one of the best remakes ever made, I was initially skepctical about Resident Evil 4 being remade, the original is pretty much perfect in just about anything it sets out to do and is easily available to play in every living video game system, the combat sandbox, the camera perspective, the identity and personality, it was unique and timeless especially for that time period, Capcom was at least 10 years ahead of everyone when they shipped RE4 back in 2005.

but since they were remaking RE4, let's give it an shot and see how it goes, I wans't expecting the same level of excellence the original had but oh boy did they nailed it! it's clear the amount of understanding and passion Yasuhiro Anpo's team at Capcom have for the original, everything that made the original stand out is here but essentially remixed and amped up to 11, I personally enjoyed on how much the game knows it's audience and always makes playful changes to attemp to grab veterans's expectations, it feels like an high-budget fan game in some areas and I mean that in high regard, normalize remakes that are created equal to the originals.

it also just feels great to play an game that delivers this classic PS2/game-y experience, it's not afraid to just being fun, thrilling and endlesslly replayable especially in this current video game industry's constant obcession with cinematic experiences, if you treat it like an GAME you will be rewarded and I missed that feeling.

I don't think it replaces or exceeds the original game and I think the developers also took notice of that but these two games are basically in the same level, each game has it's key differences and I honestly think that this is the best outcome if you are remaking an monumental game like this one, respect it's previous vision and try to do something different that sets it apart from that original, some remakes are 1 to 1 simply because of their aging design or limited hardware (see Metroid Zero Mission or even RE1 Remake), RE4 didn't needed something like that because the original already set an distinct standard that lots of games replicated afterwards, I am really glad they took the meaning "Remake" to it's fullest potential with this, it makes me a bit sour about Dead Space Remake in comparison.

with that said I will definitely replay this game alongside the original work for many years to come.

an good although janky 2010 gem, good writing and compelling characters supported by an fabulous voice-cast with Andy Serkis standing out as the lead and great technical prowess for it's time in terms of facial animation.

the gameplay is decent and does it's job done although it does lack some polish in most of the fronts is going for, the combat is simplistic and somewhat clumsy when surrounded by multiple enemies not to mention the camera messing up whenever Monkey hits an enemy but even with those problems the combat surprisingly kept me engaged whenever I was hitting and killing enemies thanks to the good sound-effects and visual effects, platforming takes on the automated route first introduced in Uncharted who has been a hit during that time and it is enjoyable throughout even if it lacks challenge until the end-game sections.

decent enemy-variety but the mechs themselves look uninspired and generic, boss-fights are not much better with the Dog enemy being re-used a few times with the same boring stun-lock/punch cycle until you ride him after melting down his two gigantic health bars.

the post-apocalyptic setting is not really fully realized here though, it has an nice atmosphere but it's lifeless in terms of storytelling, would have loved to see more context about the world.

overall an good game, it has an good length for it's level of polish in terms of gameplay mechanics which will likely become repetitive in 2 or so hours of playtime, the story and characters definitely kept me engaged to see the finale and it's by far the game's strength.

an excellent Remake, it's really amazing on how a 24 year old game is an masterclass in nearly every regard when compared to most modern day titles out there, from the level-design, brilliant soundtrack and pacing, perfect translation of the series's mechanics to an 3D perspective, innovative mechanics with the Z-Targeting and so on.

this Remake is easily the best version of the game, butter solid framerate, UI is more easier to navigate, improved visuals while maintaining the feel of the original's art-style, Gyro aiming, much needed improvements on the infamous Water Temple and the inclusion of Master Quest mode if you want a new challenge after finishing the game.

it has some rough edges when looking back after playing future 3D Zelda games like the empty and boring overworld or the simplistic combat for example but honestly it's nothing too harsh when comparing to it's greatests strengths.

overall one of the best games ever made and I don't think it will age at some point, the Remake is fantastic and is by far the definitive way to play it especially if you are looking to get in the series as an entry point.

good Remake of the classic Metroid II originally released for the Game Boy, fantastic new gameplay mechanics which all feel very solid evolutions on what the series offered before, being able to aim in any direction is an god-send, Aeion abilities and parrying enemy attacks are all great additions and would go to be expanded and enhanced even further on Dread which is also made by the same development team.

Metroid encounters are a lot better than AM2R which I played when I was venturing over the series back in December and I was surprised to see on how much I enjoyed their encounters here, in AM2R these encounters genuinely felt annoying and an slog to get through but here they are very fun to fight and rewards using the new parry mechanic properly.

the level-design/pacing are not as good though, some of the areas are not that interesting to move around and felt mostly the same.

overall an good effort by MercurySteam, it was an essential first step for them in order to create Dread and we all know on how well things turned out to be after that game.

one of the better games in the series, much more fleshed-out combat and RPG customization thanks to the new Glyph system which allows an extensive number of different abilities and builds to be created, fantastic music and an good storyline to boot, Shanoa is a very good female lead as well.

unfortunely the structure is a bit barebones, I appreciate the inclusion of the world map and multiple areas to choose from but most of the exploration areas felt the same kinda? there is a lot of recycling and themes being constantly used here which can be a bit repetitive fairly early on, I do appreciate the variety in some of the areas though such as in the Prison area where you have to be careful of the upcoming lights or the explosives to blow up some debris in the underwater cave areas, the game does have the central major exploration area you expect in the series through the game's last hours of playtime which is good I guess.

the balancing is not that great neither, there is simply no reason to use any of the melee Glyphs once you get the most powerful magic even if you invest a lot on them not to mention the absurd amount of damage Shanoa takes from most enemies which can feel a bit cheap considering the game's already high difficulty level.

overall an great game, the gameplay loop of combat and platforming gets extremely fun once you have all of your deadly magic in disposal, fantastic music and genuinely good story carried it, this is also one of the most challenging games in the series, it took an good amount of tries for me to get through most of the enemies and bosses in the game not to mention the more scarce healing items and save rooms, I would definitely recommend playing other games in the series if you never tried it before because this one will eat you alive pretty early if you go into it as an entry point but nonetheless I enjoyed a more difficult take on the IGAvania formula.

an step up over Dawn of Sorrow, the lack of touchscreen gimmicks and grinding makes this a lot better to enjoy.

the partner system is an very interesting addtion and I like how they played with the idea throughout the game overall.

interesting new structure with the painting worlds, they could do a lot of level-design and location variety with them and I appreciate the inclusion even if they get completely re-used in the final stages of the game, making the player complete the same 4 paintings he essentially JUST completed is not really fun.

unfortunely the actual exploration part does get a big downgrade though, you can find upgrades here and there and backtracking is most definitely still present but the game just feels more on-rails this time around and the Castle is nowhere as memorable as any of the previous games in favor of the new painting segments of course.

good visuals and fantastic music, the visuals has a fuck ton of sprites coming directly from SOTN but I get why the need of recycling.

overall an solid entry, easy grab if you like the genre

another banger in this franchise, fantastic puzzle and dungeon design, great visuals and music, enjoyable boss battles, really good new mechanics such as the ability to merge into walls and the renting system, and I loved being able to tackle dungeons in any order.

overall an must-play if you own an 3DS and likes the series.

an classic, enjoyable platforming with all of Aladdin's movement abilities, fantastic visuals courtesy of Capcom's pixel-art artists at the time and great music.

it's a bit short but nonetheless an great time, if you like the movie or platformers in general this is an good game, I will try out the Genesis version later on since it is drastically different from the Capcom game.

one of the best games on the 3DS's library of titles for sure, fluid and enjoyable combat with a great array of different weapons to use and all of it has a lot of impact and satisfying sound effects which is an standard in many of Sakurai's games, the difficulty slider is genius and creates a sense of risk/reward perfectly by making the game harder but in turn it leads to better equipment, impressive visuals and music for the 3DS, enjoyable RPG/crafting mechanics through the weapon fusion function, charming dialogue and characters.

the control scheme is certainly difficult to handle, aiming the Stylus at the touch screen feels surprisingly good and intuitive but handling the Circle Pad and pressing the left-shoulder button at the same time can and most likely will lead to excessive hand cramps very often, I had to play 3 or 4 chapters per playing session to overcome that.

overall it's an near perfect game in my eyes, the gameplay and an great number of it's mechanics are so satisfying, the dialogue and characters are lovely, really there is not an single aspect of it that I didn't like apart from the control scheme of course, would love to see some form of re-release for the Switch and an good number of people would see on how excellent this game is in nearly every regard, if you have an 3DS you can't miss this gem.

one of the best Kirby games for sure, tight controls as usual, nice new abilities, the Mech suits are awesome, stellar level-design, great boss-fights and fantastic visuals for the 3DS.

it may be a bit short and somewhat easy sometimes but this is a Kirby game after all, that is expected.

overall fantastic platformer, if you have an 3DS this is an must-play.

Smash in an portable form where you can play anywhere, what could go wrong? it has everything that makes the series great, tight controls, simple combat mechanics for beginners, good roster of classic characters and tons of content.

great visuals for the 3DS as well, everything is smooth as butter and feels great to play.

it might be standard now compared to Ultimate but the content that we have here is really nice, Smash Run especially is addicting and extremely fun to play although I found some enemies in it a bit annoying and the lack of different maps/events can be clumbersome after a while of play.

overall if you have an 3DS this is an must-have, it's simple combat mechanics can be enjoyed by anyone and an great array of fun game modes to play.

really solid entry, tight controls, great level-design and incredible visuals for the 3DS.

the Hypernova ability might get a bit repetitive later in the game but it manages to deliver some really good puzzles with it which is nice.

overall an must-play if you like platformers, Planet Robobot looks even better.

fun and serviciable little platformer/auto-runner, it is basically an advertisement to sell Pepsi in Japan but it has an distinct charm and soul on the art and music that I really enjoy, I also have lots of great memories with this game, it was the very first video-game I played and beat when I started gaming.

really ambitious for an game in the series, the approach in the storyline and more backstory about Samus is welcome in my eyes but unfortunely they got it in the worst way possible with lenghtier/boring cutscenes, questionable characterization and convoluted storyline.

the same goes to the gameplay, while it feels responsive and the dodge/close-quarters combat mechanics are really interesting, the restriciton of power-ups in an Metroid game and the constant switching between the first and third person perspective is kinda clumsy and badly implemented sometimes.

at least the boss-fights are a lot of fun honestly, Other M might have my favorite Ridley encounter in the series.

the visuals also look very good for the Wii and the same goes to the music being good as well.

overall Other M was an interesting effort but some baffiling gameplay decisions and storyline leaves something to be desired, this could be an very solid title if done right.

it's the best 2D Metroid, fantastic movement and controls, spectacular boss-fights and difficulty, solid level design and presentation, extremely refined action platformer, it's hard to find something that feels as good as this in the genre.

I am not too fond of the EMMI sections and the music is probably the weakest amongst the main Metroid games but other than that an absolute must-play.