of place and odd to get through in some of the levels (especially the final levels) but it was almost always an pleasure playing through them thanks to how varied they are across the board.

the Switch version has some long loading screens and slowdowns here and there but it's still an smooth salling if you want to grab it on this console.

overall I can't think on other major issues I had with this game, it's one of the best 2D platformers I ever played in my entire life, everyone should try this, shame that it's not getting the attention it deserves.

after nearly 10 months since playing through almost all of the mainline Super Mario games I finally got the chance to grab an Switch and play this game, it was really worth the wait.

Super Mario Odyssey is nearly perfect in terms of game feel, Mario's movement is such an joy to mess around, the controls are incredibly tight and fluid.

Cappy is an great new addition for the series, the hat has a lot of movement/attack options and the capture mechanic screams Nintendo's inventiveness and creativity when creating these games.

the presentation is equally phenomenal, looks gorgeous and amazing music as usual.

speaking about some of the issues I felt that some of the moon collectibles were a bit too easy to collect, a lot of them can be simply be bought from a shop or simply scattered in the open without any challenge, boss fights were in the easy side as well but I still enjoyed them.

overall Super Mario Odyssey has some of the most perfect controls and movement I ever seen in an 3D platformer, fantastic presentation, great level-design and exploration, it's such an complete and polished package all around, 3D platforming fans and Switch owners can't miss this.

good follow-up, moving around as Spider-Man in New York is still an blast and the combat is more enjoyable than ever thanks to the newly added Venom abilities.

the storyline is a bit forgettable though, painfully generic villans and lack of interesting characters, had potential but felt rushed probably because of the overall short length of this whole game.

it's an good offering and an must-play if you enjoy the previous game, an sweet and short platinum trophy as well.

mechanically fantastic third-person shooter, gunplay and movement feels like an damn dream to handle, unique storyline and great presentation, it really showcases the PS5's unique features such as the controller haptics and 3D sounds.

the roguelike elements are a bit mixed for me though, runs lasts for too long with little to no reward between each attempt, weapons perks and artifacts do not feel unique and varied enough to incentive an strong replayability.

still enjoyed this a lot as an shooter, this is probably the best game the PS5 has to offer so far, a shame that is a bit overlooked.

an even more refined version of the previous 2 Crash games, great controls and impressive presentation, solid level-design and variety.

funnily enough this variety might be the most weakest aspect of Warped, it's an welcome change of pace after 2 platforming heavy games but Naughty Dog went a bit too far with the number of vehicle levels and some of them were either brutally hard or too long sometimes, I appreciate their attempt to give more gameplay variety but the 3D platforming levels were easily the most enjoyable and what I looked forward the most during my playtime.

still an great game, full of content and charm, just an top-notch 3D platformer when it needs to be, I can see why people consider it to be the best Crash game on the Playstation and this was an solid end for Naughty Dog's ventures with the series before moving on to other things.

an solid improvement over the predecessor, the controls were essentially perfected with this entry, controlling Crash feels great and some of his newly added moves are fantastic, I really loved the Slide + Jump combo.

the visuals continues to be on point, even more expressive and vivid.

sound-effects and music are both still strong as ever.

level-design also saw some improvements with less trial and error levels and more gimmicks to spice them up, same goes to the bonus levels no longer being an shore and instead is acessible during an level unlike the first game.

the hub levels are an interesting addition although I definitely prefer the connected world map of the previous game, I liked the sense of journey as Crash explores the islands as he approaches the castle, Crash 2 feels a bit disconnected with the levels this time around but it was not of an big deal considering on how enjoyable the rest of the game is.

overall Crash 2 is an solid improvement and Naughty Dog pretty much perfected 3D platformer movement, it felt great moving and jumping around with Crash, let's see how Warped improved even more in the formula.

good Remake of the first Souls game, it's amazing on how much FromSoftware got right in the formula in their first try, everything is here, intricate level designs, combat mechanics and amazing enviroments/world-building.

the presentation on this Remake is divisive amongst fans mainly because of the changed art-direction and reworked soundtrack, I didn't played the original game before so I enjoyed what the Remake brought here as an first time player, the game looks absolutely gorgeous, it's one of the best looking games I ever played, it runs in an steady framerate and the visual effects and enviroments look amazing.

in terms of difficulty, it definitely felt challenging as with most of the Souls games, enemies are brutal and traps are abundant, the bosses felt mixed in quality, some were good while others were too easy or gimmicky.

overall Demon's Souls is still an solid game, everything we love about the Souls games started here and I was surprised on how much they got right here in terms of gameplay and structure right of the gate, the Remake might be divisive but for an first time player this is an good and acessible alternative, I will surely play the original 2009 game if I got the chance.

fun 3D platformer, decent controls and great presentation, some of the visuals look very lively and expressive for the Playstation, the music and sound effects are catchy and iconic.

the level-design is okay for an first entry, some of the later levels are really difficult though, weird trial and error platforming challenges and odd enemy placements.

Crash's jumps are a bit slippery as well, this is very noticiable in platform heavy levels such as Road to Nowhere or some of the temple levels.

still an somewhat competent 3D platformer, looking forward to the sequels.

this is probably the best beat'n up made by Capcom I played thus far, the combat is great and satisfying, the hitstop effects, sounds and the general character's movesets are all great.

same goes to the presentation, great music and visuals but that is expected from Capcom at the time honestly.

overall an great game, it's an shame that this is still an Arcade exclusive and it never received any form of a re-release even to this day likely because of licensing issues, this is probably one of the best beat'n ups ever made and the fact that this remain only in one platform is criminal especially for people who can't acess emulation that easily.

another great beat'n up by Capcom, I think they never miss when it comes at this genre at the time, brawling is satisfying alongside the great presentation makes it up for an good time.

this is really good, probably Frictional's best work since SOMA, Bunker's non-linear level-design, immersive survival horror mechanics and atmosphere/sound-design are all great and an much needed departure after SOMA and Amnesia Rebirth's overly linear design with zero interesting gameplay mechanics to engage the player.

it may be a bit short (I finished in 3 hours) and the monster's IA is not that compelling or interesting like others in the genre such as the Xenomorph on Alien Isolation which I believe was the main source of inspiration for them, it's okay but not what I expected for this kind of game.

some other stuff in the gameplay and perfomance are a bit wonky, things like reloading and shooting guns felt off and the game has a bit of stuttering and loading screens when entering other areas not to mention the 60 FPS lock on the PC version.

overall this is great, anyone who likes survival horror games should give it a try, this an good formula for Frictional to improve and expand in their future games.

fine beat'n up, great graphics as expected from an Capcom game in the 90s but that's about it concerning the whole package, combat has some stuff going with the heavy attacks and parrying and it feels satisfying slashing through enemies most of the time but the level variety, repetitive enemies and general repetition are lame and almost brings this title down pretty quickly.

definitely one of the weaker titles I played from Capcom's Arcade games but it's still short enough to afford an quick play.

another classic beat'n up by Capcom, it kinda feel like an spritual sucessor to the first Final Fight which is not surprising considering that this is also made by the same development team, the fast paced brawling and action on screen is awesome and on par with that game unlike it's sequels.

the presentation is also slick, beautiful sprites and good music but this is expected from Capcom at the 90s.

overall an good time.