Absolute fever dream, like it doesn't even feel real. Did I actually play it? Was I imagining it?
Was it ALL in my head?

Microsoft published a game about taking down an evil corporation. Pretty fitting, huh?

On a real note though, the game was great. It felt like a PS2 game, and I say that in the best way possible. All the issues the game had (slow pacing, too much downtime in between fights, samey environments...) could've been easily fixed in a sequel. Too bad we'll most likely never get one because the whole studio got shut down.

Nothing could've prepared me for this expansion man.
It also made me realise that telling a story like this just wouldn't be possible in a 40-50 hour RPG.
I think XIVs biggest strength is the fact that it IS an MMO and they can put an insane amount of story content in it. It truly feels like a journey.
And what a journey it is.

Contrary to popular belief, Eris Morn schizo arc was great. Eris is a great character and one of the only ones I care for in this franchise.

But unfortunately the campaign is like 2 hours long, and the content was lacking heavily due to the split from Activision.

I might be biased because I love the characters, but this was a pretty good expansion. Really liked the story and what they did with the characters, and even though the base msq kinda dragged a little, the raid and post game msq made up for it.

Remedy absolutely knows what's up when it comes to making games.
This game takes all the ideas they experimented with in their previous games and cranks them up to 11.

Can't say more without spoiling it.
Definitely go into this one blind.

It's not a loop, It's a spiral.

Sometimes, you play a game, and you immediately see how much creativity and love was put into making it.

This is definitely one of those games.

Genuinely the worst game I've ever played.
Like It's not even that it's not Assassin's Creed, the game is fundamentally bad.
Really shallow, bloated, and nonsensical, among other things.

I want my 70 hours back so I can do literally anything else with them.

This is, in my opinion, the closest a modern JRPG has gotten to replicating the feel and charm of a NES or SNES-era JRPG in 3D form.

Dragon Quest 11 has a great cast of characters with pretty good arcs, a good and solid world that could've been amazing if it was more original, and a beautiful and predictable story that has its moments.

Gameplay-wise, the game starts off very linear in its first act, gets more open in its second, and in its third, it makes you feel like you're playing an old Final Fantasy game where the only thing you're told to do is explore. The turn-based combat is pretty simple and boring most of the time and doesn't require a lot of strategy.

The biggest issue I have with the game is that in the third act, it throws all of the arcs the characters go through in the second act away, and they don't even get new ones to compensate for it.(it makes way more sense if you play it)

Overall, I quite liked my time with the game, but I don't think I'll be revisiting it. Could make for a pretty good anime, though.